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A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

Okay, I got a question for Israelis. You may destroy Iran's nuclear plants in the open but how will you destroy the underground facilities? Do you plan to send troops by foot into IRAN? :rofl: Your soldiers will get slaughtered if they go on foot. Airstrike maybe can succeed.
Ḥashshāshīn;3327123 said:
Okay, I got a question for Israelis. You may destroy Iran's nuclear plants in the open but how will you destroy the underground facilities? Do you plan to send troops by foot into IRAN? :rofl: Your soldiers will get slaughtered if they go on foot. Airstrike maybe can succeed.

Of course Israel will post in PDF its plans against Iran's nuclear programmes...

Nobody knows what Israel can and cannot do except of very few people.
quit barking israelis... all the chatter is getting annoying. no ones buys ur bullshit.

bring it on so iranians can destroy the illegal state of israel once and for all!
As you need any proof but this is just the latest statement in a long chain of declarations of the annihilation of Israel:

Bring a proof for that Iran has threatened to 'destroy' Israel or attack it or bomb it.

So Israel has the right to defend itself against the clear intentions of the terrorist regime of Iran to destroy it.

More lies and warmongering from the zionists. Iran never threatened to attack Israel, yet its a "direct threat" and "Israel faces threat of existential magnitude" - thats not very bright statements (to say lightly :azn:). Even more dumb is allegation Iran is making nuclear bombs (nobody has any proof, but lets say) and would definitely use that on Israel... its just beyond stupid claim.

Nothing to see there, just baseless lies and certifiable paranoia :disagree:

Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions are known to all countries and were reported in several IAEA reports, but you want to play the blind man and make a fool of yourself.

quit barking israelis... all the chatter is getting annoying. no ones buys ur bullshit.

bring it on so iranians can destroy the illegal state of israel once and for all!

Your contribution to the discussion is priceless...

So according to your own admission, Israel is rightfully concerned about Iran which wants to destroy it, thus have the full right to defend itself and stop Iran's nuclear ambitions.
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Your contribution to the discussion is priceless...

So according to your own admission, Israel is rightfully concerned about Iran which wants to destroy it, thus have the full right to defend itself and stop Iran's nuclear ambitions.

so what is stopping u barkers. the world has been hearing the same hollow threats for decades. iran has already said bring it. oh i forgot poor little israel cant do anything without its owner US. but ofcourse when the dog barks too much sometimes even the owner has to put it down.
so what is stopping u barkers. the world has been hearing the same hollow threats for decades. iran has already said bring it. oh i forgot poor little israel cant do anything without its owner US. but ofcourse when the dog barks too much sometimes even the owner has to put it down.

Israel is a responsible country and it will chose the time and place to act, do not worry.

Iran has no nuclear weapons yet!
Let mutual destruction be assured (MDBA instead of MAD). The is the only way Middle East *may* end up having *relative* peace.

The following lines are for consumption of 90% idiotic TV watchings couch potatoes back home.

Lame excuses by Israel and the US of A, that

1. Can't be trusted _ _ _ _ _
2. May fall into the wrong _ _ _ _
3. Unthinkable senario, where _ _ _ _ _
4. The wold as we know it _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Don't you get it? Everyone sees through your bull****. Live and let live in peace!
instead of wasting money and energy on nuclear weapons USA should try to overthrow the mullah regime in iran. Win win situation for both sides.
Israel is a responsible country and it will chose the time and place to act, do not worry.

Iran has no nuclear weapons yet!

If you guys didnt get last minute support from Brittish in 1948, you guys would be food for sharks in mediterranean sea. Today again, you guys cant do anything without the support of west. Accept that you guys are depented of west.
As you need any proof but this is just the latest statement in a long chain of declarations of the annihilation of Israel:

So Israel has the right to defend itself against the clear intentions of the terrorist regime of Iran to destroy it.

Wrong, Ahmadinejad was talking about Zionist regime, NOT a Jewish nation. Can you comprehend the difference between the two? Since Nejad isnt speaking in English, there are plenty of mistranslations of what he says, like the most famous FAKE mistranslation of "wiping Israel of the map." But maybe you dont know that either?

Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions are known to all countries and were reported in several IAEA reports, but you want to play the blind man and make a fool of yourself.

Wrong again, there is ZERO knowledge of Iran's nuclear weapons programs, there are only allegations based on assumptions, with NO evidence whatsoever. Iraq's nuclear weapons rings the bell? Two previous IAEA directors said, that a "nuclear" campaign against Iran closely resembles similar campaign against Iraq, and they are disappointed technical body as IAEA being used for political purposes.

In case you also missed, Amano was pushed to the post by US and its alies, and Amano himself said he "fully in US court" on all things Iran, as well as will appoint IAEA personnel only after getting green light from US. In other words - a puppet.
Wrong, Ahmadinejad was talking about Zionist regime, NOT a Jewish nation. Can you comprehend the difference between the two? Since Nejad isnt speaking in English, there are plenty of mistranslations of what he says, like the most famous FAKE mistranslation of "wiping Israel of the map." But maybe you dont know that either?

Wrong again, there is ZERO knowledge of Iran's nuclear weapons programs, there are only allegations based on assumptions, with NO evidence whatsoever. Iraq's nuclear weapons rings the bell? Two previous IAEA directors said, that a "nuclear" campaign against Iran closely resembles similar campaign against Iraq, and they are disappointed technical body as IAEA being used for political purposes.

In case you also missed, Amano was pushed to the post by US and its alies, and Amano himself said he "fully in US court" on all things Iran, as well as will appoint IAEA personnel only after getting green light from US. In other words - a puppet.

You just admitted that Iran desires to destroy Israel and that is exactly what I said.

As for the IAEA, when it criticise the US on Iraq then it is an honest and impartial organisation but when it support the US and Israel arguments about Iran then it is only a "US puppet". A very hypocritical approach.

There are plentiful evidence that Iran is after nuclear weapons, and the majority of governments around the world accept this, even China and Russia which try to defend Iran. Only double faced as yourself can easily be behind start a deception like your last post.
You just admitted that Iran desires to destroy Israel and that is exactly what I said.

As for the IAEA, when it criticise the US on Iraq then it is an honest and impartial organisation but when it support the US and Israel arguments about Iran then it is only a "US puppet". A very hypocritical approach.

There are plentiful evidence that Iran is after nuclear weapons, and the majority of governments around the world accept this, even China and Russia which try to defend Iran. Only double faced as yourself can easily be behind start a deception like your last post.
Yeah sure,Iran is building a nuke.Israel is claiming this since 20 years ago.
Even U.S intelligence admitted that Iran has not decided to build any nuclear weapons.Now you are telling me there is plenty of proof?

Anyway,even if Iran is building a nuke,it has every right to do so.Because there is a rogue messianic Apartheid state called Israel who is ready to do any stupid thing at any moment.
You just admitted that Iran desires to destroy Israel and that is exactly what I said.

I never admitted anything like that, maybe your English is off? Lets try again - and use dictionary as well, read my previous post again and look up what regime and country means, you will be surprised they are completely different things :azn:

As for the IAEA, when it criticise the US on Iraq then it is an honest and impartial organisation but when it support the US and Israel arguments about Iran then it is only a "US puppet". A very hypocritical approach.

IAEA under El Baradei criticized US about attack on Iraq with fake nuke pretext, IAEA under US installed puppet Amano criticizes Iran about alleged nukes. See the difference?

There are plentiful evidence that Iran is after nuclear weapons, and the majority of governments around the world accept this, even China and Russia which try to defend Iran. Only double faced as yourself can easily be behind start a deception like your last post.

Show us that evidence, because neither all US intelligence services, nor IAEA, nor even Israel's Mossad says Iran is making nuclear bombs. Nor they provided a SINGLE evidence otherwise. What they claim is that Iran could make nukes, if they choose to - but US/Israel admitted themselves - Iran havent made such decision.

Friendly advice - show the (non-existent) evidence, or stop spreading BS.
It is right of every country to get anything for its defence, if Iran and then entire middle east go nuclear it is their right just like Israel,India and US.
Of course Israel will post in PDF its plans against Iran's nuclear programmes...

Nobody knows what Israel can and cannot do except of very few people.

Indeed No body knows what Once enemy can do only way to find out is by Risking it and attacking a sovereign Nation but then the other will have all reasons to retaliate in civilized world its called Self Defense in that case one cannot run to the world and start to cry as as usual.

As far as Israel Plans its simple Have the Americans attack and fight launch Terrorist attacks on Iran including cyber attacks even a 2 year old can see that with the exception of few.

instead of wasting money and energy on nuclear weapons USA should try to overthrow the mullah regime in iran. Win win situation for both sides.

TA_DA problem solved oh wait they tried that Iranian captured and hanged all CIA operatives.
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