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A girl and a boy out alone must mean trouble in Pakistan

Even if i take your advice on its face-value and discard ET blogs even then you cant deny it that moral policing does takes place in pakistan.And thats the main issue here.We have Maya Khan's example right in front of us that too in khi.
Sir I have never heard this kind of incident ever take place and I have every kind of friends
Sir I have never heard this kind of incident ever take place and I have every kind of friends
there was outcry right on this forum you can search the thread and videos of that on youtube.
Moral policing should NOT have any place in any society.

However, some points need to be mentioned.

DHA is posh area not slum. Police would check a car in dark even if it has two boys standing there mainly for security reasons.

Secondly the write up sounds twisting of the entire episode with many points missing i.e which specific area or point of the area the lady was with her male friend? if the point is mentioned, the highups of the police station in its juristiction can be asked to check such behaviour of the police.

thirdly why the writer had to call her uncle for help and not her parents?

lastly dont go out late night for sake of your own security, in our society males can NOT be trusted
Moral policing should NOT have any place in any society.

However, some points need to be mentioned.

DHA is posh area not slum. Police would check a car in dark even if it has two boys standing there mainly for security reasons.

Secondly the write up sounds twisting of the entire episode with many points missing i.e which specific area or point of the area the lady was with her male friend? if the point is mentioned, the highups of the police station in its juristiction can be asked to check such behaviour of the police.

thirdly why the writer had to call her uncle for help and not her parents?

lastly dont go out late night for sake of your own security, in our society males can NOT be trusted
First of all Moral Policing is completely in accordance with Islam and allowed secondly no male and female can have friend of opposite gender in Islam and other points you raised are really good one specially the Uncle one
What a shame. Such a repressive society is bound to create individuals who are sexually frustrated, with zero knowledge of relationships or women. India is not as conservative as this, but I would say the same thing for India. We need more liberalism. Lastly the police should not invade someones's privacy unless they complain, or are in a place they shouldnt be at that time, or they see something happening. Questioning for talking and harassing people is an indication of corruption. Hand them a few bucks and they would have let these guys go.

First of all Moral Policing is completely in accordance with Islam and allowed secondly no male and female can have friend of opposite gender in Islam and other points you raised are really good one specially the Uncle one

No, I reject that. I think men and women should talk, be friends with each other and be able to have consensual sex before marriage if they so CHOOSE to. And no one should barge in their lives. If they do, and they disturb the peace, those people that do should be thrown in jail.
What a shame. Such a repressive society is bound to create individuals who are sexually frustrated, with zero knowledge of relationships or women. India is not as conservative as this, but I would say the same thing for India. We need more liberalism. Lastly the police should not invade someones's privacy unless they complain, or are in a place they shouldnt be at that time, or they see something happening. Questioning for talking and harassing people is an indication of corruption. Hand them a few bucks and they would have let these guys go.

No, I reject that. I think men and women should talk, be friends with each other and be able to have consensual sex before marriage if they so CHOOSE to. And no one should barge in their lives. If they do, and they disturb the peace, those people that do should be thrown in jail.
Your thoughts have made it clear why rape is rising in India with such horrible speed Islam is from ALLAH the creator of both Men and Women and he had made laws which are perfect for both and he has not allowed sex before marriage and also not making opposite sex as your friend and if you teach them Islam no body is frustrated and they know their limits

Actually they are. Reason is when crime happens, people curse police but Police don't know when a criminal is going to do a crime. Its better to ask and interrogate rather than a family lodging a complaint that their daughter has ran away with some boy.

Police are not like this initially, situation after situation made them so. They have seen many weird and horrific incidents that they some time become extra cautious and often seem rude.

Once I was going to drop a friend of mine to Railway station. We had to leave 4 a.m in the morning as it was morning train. The police stopped us as our college was around 15 kms away from city and one particular area was quite bad, murders and robbery used to happen even when Police patrol was there. They stopped us, we showed them our ids, ticket and reason to go to city, they explained that there is surge of crime in this region. Better not go out so early even in morning.

I agree with Andromache's comment on this topic.
There is a very famous poster that makes the rounds on social media. It says:
“In the west, you can kiss in public, but not p**s (urinate) in public. In Pakistan, you can p**s in public, but not kiss in public.”
Sheeesh! We have that same psyche in parts of India too, propagated by the self styled moral yahoo brigades like the Shri Ram Sene! :hitwall:

Actually they are. Reason is when crime happens, people curse police but Police don't know when a criminal is going to do a crime. Its better to ask and interrogate rather than a family lodging a complaint that their daughter has ran away with some boy.

Police are not like this initially, situation after situation made them so. They have seen many weird and horrific incidents that they some time become extra cautious and often seem rude.

Once I was going to drop a friend of mine to Railway station. We had to leave 4 a.m in the morning as it was morning train. The police stopped us as our college was around 15 kms away from city and one particular area was quite bad, murders and robbery used to happen even when Police patrol was there. They stopped us, we showed them our ids, ticket and reason to go to city, they explained that there is surge of crime in this region. Better not go out so early even in morning.

I agree with Andromache's comment on this topic.

My friend, your optimism is appreciable. But it reeks of naivety. These policemen dont give a squat about who runs away with whom. Their intention is not "maintaining law and order". Their intention is to first get a bribe by harassing people, and secondly to talibanize society.

Your thoughts have made it clear why rape is rising in India with such horrible speed Islam is from ALLAH the creator of both Men and Women and he had made laws which are perfect for both and he has not allowed sex before marriage and also not making opposite sex as your friend and if you teach them Islam no body is frustrated and they know their limits

My thoughts now cause rape to rise in India? :lol:

Am an atheist. According to me there is no Allah, and Allah is a figment of your imagination. To me life didnt happen because of magic but because of evolution.

Secondly, all these are man made laws. And yes in Islamic societies like Saudi (there was a thread on it yesterday), people are sexually frustrated. People like you dont know what a female's anatomy is like (apart from ****), you dont know what its like to be in relationships, you wouldnt even know how to communicate with a woman and last but not least you wouldnt know how to do it :D. All of these are necessary for the mental health of a person, and if you are making social norms to deny that to people, you cant consider that society to be totally healthy. That is all. BTW Rapes occur more in Islamic societies with strict rules than in other societies. The reason you dont consider them rape, is because you consider it sex. Thats the problem. Its not that rapes actually dont happen. Infact its widespread in Islamic society. Its just that you misinterpret it.
My friend, your optimism is appreciable. But it reeks of naivety. These policemen dont give a squat about who runs away with whom. Their intention is not "maintaining law and order". Their intention is to first get a bribe by harassing people, and secondly to talibanize society.

My thoughts now cause rape to rise in India? :lol:

Am an atheist. According to me there is no Allah, and Allah is a figment of your imagination. To me life didnt happen because of magic but because of evolution.

Secondly, all these are man made laws. And yes in Islamic societies like Saudi (there was a thread on it yesterday), people are sexually frustrated. People like you dont know what a female's anatomy is like (apart from ****), you dont know what its like to be in relationships, you wouldnt even know how to communicate with a woman and last but not least you wouldnt know how to do it :D. All of these are necessary for the mental health of a person, and if you are making social norms to deny that to people, you cant consider that society to be totally healthy. That is all. BTW Rapes occur more in Islamic societies with strict rules than in other societies. The reason you dont consider them rape, is because you consider it sex. Thats the problem. Its not that rapes actually dont happen. Infact its widespread in Islamic society. Its just that you misinterpret it.
Saudis are not sexually frustrated your nation is that is why rape is rising in India more than any other thing we have far better relationships than any other people because we follow Islam those who follow Islamic laws have least amount of rapes because rapist is put to death and women cover themselves and men and women don't mingle with each other and they marry each other give respect than dating each other and flirting and children getting born without marriage even don't know who is their father
BTW Rapes occur more in Islamic societies with strict rules than in other societies. The reason you dont consider them rape, is because you consider it sex. Thats the problem. Its not that rapes actually dont happen. Infact its widespread in Islamic society. Its just that you misinterpret it.

Challenge you are wrong.

Only 8 muslim countries in top 50, 4 of them in the bottom 15.

In Islam you can't have male friends and roam with them so first lady had made a mistake and Police had rightly asked her question but what government needs to do is implement Islam and implement is completely

post the sura that points to this.
Saudis are not sexually frustrated your nation is that is why rape is rising in India more than any other thing we have far better relationships than any other people because we follow Islam those who follow Islamic laws have least amount of rapes because rapist is put to death and women cover themselves and men and women don't mingle with each other and they marry each other give respect than dating each other and flirting and children getting born without marriage even don't know who is their father

Rapes actually happen in various situations. For instance, a husband can be guilty of raping his wife, if his wife does not want to have sex, but he forces her. Such things are never talked about. But its marital rape. Rapes happen because the rapists are criminals. Rapes happen because people are frustrated. Like I said, there is no clear distinction of what is rape and what isnt in your kind of society. That is the problem. Often times, rape is actually mistaken to be sex. Because of the nature of your social norms.

Secondly, safe sex has to be practiced and for that you need awareness the lack of which creates these pregnancies at very young ages.

BTW dating a woman actually means you respect her, like her and appreciate her and wanna know more about her. Yes, sex is definitely in the mind, because you want it to be romantic. But it comes a little while later, not on the first day, on the first night.

Men and women not mingling is symbolic of a dysfunctional society. Its not something you have to be proud about. Sad indeed.
Like I said, this is because most of the rapes are not considered rapes at all.

They are either misinterpreted or not reported. This list doesnt mean anything. If at all it means that countries like NZ which rank at the top are more aware of what is rape and what isnt.

If they are not reported then how do you know they happen?
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