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A Forum Post regarding the Danger of Helping India Upgrading its Infrastructure

i think that india and china are taking what both need here.

india needs: infrastructure with financing it can afford.
china needs: an experimental area to gain additional infrastructure experience in difficult logistics conditions - overseas, mountain, and urban construction to gain reputation and practice.

both win.
To Desi: Raj has left India with your greatest commodity -- English. Like how the Chinese rely on their ever dwindling resources to power their economy, India's 10% English speaking population, an inheritance from over 2 centuries of British rule, will soon dissipate as the new economic order will constitute of the BRICs, and other non-English speaking tigers.

This implies that India is weak at places where English does not shine. Infrastructure happens to be one of them. And more will appear as India's economy becomes more sophisticated and multifaceted. You cannot achieve 7%- unemployment from software outsourcing alone. Canadians can feed themselves from selling what's under our soil. What will Indians feed themselves with? Golden cows?

PS: Go contribute to the United States in the United States.
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China should be selective when offering financing to infrastructure projects in India. Financing should be aimed at helping our strategic industries only, like telecommunications/power generation (esp. green tech)/railway/etc. Project in low value-added fields shouldn't get cheap financing.
Saddly the government is quite short sighted sometimes. The Chinese government is too eager to develop "friendship" with India. The Indians don't feel the same way. They see us as the obstruction for them to dominate.

Even though Japan and China are not very friendly to china.. Do you have an idea how much of money and technology have they invested in your country..
If people starts thinking like you then this world wont be a global village anymore
wow initialy i thought there wer some sane chinese in here
well thanks for the wake up call
To Desi: Raj has left India with your greatest commodity -- English. Like how the Chinese rely on their ever dwindling resources to power their economy, India's 10% English speaking population, an inheritance from over 2 centuries of British rule, will soon dissipate as the new economic order will constitute of the BRICs, and other non-English speaking tigers.

And the common language between BRIC would be?
Portuguese? Russian? Hindi? Chinese? English?
I'll put my money on English :pop:
I'm pretty sure all the above nations got more English speakers(other than their own official language) than those of other languages mentioned above.

PS: BTW the article is pure BS.
u r right man
japs despite being der adversaries invested so hevily in china
i actually thought most of them wer 'sane'
der r sum more people like u left in the list though:-)
guys i might b ill informed but havnt heard of any chinese infra company working here
can u giv me sum names
Hello, hello, what have we got here? Man, the Chinese arrogance never fails to astound. Even at this stage, when China is hardly close to "superpowerdom" and is still decades away from reaching anywhere close to Western levels - even at this early stage, look at the attitude! The arrogance on the lines of: "Let us not help India, and let us not have it build infrastructure".

Look here Chinese: Don't bid for Indian projects if you don't want to, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to bid for Indian construction projects. As though India cannot build infrastructure without the great China. And all this arrogance when your companies have hardly built anything significant in India (I can't recall even one project of consequence). Odd thing is, among all the major infrastructure news that we've seen in India in the last one and a half years or so, I can't recall even a single Chinese company having been involved in it. Delhi's new airport, Bangalore's new airport, Mumbai's sea link, more ring roads around many Indian cities, Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor, Bangalore Mysore expressway, Manali-Leh tunnel.... everywhere it is either Indian companies, or Indian companies in collaboration with Western/Japanese companies.

So Chinese, once again: no one is begging you to bid for Indian projects. Personally even I would prefer that we let more Indian companies grow in this field, and incorporate Western standards in our country.
Look here Chinese: Don't bid for Indian projects if you don't want to, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to bid for Indian construction projects.

Of course no one is holding a gun to our head.

It's all voluntary, if you think your government should not do it, then fair enough.
do that then.

western companies will just charge you 3x the money while working 1/3 as fast.

We are already doing that only.

Thanks but no thanks....you can show these pride and arrogance to nations that desparately need you for their survival and India is not on that list.

You are not doing us a favour by building infrastructure..if at all you are doing that.We pay for what you do.Period.And yes please go and demonstrate before the Foreign office to withdraw all the foreign companies from India.

ps.:I normally dont post in Chinese section..but was taken back by the arrogance of the opening post.

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