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A day of Shame - Cabinet approves dual nationality, contempt of court amend

This means that a dual national shall have no allegiance to Pakistan whatsoever, according to the law and oath.

i wanted highlight the important parts in the oath but if you read it completely the whole oath is Anti-Pakistan if a Pakistani holding US citizenship takes any government office in Pakistan
Dual Nationals should be allowed to vote but nothing else, they should not be allowed to be a candidate for any minor seat also in elections.

And when i say this i also mean that this should be apply to those Pakistani nationals who had live outside Pakistan for even 1 year(even though if they don't hold dual nationality).

Agree with the first part, but not the second. Many Pakistanis go abroad for work-transfers and stay there for some time. They should not be disqualified unless they take up the other nationality or residence.
also this one:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...ity-contempt-court-amend-2.html#ixzz1zkLqI1ms

this clearly SHOWS no allegience to PAKISTAN!!!!! this must be stopped!
How many other Countries allow this . Just Curios and Lazy to google .
The dumb a$$ fart man Altaf will one day be Governor of Sindh or even a Federal Minister without even setting foot on Pakistani soil and perform his "national duties" by sitting in his bed room in his country - UK- .

And the law student Bilalwal will one day be Prime Minister/President in the same way while in UK.

Perfect example of remote governance.
What is wrong with you people?! Pakistani are the ones who are eligible to vote for a candidate. You can simply abstain from voting to the ones who have dual nationality! That's it.
What is wrong with you people?! Pakistani are the ones who are eligible to vote for a candidate. You can simply abstain from voting to the ones who have dual nationality! That's it.

I recommend you to come to Pakistan some weeks before the elections till some weeks after the elections and see what happens.
well if a pakistanis in NA or any ministry is having like say US citizen ship than he/she is bound to work for US intrests (cz he/she took oath to do so) & when the intrests of both countries contradicts & she/he has to act in Pakistan's intrests (which are against US) than US govt may take action against US citizen who is working against US intrests than wht will happen?

What is wrong with you people?! Pakistani are the ones who are eligible to vote for a candidate. You can simply abstain from voting to the ones who have dual nationality! That's it.

but who the hell will tell us who have dual nationality? remember the issue has been raised since last few months when we come to know tht our interior minister have dual nationality who is in the office since last 4.5 years...
basically the thing is PPP is securing it's future. With dual nationality, this guy Bilawal will qualify to participate in politics along with other members like Rehman Malik.

With contempt of court they're securing and saving their Prime Minister from being thrown off of his seat when they refuse to obey orders of court which are in conflict of the party's interest.

What is wrong with you people?! Pakistani are the ones who are eligible to vote for a candidate. You can simply abstain from voting to the ones who have dual nationality! That's it.

if only wishes were horses.
What is wrong with you people?! Pakistani are the ones who are eligible to vote for a candidate. You can simply abstain from voting to the ones who have dual nationality! That's it.

he is right!

however, the sad part is people will vote for DUAL NATIONALS! hence i guess our nation is screwed up and deserves such messed up leaders!!! truly we deserve corrupt dual national scums
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