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A Curious Indian!

Nope.. u just die on pavements of hunger.... or commit mass suicides.

Shameless people.
he he he look whose talkin of shame lolzz if a say the truth now im sure Mods is going to send me a love letter and i dont want it right now i will come on PDF who cares what you think :taz:
I have been browsing this forum since the last few months, but this is going to be my first post. I have observed that the Pakistanis have a notion that the Muslims in India are a very oppressed class and given a chance, they will rush to Pakistan. This is all BULLSHIT! I don't know what some lame pakistani sites say, I just know what I have seen in reality. I will tell you, in my school, there were around 8 muslim students in a class of 45. And not even once, I ever felt that they are different from the rest of 37 of us. We used to play together, study together, party together and we even used to discuss how Sachin Tendulkar thrashed Shoaib Akhtar in 2003 World Cup. Even today, in college, I have many Muslim friends and professors but neither of them have ever been discriminated on the basis of their religion. They all are achieving great success in their respective fields whether its Academics (like we have the IAS 2009 Topper from J&K) or Cricket or Bollywood (I don't need to give examples here) because they all are INDIANS, by heart.
So please change this opinion of yours which you have created just by reading some fake news on the Internet. I accept that there are some groups within India, which see Pakistan as their homeland. But these groups hardly account for 2-5% of the Total Muslim population of India (which is more than the population of Pakistan).

Apart from this issue, I have one more issue in my mind.
Every Indian child grows up reading that India has 9 Neighbors - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. And it comes to us as a shock that the map we have been seeing since the last 15 years is not completely ours and India doesn't share any border with Afghanistan, atleat in reality. It was around 2 years back that I came to know that Gilgit–Baltistan and Aksai Chin are not a part of India in reality. Trust me, I was shocked as hell. But now I have accepted this fact.
India has 43% of Kashmir, Pakistan has 37% and China has occupied the rest 20%, so what I feel is whatever we have, we should be satisfied because I have seen people fighting on this forum, as in one day the Indians will get hold of the P.O.K and the Pakistanis will get the Indian Kashmir.

Apart from this, I want to know a few things about Pakistan:
1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?
2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?
3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?
3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?
4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Please give me an honest answer because I have already read enough shits on the Internet.

Pakistanis think on those lines (Muslim oppression) in light of some major events say Babri Mosque and Gujrat + Kashmir issue. Other then that Pakistanis are usually not concerned with what happens in India. You might get the wrong feeling in this forum as both Pakistanis and Indians try to showcase the worst of each other. About Kashmir Pakistan supports plebiscite and for foreseeable future will keep on supporting that.

1- Most are unconcerned
2- from 1-10 I would say 4
3- Not good but the situation is improving
3- Nope, much exaggerated in news
4- Army is considered an alternative to democratic leaders so when democratic leaders fail people look towards army (this has changed now). Other then that Pakistan Army has been extremely efficient in natural disasters and enjoys public confidence as an organization. Judiciary also enjoys a very good reputation these days.
You just totally contradicted yourself in true Indian style, were you just accusing pakistanis of counter questions and so on so where did the drones come in to it?.
which drones well some one was also saying something about open air toilets wonder who ??????

i dont need to contradict myself and that to with some one like you lolzz

be happy in your la la land have a good dose of conspiracy theories amybe youl feel better good luck :azn:
Dont expect garlands for all the low live indian trolls we have here! includes u aswell.

No garlands requested. Offcourse as in everything else, you beat us hands down when it comes to trolling. Check your post which I responded to as evidence :D
Take it easy people.

If the Pakistanis have some issues within their country, so do Indians have.
So it makes no sense pointing fingers on each other.

Simply accept the fact, we both haven't done justice to the efforts of our freedom-fighters.
I have been browsing this forum since the last few months, but this is going to be my first post. I have observed that the Pakistanis have a notion that the Muslims in India are a very oppressed class and given a chance, they will rush to Pakistan. This is all BULLSHIT! I don't know what some lame pakistani sites say, I just know what I have seen in reality. I will tell you, in my school, there were around 8 muslim students in a class of 45. And not even once, I ever felt that they are different from the rest of 37 of us. We used to play together, study together, party together and we even used to discuss how Sachin Tendulkar thrashed Shoaib Akhtar in 2003 World Cup. Even today, in college, I have many Muslim friends and professors but neither of them have ever been discriminated on the basis of their religion. They all are achieving great success in their respective fields whether its Academics (like we have the IAS 2009 Topper from J&K) or Cricket or Bollywood (I don't need to give examples here) because they all are INDIANS, by heart.
So please change this opinion of yours which you have created just by reading some fake news on the Internet. I accept that there are some groups within India, which see Pakistan as their homeland. But these groups hardly account for 2-5% of the Total Muslim population of India (which is more than the population of Pakistan).

Apart from this issue, I have one more issue in my mind.
Every Indian child grows up reading that India has 9 Neighbors - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka. And it comes to us as a shock that the map we have been seeing since the last 15 years is not completely ours and India doesn't share any border with Afghanistan, atleat in reality. It was around 2 years back that I came to know that Gilgit–Baltistan and Aksai Chin are not a part of India in reality. Trust me, I was shocked as hell. But now I have accepted this fact.
India has 43% of Kashmir, Pakistan has 37% and China has occupied the rest 20%, so what I feel is whatever we have, we should be satisfied because I have seen people fighting on this forum, as in one day the Indians will get hold of the P.O.K and the Pakistanis will get the Indian Kashmir.

Apart from this, I want to know a few things about Pakistan:
1. What do general Pakistanis feel about the Indians?
2. How do the Pakistanis rate India as a country?
3. How are the other religions (apart from Islam) treated in Pakistan? Are they given equal rights and freedom?
3. Is Pakistan that unstable as we see on various news channels and on internet, unstable as in daily there is a bomb blast somewhere or the other?
4. Why is the Pakistani Army the most respected institution of the country? What's the reason?

Please give me an honest answer because I have already read enough shits on the Internet.

thats some introduction brother..welcome to the forum
Take it easy people.

If the Pakistanis have some issues within their country, so do Indians have.
So it makes no sense pointing fingers on each other.

Simply accept the fact, we both haven't done justice to the efforts of our freedom-fighters.

stop bieng so naive and guilty contious we dint reach where we had intended to but still have managed a respectable status in the world community against a nation which was born at the same time as we did inherited every thing what we did and look at it now there is not even a comparrison now stop bieng so opologetick to them and dont give them any reasons they dont deserve it hope u get the point
which drones well some one was also saying something about open air toilets wonder who ??????

i dont need to contradict myself and that to with some one like you lolzz

be happy in your la la land have a good dose of conspiracy theories amybe youl feel better good luck :azn:

Contradiction after contradiction, well we definitely gother you hooked on conspiracy theories that's why you are here.

Well we Pakistani have big hearts where the shamed and wretched of the earth are welcome to this forum.
Sultan0203. Let me help you out here mate

1. I can't answer for general Pakistanis. The Pakistanis on PDF however generally display open envy of India disguised as blatant contempt. If you browse through the various threads on this forum you will notice that their general tendency is to post anything negative about India without refuting the actual accomplishment being posted. In response to Pakistanis' claim that Indians do likewise on this forum, my observation (perhaps a biased one since I am Indian), is that Indians do a better job of refuting the actual subject matter

And indians pricks abuse our religion,celebrate our deaths and use disgusting personal attack on this very forum?indians are also claiming ayni airbase and colonising the moon... :lol:
2. Pakistanis on PDF rate India as a worse place to be in than Pakistan. Don't roll over laughing, they really do. Their perception of India is that it is a nation divided by religious strife where Hindus are persecuting the minorities especially the Sikhs and the Muslims. They believe that Muslims in India hide under their beds at night whilst crazy Hindus go on the roam thirsty for Muslim blood. Any Muslim in India who supports India is offcourse crazy, a whackjob or a evil Yindoo posing as a Muslim. Offcourse you need to check whether your so called Muslim friends who support Sachin over Shoaib isn't doing Raam katha over the weekend :D
3. To Pakistanis on PDF, minority religions in Pakistan are given 5 star treatment. Their justification for this is that they are not all slaughtered at one time. The problem I have with your query here is that when you question "other religions apart from Islam" then you are being a wee bit too vague. See in Pakistan you need to identify Islam with definition. To us Islamic sectors such as Ahmedis and Shias are just as Muslim as the first Muslim who embraced Islam. To the average Pakistani on PDF therein you will forment a debate. You need to reformulate your question to define which sect of Islam you refer to. Offcourse if you do, you will then receive a barrage of posts discussing how badly the lower castes are treated in India without any person answering your query so my suggestion is that you let it be

Oh yes its us mass murdering muslims,sikhs and christians... things might not be very good but certainly arent as bad as in india... where even feeding the dog of a higher caste fella gets u killed..... shias (me being one) are muslim but ahmedias sure arent praying to a fake prophet certainly aint islam,
4. Pakistanis on PDF live by the assertion that the Pakistani army beat the Indian army hands down in every war fought between them. Please don't raise 1971 since the argument which will flow from there is that the Bangladeshis actually got 90 0000 some odd Pakistani military personel to surrender and the evil Indian army just took the credit.

Yes must be the reason u celebrate 48,65 along with 62? as for 90000 it includes thousands of civilian officials aswell... and we fought with a ratio of 1:50...

stop bieng so naive and guilty contious we dint reach where we had intended to but still have managed a respectable status in the world community against a nation which was born at the same time as we did inherited every thing what we did and look at it now there is not even a comparrison now stop bieng so opologetick to them and dont give them any reasons they dont deserve it hope u get the point

English for dummies:
stop bieng so naive and guilty contious we dint reach where we had intended to but still have managed a respectable status in the world community against a nation which was born at the same time as we did inherited every thing what we did and look at it now there is not even a comparrison now stop bieng so opologetick to them and dont give them any reasons they dont deserve it hope u get the point

Yeah, I got your point. So you are happy just because you are ahead of Pakistan?
So what you are trying to imply is as long as we are ahead of Pakistan, we should be happy and so we can accuse them with all the short-comings they have. Sorry, but I don't agree with you.
And indians pricks abuse our religion,celebrate our deaths and use disgusting personal attack on this very forum?indians are also claiming ayni airbase and colonising the moon... :lol:


Oh yes its us mass murdering muslims,sikhs and christians... things might not be very good but certainly arent as bad as in india... where even feeding the dog of a higher caste fella gets u killed..... shias (me being one) are muslim but ahmedias sure arent praying to a fake prophet certainly aint islam,

Yes must be the reason u celebrate 48,65 along with 62? as for 90000 it includes thousands of civilian officials aswell... and we fought with a ratio of 1:50...

English for dummies:


sirji im a humble person dont get angry and ....Bhavnaoo ko sajho english koi gal nahi weere sab chalta hai ;)

Yeah, I get your point. So you are happy just because you are ahead of Pakistan?
So what you are trying to imply is as long as we are ahead of Pakistan, we should be happy and so we can accuse them with all the short-comings they have. Sorry, but I don't agree with you.

no im not happy with bieng ahead of them but we should not be ungreatful also to what ever we have achived and never be opologetick about owr shorcomings before them as they dont take it as humility but weakness

hope u understand
Oh yes its us mass murdering muslims,sikhs and christians... things might not be very good but certainly arent as bad as in india... where even feeding the dog of a higher caste fella gets u killed.....

Is that written mass murdering?!
Because I can't really connect that with my India. I guess, I must have flown to Pakistan when these mass murdering took place. How unfortunate I am, I don't even know about my own country but look at my neighbors they know everything, starting from their country to my country.

Anyways coming back to the point, let me tell you, what all I know about mass-murdering in India, Being an INDIAN:

1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre where the Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, all were mass-murdered.

1984 Anti-Sikh riots which was in response to the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

1993 Babri Masjid riots.

2002 Godhra riots.

Out of these 4 incidents where mass-murdering have taken place in India, 3 are RIOTS! Do you even know what does a riot mean? Its not just killing of people of one side, people from both the religious groups are murdered. And the one which is left out of these 4 is Jallianwala Bagh, do I need to talk about this as well?
Apart from these, there have been some disturbances in the North-East as well, but certainly they can't be placed under the banner of mass-murdering.
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