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A conversation between Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Soldiers on border

How can they fight a well trained pakistan army ? Impossible .

They can't, that's why they brainwashed Pakistani children to blow themselves up in markets. They have their eyes on a route to the sea through KPK and Baluchistan as they are landlocked.

It's delusional and red lines were crossed when they created TTP. It is very convenient they blame TTP and absolve themselves of guilt, it's easy to see through their ruse if you are not blinded by their faith based blackmailing.

Their aim is to target and isolate the Punjabis and trigger a collapse of the federation so they can get their hands on KPK and Baluchistan. That's why TTP attacked the public and cultivated traitors through religion arm twisting to cause chaos, they know a Pakistani is putty in their hands as soon as they relate anything back to their faith. This was also the Al Qaeda game plan to conquer Pakistan so they must have used their manual. I can't believe there was no reaction from 2003 to 2010, the borders were not even closed or secured until a decade after. It was f**king enemy number 1, no country has tried this stunt with Pakistan before.

If the people fully backed Musharraf then Afghans would have been obliterated by USA and Pakistan. All it would have taken was a 300k troop build up at the border and tactical nukes on Paktia, Kunar and Khost, war over, the white flag would have come out for sure. A lot of lives and money saved and border secured.

But what did we get? Open border and Taliban, the very people who created TTP openly moving around in KPK and using it as a hideout in collusion with local sympathizers and Afghan refugees. There is even that disgusting Taliban university in Peshawar that should be torn down and an orphanage built on top of it. The treachery and incompetence at the top and bottom of this country is sickening.
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They can't, that's why they brainwashed Pakistani children to blow themselves up in markets. They have their eyes on a route to the sea through KPK and Baluchistan as they are landlocked.

It's delusional and red lines were crossed when they created TTP. It is very convenient they blame TTP and absolve themselves of guilt, it's easy to see through their ruse if you are not blinded by their faith based blackmailing.

Their aim is to target and isolate the Punjabis and trigger a collapse of the federation so they can get their hands on KPK and Baluchistan. That's why TTP attacked the public and cultivated traitors through religion arm twisting to cause chaos, they know a Pakistani is putty in their hands as soon as they relate anything back to their faith. This was also the Al Qaeda game plan to conquer Pakistan so they must have used their manual. I can't believe there was no reaction from 2003 to 2010, the borders were not even closed or secured until a decade after. It was f**king enemy number 1, no country has tried this stunt with Pakistan before.

If the people fully backed Musharraf then Afghans would have been obliterated by USA and Pakistan. All it would have taken was a 300k troop build up at the border and tactical nukes on Paktia, Kunar and Khost, war over, the white flag would have come out for sure. A lot of lives and money saved and border secured.

But what did we get? Open border and Taliban, the very people who created TTP openly moving around in KPK and using it as a hideout in collusion with local sympathizers and Afghan refugees. There is even that disgusting Taliban university in Peshawar that should be torn down and an orphanage built on top of it. The treachery and incompetence at the top and bottom of this country is sickening.
TTP and Taliban have nothing to do with Islam they are a ethnonationalist movement masquerading as an Islamic movement.
Lol whats bajwa got to do with this.
Army under Bajwa actually laid the fence.

Like his son SS, he seems to be more concerned with begging for money around the world.

He should be holding negotiations with senior Taliban leadership to secure western border. He should be notifying them that these splinter groups will not be tolerated.

Instead, he’s leaving the wet work for the Intel Agencies while taking trips around the world and reporting to his bosses in Langley.

There needs to be a political front active simultaneously with military operations and maintaining border defense. Targeting these fringe elements via Intel agencies by conducting assassinations is like taking pain killers for cancer instead of undergoing chemotherapy.

Negotiations with TTP failed. So what’s the next step? Tell the IEA a pick a side. Hiding behind a fence and being indecisive will only result in more attacks on Pakistani soldiers and civilians.

These are the steps any half competent COAS would take, but alas he’s busy playing king maker with a government that can’t even pacify their own citizens. How exactly are they in any position to negotiate with IEA?

Everywhere SS goes in the world, international leaders laugh at him and call him a beggar.

You can thank your supreme leader Bajwa for the current situation.
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Bajra is ignoring the slow takeover of Swat by TTP so that after a massive build up, PA can conduct a grand operation and look like the good guys again while justifying their existence and budget allocation...

As a wise woman in Karanchi once said:


Their foot soldiers are not in their control.
Americans were foreign occupiers they left after 20 years but Pakistan is here to stay till day of judgement so afghans should stop this dreaming.

That's fine. ALL Pakistan needs to do us permanently seal the border and let NOTHING came into Pakistan from afghandistan and let nothing go to afghandistan from Pakistan. Then let afghanistan starve to death FOREVER. Problem solved.......... :azn:

PLEASE NOTE: The taliban and most Afghans are NOT REAL Muslims. They are the BIGGEST KUFFAR on planet earth.
It's delusional and red lines were crossed when they created TTP. It is very convenient they blame TTP and absolve themselves of guilt, it's easy to see through their ruse if you are not blinded by their faith based blackmailing.

TTP was created in 2007 because of the droning of innocent civilians. The October 2006 drone strike on Bajaur was the catalyst.

Their aim is to target and isolate the Punjabis and trigger a collapse of the federation so they can get their hands on KPK and Baluchistan.

Huh? Balochistan insurgency was started way before during the accession of Kalat. People weren't getting their fair share of the Sui Gas dividends so the Marri tribe revolted in the 60s.

This led to activation of Akbar Bugti and through ops done by Zulqifar Ali Bhutto he was made one of the kingmakers of Balochistan.
Why do you think the Pakistani shoulder was mellowed down , you can stand infront of a army post of pakistan and abuse them and see what happens.

Use logic my Bakistani friend.

I thinks those abuses is the reason your soldiers were dying few days ago. Wake up they are killing your soldiers

You have bigger problems to solve in indian land like the highest number of acutely malnourished and growth stunted people in the world. Also, indian starvation malnourishment levels are similar to that of afghandistan..........:azn::

If the people fully backed Musharraf

So fund extremist groups in the 80s, then support Taliban in the 90s, while supporting Ahmed Shah Massoud in the 70s, and then dump everything and expect all people to support one guy? When Pakistan has never taken nationalism seriously and always dabbled in ethnic politics for its own gain lool.

Same logic can be applied in Kashmir, the area which controls the water that flows through Pakistan. Why did Musharraf sell the militancy in 2003/2004?
TTP and Taliban have nothing to do with Islam they are a ethnonationalist movement masquerading as an Islamic movement.

TTP was created in 2007

Taliban was created in 1994.

Taliban hung the biggest ethno nationalist Najeeb, TTP had foreign militants how is it an ethno nationalist movement lmao
Bajra is ignoring the slow takeover of Swat by TTP so that after a massive build up, PA can conduct a grand operation and look like the good guys again while justifying their existence and budget allocation...

As a wise woman in Karanchi once said:

View attachment 879919

They are planning to take out PTI.

TTP is only a Shaan Masala from Waziristan, the locals can throw them out as their views aren't really aligned by Swatiyan.

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