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A conspiracy theory


Apr 24, 2007
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COMMENT: A conspiracy theory —Shaukat Qadir

India would be better off trying to negotiate a state of peaceful coexistence with Pakistan, rather than follow a course that is bound to be self-destructive

Finally, some American analysts have acknowledged that New Delhi is actively involved in destabilising the Pakistani province of Balochistan. They have also come to the realisation that it is also funding some of the Taliban.

Foreign Affairs, a journal published by the Council for Foreign Relations in Washington, has published this discovery, supported by the large variety of speakers at a round table conference held recently in Washington.

The speakers at the conference included Christine Fair, a senior political analyst formerly at the RAND Corporation; Stephen Cohen of the Brookings Institution; Sumit Ganguly, an Indian-born American citizen; and Ashley Tellis, the author of “India’s emerging nuclear doctrine”, published by RAND in 2001.

When Ashley asked me to comment on his work, I wrote back: “You have provided India with a nuclear doctrine that no one in India could have come up with, and have legitimised it through the RAND.”

With such participants, the conclusion is indisputable, but the US chooses to consider the evidence inconclusive. Though not when the evidence is against Pakistan!

I am prepared to believe that Pakistan, through Bangladesh, is involved in supporting insurgencies in India. The reasons are obvious: India is a far larger country, with greater resources and, in due course, is likely to outstrip Pakistan, economically and militarily, unless bled constantly.

Indian involvement to destabilise Pakistan is less easily understood, except as a tit-for-tat response, because it cannot take possession of Balochistan, and if Pakistan implodes India will face disastrous consequences.

A tit-for-tat response has its own logic and, in the wake of the Mumbai attacks, many Indian analysts, convinced of the Indian military’ inability to gain a decisive victory against Pakistan, suggested this policy.

One of them, Bharat Karnad, ex-member of the Indian national security advisory board, even sent me his article for ‘comments’. However, if the outcome of such a policy is as obviously self-defeating in the long run; perhaps India would be better off trying to negotiate a state of peaceful coexistence with Pakistan, rather than follow a course that is bound to be self-destructive.

I am a reluctant believer in conspiracy theories, but the writings of Charles Ferndale, Norman Finkelstein, Uri Avnery and Israel Shahak — not to mention Noam Chomsky — have half-convinced me that central to the Israeli Zionist — mind you, all Jews are not Zionists; Jews have their extremists, just like Muslims and Christians and Hindus have theirs — survival theory is that no regional power in its vicinity should be capable of confronting it militarily. Thus Iraq’s nuclear capability had to be destroyed, Iran prevented from getting there and, since Pakistan is already there, it must be destroyed from within. If this be so, theorists contend that the US and India are unwitting pawns in the hands of Israeli Zionists.

That would explain a number of inexplicable pieces of information. However, many of these could also result from the ineptitude of the CIA, a conclusion I strongly subscribe to, as well as policies for short-term political gains by Indian politicians. Take your pick.

The vast, silent, and irrelevant majority amongst the Mehsud tribe have no love lost for Baitullah, the undisputed Taliban leader of their tribe. I am reliably informed that he is rolling in dollars and has access to highly sophisticated light weaponry. Now he could have got these from a number of sources; India, Israel, Iran, Russia, or even the US.

I am also reliably informed that Baitullah Mehsud is in possession of highly sophisticated communication equipment and what are presumably homing devices. That narrows the field a little: Israel, the US, or Russia.

I am also, not so reliably, informed that there are strong rumours afloat that Baitullah Mehsud has been in touch with the CIA.

We know for certain that the Pakistan army has been asking the US for help in ‘taking out’ Mehsud and has on at least four different occasions provided the US with accurate information of his location over a period of twelve to twenty four after the US was informed, but he was never targeted.

We also know that US drone attacks have been more successful in the last few months and that their kill ratio of militants to innocent people has increased dramatically in favour of militants killed.

However, if my information is correct, that there are less than twenty hard-core Al Qaeda personnel present in each tribal area, not a single one of them has been successfully targeted. In fact, almost all of the militants killed in the Mehsud area were lowly soldiers, many of them Uzbeks and, according to some Mehsuds, some of those killed included those who disputed Baitullah’s leadership.

With a puzzle as disconnected as this, the dotted lines can be connected in many different ways to lead to widely divergent conclusions. I will leave it to the readers to arrive at their own conclusions. However, I will adjure them to bear in mind that the US refused to target Baitullah Mehsud on a number of occasions, despite Pakistani requests and accurate information on his location for many hours, and that no really high value target has ever been hit in the Mehsud area.

Each time a hit on a high value target has been claimed, it has been refuted within hours, sometimes days, occasionally even months later.

I leave it to you to dot the lines, but this time I am almost certain that there is a conspiracy; let each of you decide where it leads.

This article is a modified version of one originally written for the daily National. The author is a retired brigadier. He is also former vice president and founder of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
Yup we are facing a conspiracy . And the west wants our nukes . Better if they want it the hard way we should provide them the hard way. We should look for the resources in Afghan talibans like Mullah Omar and Gulbadin Hikmatyar and should provide them with necessory wepons as Americans are equally responcible for fanning the unrest in Pakistan along with India . More ever we should work hard in establishing better ties with Iran.
The people in Tehran and China know that who will be the next one if Pakistan(NaAuzubillah) Falls. So maintaining good relations with these countries is a way out.
And perhaps let us discuss the worst case scenario. In case Our armed forces lost on all fronts We should consider Nuclear strikes on strategik places and the places which are close to the heart of our enemies. India will definately face the blow as their every major city is within our range. We know our missiles will not reach US . How about targeting their key intersts in the middleeast and perhaps carrying out a surgical strike against russia as they have been the victim of westren conspiricies.
One thing is for sure our nukes mean alot to us and if we go down US should be prepared to pay the Ultimate price. This whole scenari would spark a third world war.
In the nuclear world the true enemy is war itself.
I for one believe that this is a big game played just to eliminate pakistan's nuke first and then pakistan itself..
Firstly I would point out that the author is driving at a Israeli master-minded destabilization of Pakistan. In his eyes India and US are unwitting pawns. So many people think US is the ultimate villain that even when they try to help themselves and help others they are seen as same. And CIA is being implicated here(I will come to India later) for maintaining contacts with Baitullah. He talks about the 'strong rumours afloat about Baitullah meeting CIA'. For me its clear that the rumors got picked from the wrong places.

Around all this the primary point the author missed is that countries take decisions in their own interest not for some Zionists who try to play with them.

Besides he touches upon India as creating problems in Baluchistan. I am still not convinced of this. If the fuss is about some Indian diplomats meeting Baloch representatives, people like them get contacted by all kinds of people some asking for recognition, some asking for support(diplomatic or otherwise) in that direction or asking for moral support. Tibet, Palestine and Myanmar are examples.

And IF(a very beeeeeg if) India does that in Balochistan:
Some people, including some Indians suggest that it is in India's risk to pursue such a thing. This feeling, I think is prejudiced and may be even deliberately intended by people on both sides of border and others(US + others). Pakistanis to make New Delhi think it is fruitless. Indians to give a reason to the world why they could not have been involved in Balochistan. And the other countries like US to cool down both of them.
Apart from straining of relations with Iran, it is yet to be demonstrated that it will turn out to be bad for India.

Anyhow the author himself has earnestly named the article as conspiracy theory.
Well Americans or Israeli do definatly have a plan... or a C Theory name it either way guys.

Btw Muslims - Israel its a fundamental problem They occupy half of the palestanian land and not budging at all !

The thriving american defence industry ,the booming business of selling war goods..... Wel Israel is forsure a big help for them in selling all their weapons and other defence goods. Israel is more or less covered well! in last decades they have pretty much nuterlise every one around them , Only danger is Hezbollah which is a small gorrilla group and is only capable of defending southern lebonan upto a small extent, They dont have the capabilty to attack Israel ,unless directly helped by iran ....... And surely iran cannot afford a direct assault and get into a war all alone! .. ...... Clearly ,,,,,the only thing which can create havoc in their society is Pakistani nukes + Nukes in the wrong hands" God Forbid !! " can make many people restless So our Islamic Bomb in their mind is the base of all problems" translate this into arabic and its Al Qaida for u!
So there is no question that "they" are not using Indians and advising Americans ..... and all sorts of dirty tricks ...its is a big time conspiracy for sure " ........ now its up to us how we play it on our own turf! Ball is in our court ! If we play good we will be ok and a mistake can be dear. So have clear objectives and stay focused, these are the fundamentals in breif

Military objectives:
Secure the border areas
Get the drones + Latest tech
Whack the Taliban + all forignors on dirty business here
Stay out of internal politics
sell all local and international businesses and use the revenue to get into space tech i.e stick to strictly defence business.

Political reforms:
Give pakistanis their rights esp: Balochs...
Time is good since we are over hauling our system , finish by force all ancient but still very active jagirdari, wadera ,choudhri ,sardar etc ..systems, Thats Al Qaida for us.
Finish quota system ,let every thing be on merit based
Provide more incentives to our foriegn talent based outside the country.
+ a lot more think about it as this post is getting long !!
I see we will never learn .. keep thinking if's when the now's are where we need to focus .. If India or the CIA or the Zionists are involved .. what is Pakistan prepared to do?? .. what resources does it have to counter such a threat? discuss the right questions .. War is not the answer .. Counter Intel has always been a viable way to attack nations after the 1980's.. That is their JOB to create situations within a country to keep it busy and on the back foot .. Our agency is badly bruised because of being split 3 ways .. need to bring it back to the glory days ..
Yup we are facing a conspiracy . And the west wants our nukes . Better if they want it the hard way we should provide them the hard way. We should look for the resources in Afghan talibans like Mullah Omar and Gulbadin Hikmatyar and should provide them with necessory wepons as Americans are equally responcible for fanning the unrest in Pakistan along with India . More ever we should work hard in establishing better ties with Iran.
The people in Tehran and China know that who will be the next one if Pakistan(NaAuzubillah) Falls. So maintaining good relations with these countries is a way out.
And perhaps let us discuss the worst case scenario. In case Our armed forces lost on all fronts We should consider Nuclear strikes on strategik places and the places which are close to the heart of our enemies. India will definately face the blow as their every major city is within our range. We know our missiles will not reach US . How about targeting their key intersts in the middleeast and perhaps carrying out a surgical strike against russia as they have been the victim of westren conspiricies.
One thing is for sure our nukes mean alot to us and if we go down US should be prepared to pay the Ultimate price. This whole scenari would spark a third world war.
In the nuclear world the true enemy is war itself.

In the last post 9/11 stand off between PAKISTAN & INDIA, INDIA tried to muster the courage to cross LOC. On learning this , the order came from ISLAMABAD, to arm nukes on F-16s. The order which came was that the moment they cross LOC, decimate all of NORTH INDIA. I know this because someone very close to me , slept in the cockpit with nuke armed & ready.On learning this, INDIA cried help as it also saw the prized FOREIGN INVESTEMENTS poised to run away. So along came running Mr. COLIN POWELL.
Similarly in the BRASSTACKS scenario. 2 sqaudrons were on alert for a suicide mission to eliminate all nuclear reactors around MUMBAI. The Foreign Minister went to INDIA and blatantly told the INDIANS about this & gave them a deadline to pull back. They had to because a nuclear reactor takes a lot many days to shut down. Out came INDIANS with the OFFER of 'NO ATTACK ON EACH OTHER NUCLEAR REACTORS". Thats when GEN. ZIA flew to INDIA for cricket match & gloated that everyone is talking about MIANDAD's SIX and no one knows about the SIX he has pulled
well where there is smoke there bound to be fire.... i wonder why all thse "theories" are coming up now and weren't there before....even till 2005....

let me tell you a theory that is ONLY A THEORY!!

india will split up into a 100 states in the next 10 years....bbut as for pakistan these theories must have something in them because the amount of conspiracies going around nowadays about pakistan are just ANNOYING!!!
india will split up into a 100 states in the next 10 years....bbut as for pakistan these theories must have something in them because the amount of conspiracies going around nowadays about pakistan are just ANNOYING!!![/QUOTE]

back of their mind Indians know this split conpiracy against them but the govt are keeping their quiet and a v low profile. A too close and good friendship with the zionost and the us will cost india very dearly --- Indian ppl have to come forward if they wish too avoid this , but i guess they are just getting carried away.
back of their mind Indians know this split conpiracy against them but the govt are keeping their quiet and a v low profile. A too close and good friendship with the zionost and the us will cost india very dearly --- Indian ppl have to come forward if they wish too avoid this , but i guess they are just getting carried away.

I see that people in Pakistan are more relieved in these times of chaos due to so called conspiracies theories.

These theories work like temporary delusion of grandeur and anti-depressants but in the long run it will cost you people much.

It works for the ruling class well, keep the average Joe occupied with something else and enjoy the royal treatment:

I see we will never learn .. keep thinking if's when the now's are where we need to focus .. If India or the CIA or the Zionists are involved .. what is Pakistan prepared to do?? .. what resources does it have to counter such a threat? discuss the right questions .. War is not the answer .. Counter Intel has always been a viable way to attack nations after the 1980's.. That is their JOB to create situations within a country to keep it busy and on the back foot .. Our agency is badly bruised because of being split 3 ways .. need to bring it back to the glory days ..

Focus should be on India as the yanks are too scared to risk an attack on a nuclear armed Muslim country
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