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A clear conflict of interest, Nawaz visiting Indian steel tycoon

Jindal is also a political family(congress party), and these familes try to meet and do deals. It is surely conflict of Interest, but desi politics is like that, nothing special in what he is doing.
but dont understand how he can take son on official visit, what kind of protocol the son is getting. Its weird.
Once again, I apologize to my Indian brothers on behalf of all these PTI trolls brainwashed by their god like leader Imran khan aka Fasaadi Khan which they worship madly. There is a strong need of trade between India and Pakistan. This is the only way of moving forward. Imran is an idiot and so are his troll supporters. They have a habit of playing politics on every issue.
Once again, I apologize to my Indian brothers on behalf of all these PTI trolls brainwashed by their god like leader Imran khan aka Fasaadi Khan which they worship madly. There is a strong need of trade between India and Pakistan. This is the only way of moving forward. Imran is an idiot and so are his troll supporters. They have a habit of playing politics on every issue.
why you need to apologize... that too us Indians... this is normal politics :o:
I agree here with PTI people, unless of course they were meeting with another political family (jindals are congressi) and not to promote own interest. Lets see how it works out.
well this guy is a traitor and i dont think his gov will last for long.
well this guy is a traitor and i dont think his gov will last for long.

I think it does not matter how big of a traitor you are.

The only way he will be kicked out is if he doesn't listen to the jernails.

Imran Khan is wasting his street power. He had enough people on his back that he could bring in a real revolution and destroy all the idols.

Imran Khan knew 8 months before, precisely 8 months, that he will come to the forefronts of politics. Than happened the Lahore Jalsa which proved it.

Jernail Pasha's dad did not even know it 8 months before contrary to what PML N accuses....

Erodgan model will not be successful in Pakistan because the establishment has a reference point to devise strategies accordingly. Plus Erodgan was/is a pump too which won't last longer. Imran Khan needs a very smart strategy to kick out Nawaza and jernails. They are too smart to be beaten by a stick. You have to be stealthy!

That's why he always bother about friend ship with India ... He like to enhance his business in India and get share of Indian market .............

That's broad statement....
It was Shahbaz personal statement. I didn't see hasan Nawaz or Nawaz sharif making any such statements? and without balance sheets to prove he is paying from his own pocket and looking back at past precedences where Prime Minister family expenses were always covered through national kitty. It is you are making broad statements.

Whether he paid his own expenses from his pocket or not but this is clear fact that he is nothing to do with state affairs and his presence in official visit is clearly conflict of interest ..............
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Rapist ? lol who is talking. Indian who are called WORLDS CAPITAL OF RAPE.

U know why !!!
imran khan aka taliban khan is terrorist and rapist...u can't change that fact...
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