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A Brilliant Piece by BBC Journo Tufail Ahmad…..Indian secularism is Half-Islamist, Half-Pakistani

Am I and Manvan supposed to be like Man Singh fighting for the Mughals or the other Kshatriyas who donated their .daughter to the Muslim rulers to keep their throne? Or are we feudal casteists who are stopping recruitment in RSS? Or are we eclipsing the world with our rituals? LOL. This one hell of a confusing post. Do care to explain pls.
Tagging you in Whatever.
What do you want me to be reminded of? Krishna and Subhadra were siblings. Subhadra married Arjuna.
Indeed they were siblings but I wanted to remind you the not so brotherly-sisterly relationship they shared.

No. Sorry, I am not a pervert. :disagree:
How does eating beef make you pervert?

This is a good point raised by all Islamists when Muhammad's sex life is brought out into the open. I don't wish to discuss religion, but this is for academic purpose only.
Quoting one instance(which isn't foolproof either) to depict Prophet's sex life is what his critics have been doing nowadays while forgetting that it was common in those times.was followed all over the world and in India as well.

"Brahma desired Sarasvati and went to her, asking her to stay with him. She, being his daughter, was furious at this and said, 'Your mouth speaks inauspiciously and so you will always speak in a contrary way.' From that day, Brahma's fifth head always spoke evilly and coarsely. Therefore one day when Siva was wandering about with Parvati and came to see Brahma, Brahma's four heads praised Siva but the fifth made an evil sound. Siva, displeased with the fifth head, cut it off. The skull remained stuck fast to Siva's hand, and though he was capable of burning it up, Siva wandered the earth with it for the sake of all people, until he came to Benares." -- Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita 49:65-80.
I wouldn't have wanted to discuss religion in here either, its one of your fellow Sanghi who was intent on dragging religion in this forum. Anyways this shall suffice you....

Brahma's Incest With Sarasvati
This says it all

The Book of Devi
By Bulbul Sharma

So again - NO TO INCEST.
So yes, there was indeed incest....

But the motive was not to discuss incest but to show the vile character of a man who engaged in pedophilia. And the dubious character of people who follow him as an ideal.
Well the motive was to show how a kleptomaniac makes a man kill his own brother(Read Karna) in the most treacherous way. And while at it, some of his fellow "Gods" indulge in something which is considered shameful even by human standards.

then you don't believe or respect democracy ,but you talking about secularism strange .
And how do you intend to support your statement?

so who is the indian PM according to you? Or do we not have one?
Were we speaking in the context of India as a country? No we were speaking of Modi, the head of a political party...
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Were we speaking in the context of India as a country? No we were speaking of Modi, the head of a political party...

What do you think? You are being disingenuous.

There is only one Modi, he is PM of the country. The head of the political party is Amit Shah.
What do you think? You are being disingenuous.

There is only one Modi, he is PM of the country. The head of the political party is Amit Shah.
Before being the PM of country, he was(and still is) the head of a political party and I was speaking of him and this is what I mentioned

LOL Bhakts trying to get some kind of validation by highlighting BBC(British Broadcasting Corp) Journo, and these Bhakts at the same time were rubbishing British tabloids who had some sweet things to say about their Feku... What an irony!

I was addressing his supporters(Bhakts), hence me stating "Your Feku" should be quite normal.
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Before being the PM of country, he was(and still is) the head of a political party and I was speaking of him and this is what I mentioned

I was addressing his supporters(Bhakts), hence me stating "Your Feku" should be quite normal.

Please check again, the president of the BJP is Amit Shah. The parliamentary chairperson and leader of the party in the lok sabha are Modi. Very different.

Anyway if you don't respect India, Indians or Indian institutions that is totally fine with me, after all this is a Pakistani forum and only to be expected , nor does it make any difference to anything. I was only curious as to whether you refuse to accept him as PM despite being constitutionally elected.

BTW Modi was never president of the BJP, prior to Amit Shah it was Rajnath Singh and prior to him GAdkari.

Good day.
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Please check again, the president of the BJP is Amit Shah. The parliamentary chairperson and leader of the party in the lok sabha are Modi. Very different.
There may be official positions but it is common knowledge that Modi is the present Big Boss of BJP...

Anyway if you don't respect India, Indians or Indian institutions that is totally fine with me, after all this is a Pakistani forum and only to be expected , nor does it make any difference to anything. I was only curious as to whether you refuse to accept him as PM despite being constitutionally elected.

Good day.
LOL... Is it not strange that even after my explanation, you come up with a pre-meditated mind to make some claim that suits your agenda. Well carry on, I don't expect you or your fellow ideologues to make rational statements.
There may be some official positions but it is a common knowledge that Modi is the present Big Boss of BJP...

The difference here is that one is truth and the other is lie. Modi has never been the president of the BJP, so to say that he was the head of the BJP is factually incorrect. "Big boss is a meaningless term - advani, GAdkari, rajnath singh all are big bosses in the BJP.

LOL... Is it not strange that even after my explanation, you come up with a pre-meditated mind to make some claim that suits your agenda. Well carry on, I don't expect you or your fellow ideologues to make rational statements.

Can you tell me what I said that was irrational? I only wanted to check as you made a statement that. Modi was only head of the "sanghis" as to whether you believed that a constitutionally elected party has the right to put up a PM from within its ranks - as it seems you do not consider him PM of the country but only head of the "sanghis"
The difference here is that one is truth and the other is lie. Modi has never been the president of the BJP, so to say that he was the head of the BJP is factually incorrect. "Big boss is a meaningless term - advani, GAdkari, rajnath singh all are big bosses in the BJP.
Oh common mate... Stop being diplomatic, we all know who runs the show, People of India are not gullible mate, not me at least.....

Can you tell me what I said that was irrational? I only wanted to check as you made a statement that. Modi was only head of the "sanghis" as to whether you believed that a constitutionally elected party has the right to put up a PM from within its ranks - as it seems you do not consider him PM of the country but only head of the "sanghis"
Is he not the head of Sanghis(speaking in political/ideological sense). So why bring constitution? Were we discussing constitution or were my target audience non-Indians? We were speaking of different thought processes within our country and one of which is represented by Modi and his lot, so me using the term YOUR is quite justified in this context.
No mate he is "Pradhan Sevak" for Sanghis, not for Indians...
this is what you said ,you don't want to accept him as the PM even though he was elected by majority.
in democracy if one has a majority he will be the leader. do you think others liked the previous PM and that's why he was accepted as PM.he was accepted because he got the majority votes.here majority means more than others.and did you see anyone saying he is the pradhan sevak of congressies and Indians.

now I hope you get what said.
And how do you intend to support your statement?
Post links to prove your claim that VHP and Sena threatened him with physical violence.

In case you are unable to provide them, I expect you to have the integrity to APOLOGISE for slandering VHP and SS.

Hussian ran away to escape the Law which would have landed him in Jail under Section 295(A). Similar to Dawood Ibrahim and Memon.

Hindu hardliners threaten Husain over nude picture | GulfNews.com
Remove Hussain's work, VHP tells gallery - IBNLive

Read the second link where Bajrang Dal activists entered his home.
Ratan Tata can go f*ck himself. Doesn't change the fact that only Parsi on this forum was a jerk. Or may be it was because of his nationality that he was such a thumb sucking lunatic.

He is not a Pakistani
Indeed they were siblings but I wanted to remind you the not so brotherly-sisterly relationship they shared.
No. This is a typical Islamist lie. They were siblings. But Subhadra married Arjuna. They did not have sex with Krishna. :omghaha:

Indeed they were siblings but I wanted to remind you the not so brotherly-sisterly relationship they shared.
Well. No. Your preacher lied to you. If you are self radicalized, you got the wrong sources or translations.

Quoting one instance(which isn't foolproof either) to depict Prophet's sex life is what his critics have been doing nowadays while forgetting that it was common in those times.was followed all over the world and in India as well.
Not his critics. The holiest scriptures are clear on this. A lot of things were followed in the past. Does not mean they were good.

I wouldn't have wanted to discuss religion in here either, its one of your fellow Sanghi who was intent on dragging religion in this forum. Anyways this shall suffice you....

Brahma's Incest With Sarasvati
This says it all

So yes, there was indeed incest....
You are free to hate Hinduism. That is your duty and right. But hate it with reason. The passage says how Brahma planted a seed of knowledge in Saraswati. Saraswati is the Goddess of wisdom. An intercourse with a lady does not give birth to 4 Vedas or Raginis or Ragas. That too after 100 years. :disagree: Read some contemporary poetry. Listen to some Bollywood songs. Suraj huwa maddhyam chand jalne laga does not make sense literally. Unlike the Quran, Hindu texts are not literal in their meaning. :)

Well the motive was to show how a kleptomaniac makes a man kill his own brother(Read Karna) in the most treacherous way. And while at it, some of his fellow "Gods" indulge in something which is considered shameful even by human standards.
:omghaha: Who was a kleptomaniac? Arjuna killed Karna because it was a war. Sri Krishna urged him to go ahead. Karma got to him in the end as well. Do read how Krishna suffered due to his actions.

We Dharmics are aware of everyone's right and wrong doings. Our devas are different from your God. Our God is the Paramatmaan. We don't consider any one deva as the ultimate and perfect specimen of Mankind. You do. Which is where the Sunnat comes into being. Our morality is dictated by our own personal self.

I hope you have adequately demonstrated your hate for Hinduism out in the open.
@Aminroop @FULL_METAL @ranjeet @Roybot @Srinivas
Brahma's Incest With Sarasvati
This says it all
View attachment 273337

The Book of Devi
By Bulbul Sharma

So yes, there was indeed incest....

It is called METAPHOR you moron :lol:

Veda's and Raga's are not "humans" to be given "birth" by Saraswati.

Its a metaphor for the creation of Knowledge, when after creation, the process of life give rise to knowledge.

Since the shastras are written as Poetry, most of the knowledge in it is represented as Metaphors.

Where the wise see Wisdom, the ordinary see metaphors the Perverted Islamist like you see INCEST :lol:

Here is another one for retards like you, this one is by Emily Dickinson,

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune–without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

“I’ve heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.”

So now does it mean "hope" is a bird ? :cheesy:

Your own link says "Bajrang Dal" did violence while you have blamed VHP and Sena. So an apology is in order.

All three are different organizations.

Except for that there is no incidence of violence. Hussain ran away to escape the law and avoid Arrest.
No. This is a typical Islamist lie. They were siblings. But Subhadra married Arjuna. They did not have sex with Krishna. :omghaha:

Well. No. Your preacher lied to you. If you are self radicalized, you got the wrong sources or translations.

Not his critics. The holiest scriptures are clear on this. A lot of things were followed in the past. Does not mean they were good.

You are free to hate Hinduism. That is your duty and right. But hate it with reason. The passage says how Brahma planted a seed of knowledge in Saraswati. Saraswati is the Goddess of wisdom. An intercourse with a lady does not give birth to 4 Vedas or Raginis or Ragas. That too after 100 years. :disagree: Read some contemporary poetry. Listen to some Bollywood songs. Suraj huwa maddhyam chand jalne laga does not make sense literally. Unlike the Quran, Hindu texts are not literal in their meaning. :)

:omghaha: Who was a kleptomaniac? Arjuna killed Karna because it was a war. Sri Krishna urged him to go ahead. Karma got to him in the end as well. Do read how Krishna suffered due to his actions.

We Dharmics are aware of everyone's right and wrong doings. Our devas are different from your God. Our God is the Paramatmaan. We don't consider any one deva as the ultimate and perfect specimen of Mankind. You do. Which is where the Sunnat comes into being. Our morality is dictated by our own personal self.

I hope you have adequately demonstrated your hate for Hinduism out in the open.
@Aminroop @FULL_METAL @ranjeet @Roybot @Srinivas

Let me tell you one thing, if tomorrow scientists come up with a research which proves that incest doesn't cause birth defects in babies then soon incest might become legal (however gross that might sound).
So pls stop tawdry posts on Hindu gods or I will start reporting all the offensive posts.

@SarthakGanguly i met a radicalised Kashmiri teenager. :(

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