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A Brilliant Piece by BBC Journo Tufail Ahmad…..Indian secularism is Half-Islamist, Half-Pakistani

At a time when most writers and journalists were leaving no attempt in defaming the Modi Government on the Dadri issue, some wise words have been published in a website named Indiafacts.co.in by Tufail Ahmad, a former BBC journalist and who is always known for writing sensible articles on some controversial issues.

People are angry at the murder of Muhammad Akhlaq in Dadri over allegations that he ate beef. Some say they are angry at Akhlaq’s murder, while others say they are angry at the murder of the cow. Some people are angry at the cancellation of Pakistani ghazal singer Ghulam Ali’s show of 9 October in Mumbai due to the Shiv Sena’s threat, while others are angry at Pakistani actors and singers being invited in India.

In the natural world, animals are made of meat and bones. Humans too, made of bones and meat, are animals. What angers them? Let’s look at their habits and ideas.

It is a bogus claim that we as humans are concerned about life, whether the life be of an animal or of a human being. For example, lots of people who argue that they believe in non-violence are non-vegetarians and eat meat in full awareness that an animal has been murdered.

In purely humanist considerations, the life of an animal cannot be less precious than the life of a human being. Among vegetarians, Jains deserve respect as they strive not to hurt even insects. It does not automatically mean that all Jains are vegetarians and pacifists, or that vegetarians do not murder.

On 23 June, Pakistani police killed a boy after he posed for selfie with a toy gun in Faisalabad, but Pakistani people did not protest. But if a Palestinian child is injured in firing by Israeli police, there are global protests by leftists and journalists file numerous outraged reports.

When the U.S. launched the war in Iraq, there were protests across the world by anti-war activists. When Saudi Arabia launched the current air strikes on Yemen, anti-war activists went to sleep. Pakistani army regularly kills people in Balochistan, but Pakistanis do not rise up. In India, secular journalists who claim they are concerned about human rights do not get angry when victims are Hindu.

Indian secularism is colour-blind.

Secular journalists who are angry at Akhlaq’s killing adopted total silence on a number of murders recently. Last August, army jawan Vedmitra Chaudhury was lynched to death in Hardevnagar, near Meerut, for saving a girl from molesters. In March, a Hindu man was abducted and murdered in Hajipur of Bihar for marrying a Muslim girl. Last June, a man was lynched to death near Eluru in Andhra Pradesh. A mob killed a man in Bhandup West area of Mumbai in June.

Secular journalists’ colour-blindness prevents them from seeing these murders: they do not get angry; they want Muslims to be murdered; only then they speak up. Indian secularism has tasted the Muslim blood.

Indian secularism is not only colour-blind, it is also half-Pakistani.

Secular leader Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, spoke with Ghulam Ali after his show was cancelled and will host him in Delhi. Secular leader Akhilesh Yadav, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, organised Ghulam Ali’s show in Lucknow.


But Kejriwal and Akhilesh didn’t invite our own Oscar-winning musician A. R. Rahman when his music show of 13 September in Delhi was cancelled due to a fatwa by the Barelvi group Raza Academy.Secularism does not like Indian Muslim singers; it does not like Indian writers like Salman Rushdie. Mamata Banerjee, another secular leader, supported Ghulam Ali, saying music has no international boundaries but she will not support Taslima Nasreen, the Bangladeshi writer.

Indian secularism is truly Pakistani, not even a quarter-Bangladeshi.

Indian secularism is also counter-nationalist: secular lawyers turned out at midnight before the Supreme Court to save the life of convicted terrorist Yakub Menon but remain silent on death sentences of common Indians.

Secular journalist Nikhil Wagle wrote: “Without secularism, India is a Hindu Pakistan.“

Indian secularism is not even Indian: it is incomplete without eating beef. It loves to eat beef because Pakistanis eat beef. It is essentially Pakistani. It aligns with Pakistanis.

In 1947, our people thought that they could give away a piece of India’s territory to buy permanent peace. The secular government of Manmohan Singh came close to conceding a part of Kashmir to Pakistan in talks with General Pervez Musharraf, the architect of arguably the largest jihad in modern times in Kargil. Indian secularism is without sex, without consummating with Pakistan.

In his landmark book “On War”, German military strategist Carl von Clausewitz observed: “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” The reason Indians do not want Pakistani singers here is because Pakistan is practically in a state of war against India for nearly seven decades.

Through television and social media, common Indians can understand Pakistan’s war by other means. Pakistan has not formally declared a war, but Indians have grasped the obvious fact of our times that we are in a state of war because Pakistan continues to send jihadists into India. Aamir Khan’s movie Sarfarosh showed us that Pakistan sends arms dealers posing as ghazal singers.

Indian secularism is also Islamist.

In 2012, the secular Congress government did not allow Salman Rushdie to speak in Jaipur because secularism is in an incestuous relationship with Islamists. Mamata Banerjee does not support Taslima Nasreen because the West Bengal CM is in league with Islamists in the state.

Kejriwal’s secularism is in open alliance with Islamists. In 2013, Kejriwal visited Bareilly to meet Islamic cleric Tauqeer Raza Khan to seek Muslim votes. Last year, he sent Alka Lamba to meet Imam Bukhari’s brother to seek Muslim votes. In 1986, Rajiv Gandhi’s secularism surrendered before Islamic clerics in the Shah Bano case. Indian secularism is incomplete without its ideological cohabitation with Islamists.

On 1 October, secular gossip columnist Shobhaa De tweeted: “I just ate beef. Come and murder me.” The question also is: Will she draw a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad at the Gateway of India?

In a tweet dated 4 October, secular journalist Sagarika Ghose wrote: “Citizens of India, we need a campaign like Je Suis Charlie. Hold your head high and say ‘I am a beef eater’.” The question is: Will secular journalists draw the same cartoon in front of Delhi’s Jamaa Masjid?

The outrage is not about beef or cartoon. Indian youths are concerned over secularism’s double standards; they will support your right to eat beef if you are willing to draw a cartoon, even from your kitchen. The secular NDTV, supported by Aircel, began Save Our Tiger campaign. Why not a Save the Cow campaign?

India is a great nation. Its reality is this: Bollywood actor Aamir Khan makes the movie #PK in which Hindu god Lord Shiva is locked up in a bathroom and threatened, but he cannot make a movie on Prophet Muhammad. This is the imbalance in our national conversation that threatens India’s social cohesion. It is fostered by journalists.

India is witnessing the emergence of fascism from newsrooms, a movement of totalitarian ideas that divides us in order to win. Indian journalists are beaten up by Indians in New York or Dadri for their double standards. On social media, they are being called pimps and presstitutes, bimbos and bazaaru media because they sell their souls for a bungalow or a Rajya Sabha seat.

This secular fascism, in league with Islamic totalitarianism, wins by dividing us, but police must deal ruthlessly with any Indian who takes law into their own hands.

A Brilliant Piece by BBC Journo Tufail Ahmad.....Indian secularism is Half-Islamist, Half-Pakistani - Satyameva Jayate

@Aminroop @sarthak Ganguly @ranjeet

He does not work for BBC. He works for MEMRI TV, an Israeli outfit


Master piece.And that too from BBC journo. Shameless seculars feeding on blood money of innocent Hindus for a very long time. Slap on the face of pseudo-seculars and anti nationals who pays their honor to their western masters

He does not work for BBC. He works for MEMRI TV, an Israeli outfit

That day I realized one thing, our media might have a left leaning but the populace doesn't. It is just a matter of time when Indians will roughshod over media.

Not that easy, especially when you have political parties who get benefited from this......

Slap them. Then talk. Trust me - it will work.

That is a good idea, slap and bash them, why not kill them too?
That is a good idea, slap and bash them, why not kill them too?
That will be very naughty of the communal guy. :disagree: Not recommended.

Edit: This is with respect to those 'seculars' who justified Charlie Hebdo killings. The post I quoted made that clear.

Do you intend to remind me of Krishna and Subhadra:undecided:
What do you want me to be reminded of? Krishna and Subhadra were siblings. Subhadra married Arjuna.

I am sure that you also long for those things:azn:
No. Sorry, I am not a pervert. :disagree:

Indeed calling not so fatherly relationship(Brahma & you know who I speak) incest is met with :guns::butcher:
This is a good point raised by all Islamists when Muhammad's sex life is brought out into the open. I don't wish to discuss religion, but this is for academic purpose only.

"Brahma desired Sarasvati and went to her, asking her to stay with him. She, being his daughter, was furious at this and said, 'Your mouth speaks inauspiciously and so you will always speak in a contrary way.' From that day, Brahma's fifth head always spoke evilly and coarsely. Therefore one day when Siva was wandering about with Parvati and came to see Brahma, Brahma's four heads praised Siva but the fifth made an evil sound. Siva, displeased with the fifth head, cut it off. The skull remained stuck fast to Siva's hand, and though he was capable of burning it up, Siva wandered the earth with it for the sake of all people, until he came to Benares." -- Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita 49:65-80.

^ Hope that clarifies the people who are willing to understand what happened and what did not happen. Even then, you will find very very few Brahma mandirs in the world. It was for his desire which the vast majority of Dharmics consider unacceptable.

I will give you another example -
This is similar to the story of Yama & Yami who were siblings. Yami want to fornicate with Yama but Yama refused saying siblings should not be doing it. Thus Yama became "Dharma Raja" or the king of justice as per a folklore.

So again - NO TO INCEST.

But the motive was not to discuss incest but to show the vile character of a man who engaged in pedophilia. And the dubious character of people who follow him as an ideal.

That is absolutely unacceptable. :disagree:

I hope that clarifies your doubts. You can tag me in Whatever or other threads if you wish to know more about these details.

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Not that easy, especially when you have political parties who get benefited from this...... o?
I have a feeling that Indian voters have finally started to use their votes against anyone who doesn't perform. Be it left or right, voters doesn't spare politicians for reneging from their promises.
Modi's landslide victory along with AAP's victory in Delhi proves this.
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I have a feeling that Indian voters have finally started to use their against anyone who doesn't perform. Be it left or right, voters doesn't spare politicians for reneging from their promises.
Modi's landslide victory along with AAP victory in Delhi proves this.

That is an ideal situation to be in..... But I am afraid that is not the case..... If that was the case Lalu would not have had highest number of MLA's in Bihar assembly.....Delhi is metro (i would like to call them a metro because of the size of the state) and you cannot compare it with rest of India...... yes you can compare it with other metros probably, but India lives in Villages.....
I have a feeling that Indian voters have finally started to use their against anyone who doesn't perform. Be it left or right, voters doesn't spare politicians for reneging from their promises.
Modi's landslide victory along with AAP victory in Delhi proves this.
Some states are exceptions to this.... Recent Bihar election negated the any chance of what you said..... Also certain vote blocks voted against bjp not on the basis of anti development but perceived bjp anti community.....
Bihar trend is certainly disheartening for the country especially with emergence of convicted corrupt lalu .....
Same thing might go in Bengal n UP too...
N you are acting like son of a post man.....

That was your best comeback? Pathetic.:disagree:

though banned ( permanently?? ), he surely must be watching this thread... given his enthusiasm for the ladies ( though mostly of the slim variety ), he would be mightily insulted with your remark. :D

I'm guessing he would be back on another ID to take his revenge.:rofl:
If that was the case Lalu would not have had highest number of MLA's in Bihar assembly
Some states are exceptions to this.... Recent Bihar election negated the any chance of what you said..... Also certain vote blocks voted against bjp not on the basis of anti development but perceived bjp anti community.....
Bihar trend is certainly disheartening for the country especially with emergence of convicted corrupt lalu .....
Same thing might go in Bengal n UP too...

It was Nitish's good-will which helped Lalu.

That will be very naughty of the communal guy. :disagree: Not recommended.

Edit: This is with respect to those 'seculars' who justified Charlie Hebdo killings. The post I quoted made that clear.

What do you want me to be reminded of? Krishna and Subhadra were siblings. Subhadra married Arjuna.

No. Sorry, I am not a pervert. :disagree:

This is a good point raised by all Islamists when Muhammad's sex life is brought out into the open. I don't wish to discuss religion, but this is for academic purpose only.

"Brahma desired Sarasvati and went to her, asking her to stay with him. She, being his daughter, was furious at this and said, 'Your mouth speaks inauspiciously and so you will always speak in a contrary way.' From that day, Brahma's fifth head always spoke evilly and coarsely. Therefore one day when Siva was wandering about with Parvati and came to see Brahma, Brahma's four heads praised Siva but the fifth made an evil sound. Siva, displeased with the fifth head, cut it off. The skull remained stuck fast to Siva's hand, and though he was capable of burning it up, Siva wandered the earth with it for the sake of all people, until he came to Benares." -- Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita 49:65-80.

^ Hope that clarifies the people who are willing to understand what happened and what did not happen. Even then, you will find very very few Brahma mandirs in the world. It was for his desire which the vast majority of Dharmics consider unacceptable.

I will give you another example -
This is similar to the story of Yama & Yami who were siblings. Yami want to fornicate with Yama but Yama refused saying siblings should not be doing it. Thus Yama became "Dharma Raja" or the king of justice as per a folklore.

So again - NO TO INCEST.

But the motive was not to discuss incest but to show the vile character of a man who engaged in pedophilia. And the dubious character of people who follow him as an ideal.

That is absolutely unacceptable. :disagree:

I hope that clarifies your doubts. You can tag me in Whatever or other threads if you wish to know more about these details.

Suddenly I feel as if I don't know anything about Hinduism.
Ratan TATA can buy all the company listed in Karachi stock exchange so don't make yourself dumb by such comments

Ratan Tata can go f*ck himself. Doesn't change the fact that only Parsi on this forum was a jerk. Or may be it was because of his nationality that he was such a thumb sucking lunatic.
Oops. :tsk:



@FULL_METAL Let me tell you a fact. Know the Rajputs?

Fierce Hindus them. Half of them still 'donated' their ladies to Mughals and other Islamic Sultans to JUST KEEP THEIR throne. Strict code following Hindus were the biggest enemies of Hindus. Take Man Singh for example. A complete Kshatriya. Spent his entire life fighting Hindu kings under Mughal kings. :tdown: If you have a thick skin you will know and understand the dynamics. These things are not taught in our sugar coated history books.

Guess where RSS finds easy recruits?
In Kerala, in West Bengal, in Gujarat, in Western Maharastra, in tribal Chattisgarh etc. Places where feudal casteists are less powerful. Where ritual is eclipsed real world needs. Read the opposition Savarkar himself faced when he established RSS. From Muslims? From Christians? Nope. He got the sticks from Hindus. :omghaha:

Bitter and Manvan had declared me to be non Hindu long back. :omghaha: Check our interactions if you can. Or search on Google. Not saying they are bad. But one is a bit bitter and both are too strict in defining Hindus. :P

I will probably delete this post. State that you got the message and I may delete this. :angel:

Am I and Manvan supposed to be like Man Singh fighting for the Mughals or the other Kshatriyas who donated their .daughter to the Muslim rulers to keep their throne? Or are we feudal casteists who are stopping recruitment in RSS? Or are we eclipsing the world with our rituals? LOL. This one hell of a confusing post. Do care to explain pls.

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