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A Blind Boy telling how he learnt Quran it will make you cry

Didn't cry... What big deal, many visual disabled did so many great things. The Indo-Pak blind team played Blind cricket world cup. They are source of ispiration but they don't make me cry...

Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.

Please elaborate it... Is it Koranic verse or some hadis..???
Zarvan you should have written a note at the biggning or the end of the video. Just for Muslims. and i say muslims not even for Liberals. :)
Zarvan you should have written a note at the biggning or the end of the video. Just for Muslims. and i say muslims not even for Liberals. :)

Apart from shia, sunni, ahmadi, ismali, etc, etc one more sect is added Liberals.......
no its mixture of all these sects. Liberals also have sunni Shia etc,etc,.. @JonAsad its not surah Tauba Surah Baqarah 2:171
“They (Non-believers) are deaf, dumb and blind, and so they do not think and understand.” (Al-Baqarah 2:171)
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Watched the video; didn't really cry but his effort is certainty praiseworthy...
BTW, you should be specific towards your intended audience rather then vaguely throwing out "YOU" at multi-faith userbase
and inviting unwarranted scrutiny.
this is surat toba- chapter 9- ayat number 111-

anything else?-

What it says???

no its mixture of all these sects. Liberals also have sunni Shia etc,etc,..

“They (Non-believers) are deaf, dumb and blind, and so they do not think and understand.” (Al-Baqarah 2:171)

Stereotyping, racism in civilized country... you can get punishment for hate crime, if you tell this to any Afro-American or NRIs... This kind of statements don't hold value in civilized society..
Watched the video; didn't really cry but his effort is certainty praiseworthy...
BTW, you should be specific towards your intended audience rather then vaguely throwing out "YOU" at multi-faith userbase
and inviting unwarranted scrutiny.

Some people who wrote 'it didn't make them or cry or something' are being cheeky. They should've probably wrote 'all of us are not girls to cry' or something like that. I'm not saying that only girls should cry. Both human males and females should and will cry.
Watched the video; didn't really cry but his effort is certainty praiseworthy...
BTW, you should be specific towards your intended audience rather then vaguely throwing out "YOU" at multi-faith userbase
and inviting unwarranted scrutiny.

Agree with you, a sensible pakistani.. :)
Rahmana Malik was also sensible pakistani until he said things against India. :lol:
every pakistani for indian is one who can speak bit against muslims and against pakistan.
Made me cry....such a waste of time...
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