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A Bangladeshi Climber Dies in the Himalaya

I highly disagree with you about the "cheap applause". He was a sportsman and he did what he loved. They dont (usually) do it for the applause but to overcome ones personal and physical limits!

Risking ones health is nothing unusual for many sportsman, I sometimes put my health back as well (though not in these levels of course).

Furthermore he was a grown up man and knew what he was doing.
Okay buddy lets try it this way. No offense to him but you can't just be that selfish to test your limits and die in the process when you have many responsibilites to your parents, wife and children. This man had a wife and a child probably 4-5 years old. Surely he should have thought about them before going for this adventure. I am sorry to say but he was a bit obsessed in pursuit of challenging his limits when he should have been more concerned about his responsibilites. We all have to sacrifice many things(our personal milestones to go after) just for the sake of our dear and loved ones. Dont we? :)
He did in what he believed in, willed to accept the risks and died for it.

man took a calculated risk, died doing it....not worth a news in the paper.
RIP.. Atleast he died by achieving his goals and not like us who might die while earning and giving facilities to our kids :(
Okay buddy lets try it this way. No offense to him but you can't just be that selfish to test your limits and die in the process when you have many responsibilites to your parents, wife and children. This man had a wife and a child probably 4-5 years old. Surely he should have thought about them before going for this adventure. I am sorry to say but he was a bit obsessed in pursuit of challenging his limits when he should have been more concerned about his responsibilites. We all have to sacrifice many things(our personal milestones to go after) just for the sake of our dear and loved ones. Dont we? :)

mhhh agree on that.... maybe you should do such things before having your own family.
mhhh agree on that.... maybe you should do such things before having your own family.

climbing everest does not come cheap. I am sure he is from well to do family and his wife wont face financial difficulty. One cannot just let of of his / her dream. Why would anybody voluneer for risky jobs then?
I hope nepali authorities do some test before giving go ahead.
climbing everest does not come cheap. I am sure he is from well to do family and his wife wont face financial difficulty. One cannot just let of of his / her dream. Why would anybody voluneer for risky jobs then?
I hope nepali authorities do some test before giving go ahead.

mhhhhh maybe cannot really tell, since I dont know that guy. Totally depends on how much it meant to him.... and it must mean a fu***** hell to someone if he risks his life and that his family will lose their father/husband.

But still, in my opinion, I think your responsibilities as a father come first, even if they have enough financial support, although I know for myself how much the wish to go to your physical limits can sometimes overcome your logical reasoning ;)

A young unmarried man on the other hand, should pursue his dreams and do whatever his passion is....
climbing everest does not come cheap. I am sure he is from well to do family and his wife wont face financial difficulty. One cannot just let of of his / her dream. Why would anybody voluneer for risky jobs then?
I hope nepali authorities do some test before giving go ahead.

Nepali govt should ban on climbing the Everest without an oxygen mask above certain elevation known as death zone. But, who can watch them at 8000 meter? Perhaps the Sherpas can work as double. As helpers as well as watchdogs under license from the GoN.
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