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9 soldiers martyred 20 wounded in a suicide attack

You forgot the part of blaming afghanistan
Afghanistan also shares border with Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China yet these attacks happen only in Pakistan, which implies either our security forces are in on this or highly incompetent. @Signalian can decide
Afghanistan also shares border with Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China yet these attacks happen only in Pakistan, which implies either our security forces are in on this or highly incompetent. @Signalian can decide

Afghanistan also faces considerably less violence too. Something is surely wrong.
Afghanistan also shares border with Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China yet these attacks happen only in Pakistan, which implies either our security forces are in on this or highly incompetent. @Signalian can decide
The only reason TTP succeeds here is due to local support they receive.
Many of them are natives of tribal areas.
This increasingly looks like a war between locals and the army.
The funding is external - India
There was a time we would hear such news out of Kashmir. Daily Indians would be killed in Kashmir. But dollarkhor generals needed ways to fund their property procurements in Europe. So now there’s relatively low insurgency in IOJK and instead india is doing the same to us in KPK and Balochistan.
Dollarkhor generals gave up Kashmir jihad saying “Kashmir is a lost cause”. They lost hope in the help of Allah. Now they suffer humiliation at the hands of Indians.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:
I heard the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ) say: When you enter into the inah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are pleased with agriculture, and give up conducting jihad (struggle in the way of Allah). Allah will make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your original religion.
-Sunan Abi Dawud 3462
As expected:

- ISPR will come up with it's usual statement of sent to hell bla bla
- The caretaker PM tries his fancy English and dogs of hell or whatever

2 din batain hongeen, COAS goes to the location, raises a few slogans, and back to putting civilians in jail.

May Allah bless all the shaheed with jannat and I hope we get rid of this menace soon.
This was inevitable, Afghans who had only seen war for generations needed someone to fight and it was Pakistan's strategic failure not to point them in other country directions. There is little Pakistan can do as the fools in Islamabad were tricked by the Hindjews and have led us to this position where we are now the focus of inherent hatred. All Pakistan can do is to seriously seal the border and absorb the body blows which will only get worse unless Pakistan takes the war candidly to the terrorists. The key question is : does Pakistan know the enemy both enemy within and enemy beyond the borders? Even worse for Pakistan is the internal turmoil and extreme political division within Pakistan which is recipe for a disaster. A disgruntled population, fanatical terrorists and a hostile neighbour is mix that should set off alarm bells as it seems we are being setup for something and only Allah knows what it is.
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As expected:

- ISPR will come up with it's usual statement of sent to hell bla bla
- The caretaker PM tries his fancy English and dogs of hell or whatever

2 din batain hongeen, COAS goes to the location, raises a few slogans, and back to putting civilians in jail.

May Allah bless all the shaheed with jannat and I hope we get rid of this menace soon.

ISPR kee ayashi, whenever soldier dies, it gives them power and strength… i wont be suprised if isi assets are killing its own soldiers
May God bless their souls, they gave highest sacrifice for their home land.
Only one solution - start visa entry for Afghani. It will solve most of the problems from West border

But due to messup created in the past. Highly unlikely you will able to do it.

I always say that, Pakistan never look at the root of problem, only happy to blame everything on india
Solution is to light up LOC.
Root of problem is India, has been always. Proof is RAW.

How many intel failures have occurred so far? The bombings are becoming a norm. Again.
Multiple, dozens.
Convoy movement never needed FIU or intel assets. Adaptability has to be there for new pathways of movement. However there are two points here :

1. The convoys which move and reach destination are not mentioned in news so a probability analysis cannot be undertaken.

2. Should soldiers in a military vehicle be allowed to fire at vehicles or motor cycles which come dangerously close or speed up at them ? Also should a stationary standing bike/car be allowed to fired upon if found suspicious ?
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Multiple, dozens.
Convoy movement never needed FIU or intel assets. Adaptability has to be there for new pathways of movement. However there are two points here :

1. The convoys which move and reach destination are not mentioned in need so a probability analysis cannot be undertaken.

2. Should soldiers in a military vehicle be allowed to fire at vehicles or motor cycles which come dangerously close or speed up at them ? Also should a stationary standing bike/car be allowed to fired upon if found suspicious ?
You really mean the army needs more experience now.
Did they learn nothing from the war of terror?
You really mean the army needs more experience now.
Did they learn nothing from the war of terror?
Not experience. SOPs are there in place. Firing at civilians based on just doubt is questionable.
Solution is to light up LOC.
Root of problem is India, has been always. Proof is RAW.

Multiple, dozens.
Convoy movement never needed FIU or intel assets. Adaptability has to be there for new pathways of movement. However there are two points here :

1. The convoys which move and reach destination are not mentioned in need so a probability analysis cannot be undertaken.

2. Should soldiers in a military vehicle be allowed to fire at vehicles or motor cycles which come dangerously close or speed up at them ? Also should a stationary standing bike/car be allowed to fired upon if found suspicious ?
BJP is getting support from strange quarters of pakistan , you look to be friend of modi . If war starts BJP will win parliament election . Start it immediately.
BJP is getting support from strange quarters of pakistan , you look to be friend of modi . If war starts BJP will win parliament election . Start it immediately.
What is RAWs budget

Furthermore which regions is RAW involved nowadays ?
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I am neutral. (TTP should target Generals and their families)
Why? They won't.

The only reason TTP succeeds here is due to local support they receive.
Many of them are natives of tribal areas.
This increasingly looks like a war between locals and the army.
So the question is why is local tribes supporting them

Does it has to be anything related to people disappearing without due process or unsanctioned aerial attacks via foreign powers(can no due process)

" such activitiesl/extra judicial killing doesn't increase anti state sentiment" per military intelligence

But I don't think that's the issue here. I have met 1000s of local they don't support TTP. They are blaming military intelligence for allowing their movement and providing funding

We may say this ridiculous but several other things that looked ridiculous in the past came out to be true
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