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9/11 : Then and now ( Photos )

Just before you declare me an isis loving terrorist ill let you know i criticize mullahsaurases more than i criticize Murican role as global policeman

Just before you declare me an isis loving terrorist ill let you know i criticize mullahsaurases more than i criticize Murican role as global policeman

Maybe somebody should have been wiser and not attack US, eh ?

Sooner or later, you will turn into one of 'them'...
Ok please explain oh wise one what purpose was achieved by attacking Iraq?

Haha you dont know me do you i am the type of guy isis types hate more than they hate the EVIL west :P

Maybe somebody should have been wiser and not attack US, eh ?

Sooner or later, you will turn into one of 'them'...
Ok please explain oh wise one what purpose was achieved by attacking Iraq?

Haha you dont know me do you i am the type of guy isis types hate more than they hate the EVIL west :P
Just before you declare me an isis loving terrorist ill let you know i criticize mullahsaurases more than i criticize Murican role as global policeman
Good for you. Now get a scoop of ice cream as reward.

Ok please explain oh wise one what purpose was achieved by attacking Iraq?
If you are insinuating that we associated Iraq with 9/11, you are wrong.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attack, it was only prudent that we assess all possible hostiles, which included Iraq under Saddam Hussein. But we never came out and said officially that Iraq had any direct or indirect association with 9/11. And please do not dredge up what VP Dick Cheney and SecDef Ronald Rumsfeld said. What they suggested was part of the discussion on those potential hostiles. :rolleyes:
Good for you. Now get a scoop of ice cream as reward.

If you are insinuating that we associated Iraq with 9/11, you are wrong.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attack, it was only prudent that we assess all possible hostiles, which included Iraq under Saddam Hussein. But we never came out and said officially that Iraq had any direct or indirect association with 9/11. And please do not dredge up what VP Dick Cheney and SecDef Ronald Rumsfeld said. What they suggested was part of the discussion on those potential hostiles. :rolleyes:
Only if its caramel and vanilla :P
You attacked Iraq for nukes you found none and ruined it in the name of spreading freedom.You got rid of one butcher of Baghdad now there are atleast a 1000

Good for you. Now get a scoop of ice cream as reward.

If you are insinuating that we associated Iraq with 9/11, you are wrong.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attack, it was only prudent that we assess all possible hostiles, which included Iraq under Saddam Hussein. But we never came out and said officially that Iraq had any direct or indirect association with 9/11. And please do not dredge up what VP Dick Cheney and SecDef Ronald Rumsfeld said. What they suggested was part of the discussion on those potential hostiles. :rolleyes:
Only if its caramel and vanilla :P
You attacked Iraq for nukes you found none and ruined it in the name of spreading freedom.You got rid of one butcher of Baghdad now there are atleast a 1000

I know your gov didnt attack Iraq because of 9-11 but it did get aggressive in its foreign military policy after 9-11

I know your gov didnt attack Iraq because of 9-11 but it did get aggressive in its foreign military policy after 9-11

And all these f,ups in m,east are a result of that brawny foreign policy
Mossad agents planted beacons for the orbital directed energy weapons. Got it...

Why do you even reply? It's futile to discuss with gov. paid shills. At best, I would make fun of their silliness. :wave:

The Tonkin incident was completely real, so Vietnam deserved to get bombed back to the stone age. :disagree:


Anyone who is interested in the whole conspiracy should not be afraid of being called conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy means nothing but two or more people planing in secrecy something. So, either way, 9/11 was a conspiracy of a group of people. Just that the conspiracy theory of the US cabal is completely bullocks if one strings together the hundreds of odds.

I can only recommend you guys to watch this interview. She got hundreds of those odd coincidences stringed together.
Why do you even reply? It's futile to discuss with gov. paid shills. At best, I would make fun of their silliness. :wave:
To make fun of your silliness. Is that why you have to work for 'alternative media' because this is too much even for the most liberal and openminded of the mainstream media ?

The Tonkin incident was completely real, so Vietnam deserved to get bombed back to the stone age. :disagree:
North Vietnam, where the commies live, should be.
To make fun of your silliness. Is that why you have to work for 'alternative media' because this is too much even for the most liberal and openminded of the mainstream media ?

North Vietnam, where the commies live, should be.

Scientific Poll: 84% Say 9/11 Is A Cover Up

9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government’s Lying | Veterans Today

The MSM is losing readers by the droves. My alternative media company is growing in double digit with our printed newspaper. There is no such thing like most liberal and openminded in the MSM, silly man. :D

Showing the human side with your former compatriots, ey? I'm sure you would tell the agent orange kids that it was their own fault as their parents were commies and all the US wanted was to liberate them from commies. :agree:

Now go take your drug that makes you feel like god. :lol:
Scientific Poll: 84% Say 9/11 Is A Cover Up

9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government’s Lying | Veterans Today

The MSM is losing readers by the droves. My alternative media company is growing in double digit with our printed newspaper. There is no such thing like most liberal and openminded in the MSM, silly man. :D
Veterans Today ? There are as credible as RT News. Half the links are either dead or information about the polls are scant. Anyone can call whatever rag or website he frequents as 'alternative'. That word is as overused as a cheap hooker who has the same double digit growth in customers as well.

Showing the human side with your former compatriots, ey? I'm sure you would tell the agent orange kids that it was their own fault as their parents were commies and all the US wanted was to liberate them from commies. :agree:

Now go take your drug that makes you feel like god. :lol:
When you are ready to debate the Vietnam War seriously, let me know. But I doubt that you have the intellect and knowledge to do so.
Veterans Today ? There are as credible as RT News. Half the links are either dead or information about the polls are scant. Anyone can call whatever rag or website he frequents as 'alternative'. That word is as overused as a cheap hooker who has the same double digit growth in customers as well.

When you are ready to debate the Vietnam War seriously, let me know. But I doubt that you have the intellect and knowledge to do so.

More credible than your Faux News. The hookers are the one who sell their soul for the banksters, like you.

Didn't you understand my above post where I stated that it's futile to debate with a shill? Making fun of them is ok, though. :lol:

Have you taken that god making drug yet? :lol:

Anyway, this tear jerking intended thread just got a dose of reality and that's all a few truth seeking people and I wanted. :D

Here is another clue. These five Israelis who were caught dancing on 9/11 in New York while the Twin Towers were hit said in an interview on TV that they were there to document the event.

Err, how did they know about the event? :eek:

More credible than your Faux News. The hookers are the one who sell their soul for the banksters, like you.
It is hilarious that you would cite polls, whose questions are unknown, as showing over half of Americans doubt the 'official story, and it came from the American equivalent of RT News at that.

Then where are the Congressional hearings ? Where are the crowds gathering in the streets ? I would think this government conspiracy would be greater than the 'Occupy' movement. Why is this not exposed in the university, especially at the ones prominent in the sciences like MIT or Harvard. Where is Noam Chomsky about this ? Something would have been done by now. Instead, as a whole, Americans settled with the 'official' version of 9/11.

Didn't you understand my above post where I stated that it's futile to debate with a shill? Making fun of them is ok, though. :lol:
Yup...That is why your so called 'alternative media' is pretty much ignored and mocked. You are as 'alternative' as the next Ben&Jerry ice cream flavor, pal.
It is hilarious that you would cite polls, whose questions are unknown, as showing over half of Americans doubt the 'official story, and it came from the American equivalent of RT News at that.

Then where are the Congressional hearings ? Where are the crowds gathering in the streets ? I would think this government conspiracy would be greater than the 'Occupy' movement. Why is this not exposed in the university, especially at the ones prominent in the sciences like MIT or Harvard. Where is Noam Chomsky about this ? Something would have been done by now. Instead, as a whole, Americans settled with the 'official' version of 9/11.

Yup...That is why your so called 'alternative media' is pretty much ignored and mocked. You are as 'alternative' as the next Ben&Jerry ice cream flavor, pal.

LOL, the old fool Noam, the perfect gatekeeper Gatekeeping (communication) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :lol:

And this old fools rants about the German alternative media as if he knows anything about Germany. Sprichst du Deutsch? :lol:
What rebuttal? The guys were lying on Israeli TV about the documentation of the event? Are you anti-semitic? You said that five Israelis lied? :eek:
The US government had them in custody for weeks and interrogated them even with polygraph. But of course, you did not read that rebuttal, did you ?

This is how dishonest your 'alternative media' works...

On the one hand, you tout yourselves as 'free thinkers' and insists that everyone should be as well. Questioning everything, including the authority, should be everyone's work.

But on the other hand, you do not tolerate reciprocity. You expect people to believe without reservations everything you said simply because you labeled yourselves as 'alternative', even if what you said violate the laws of nature, of common sense, and of logic. You cut and paste and for dramatic effects to the gullible, repeat what you claimed to be the smoking gun over and over again. And if anyone questions you, you immediately label them as government 'shills'. People do not like to be perceived as agents of the government and you play upon that fear to shut them up.

So go on be comfortable and self righteous in Germany of your 'alternative media' status. See how many Germans actually believes you and believe strong enough to take actions. After all, your area of the world is already well known for being suspicious of Jews, right ? So your 'alternative' version of 9/11 with Jews being so 'clearly' involved should fit right in into that mentality.

Just one thing, though...How does the orbital ray gun, as posited by Dr. Judy Wood, fit into your 'alternative media' version of 9/11 ?
The US government had them in custody for weeks and interrogated them even with polygraph. But of course, you did not read that rebuttal, did you ?

This is how dishonest your 'alternative media' works...

On the one hand, you tout yourselves as 'free thinkers' and insists that everyone should be as well. Questioning everything, including the authority, should be everyone's work.

But on the other hand, you do not tolerate reciprocity. You expect people to believe without reservations everything you said simply because you labeled yourselves as 'alternative', even if what you said violate the laws of nature, of common sense, and of logic. You cut and paste and for dramatic effects to the gullible, repeat what you claimed to be the smoking gun over and over again. And if anyone questions you, you immediately label them as government 'shills'. People do not like to be perceived as agents of the government and you play upon that fear to shut them up.

So go on be comfortable and self righteous in Germany of your 'alternative media' status. See how many Germans actually believes you and believe strong enough to take actions. After all, your area of the world is already well known for being suspicious of Jews, right ? So your 'alternative' version of 9/11 with Jews being so 'clearly' involved should fit right in into that mentality.

Just one thing, though...How does the orbital ray gun, as posited by Dr. Judy Wood, fit into your 'alternative media' version of 9/11 ?

Yada, yada … but they did say they were in New York to make a documentary of the event. You are such an anti-semitic that you would insinuate that those Israelis were lying. Shame on you! :tdown::disagree:

Here is the proof
Another funny fact is, it took the the great US air force 1.5 hour to scramble jets to the "hijacked" airplanes when in normal circumstance it takes them no more than 6 minutes. By that time the jets were already down.

Was the self-declared god (still want to know what drug he is taking) on duty on that day? He worked for the US air force, didn't he?
I got friends in high places.

Add these guys too


Arabs maybe supporting them or not but these guys will surely fight for them :D .

Which puts both US and ISIS in same camp ah the irony :D
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