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9/11: Illegitimacy of US government

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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9/11: Illegitimacy of US government


By Dr. Kevin Barrett

New York City asks: What happened to the 1,116 missing 9/11 victims?

More than 11 years after the catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center, New York City’s government is finally asking: What in the world could have happened to the missing 1,116 victims?

In every building collapse in history, all of the victims’ bodies have been recovered more or less intact. That is because falling buildings crush human bodies. They do not shred them into tiny pieces, or cause them to vanish into thin air.

Yet on September 11th, 2001, the most famous “building collapses” in history somehow caused the bodies of more than 1,000 victims to magically disappear. Not even a shred of skin, a fragment of fingernail, or a shard of bone from any of these bodies was ever recovered, despite meticulous “sifting and bucketing” efforts.

But that’s not the only mystery. Hardly anything was left of the 1,634 WTC occupants who did not completely vanish. Most of the human remains discovered and DNA-identified were in the form of tiny, shredded pieces, not intact bodies.

What happened to the nearly 3,000 human bodies that were annihilated during the ten-second disappearances of the 110-story Towers? Answer: The same thing that happened to the office furniture, filing cabinets, telephones, computers, and other contents of the Towers. Virtually no remains of these objects were ever recovered, either. They - like the human bodies - were somehow transformed into a mixture of tiny shards and sub-100-micron dust, which floated out to sea and slowly settled into the Atlantic. As one of the sifters-and-bucketers remarked, the biggest piece of office furniture recovered from Ground Zero was a tiny fragment of a telephone keypad.

Now, more than 11 years later, the New York City government is finally acknowledging the mystery. In a memo to the 9/11 victims’ families, NYC official Casey Holloway announced that this Monday, April 1st, the city’s Chief Medical Examiner will begin sifting through 60 truckloads of World Trade Center construction debris at Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Island. The city says it hopes to find remains of at least some of the 1,116 missing victims.

Unfortunately, the chances of finding remains of more than a few additional victims seem remote. After all, the Twin Towers debris - which amounted to less than 50% of the mass of the Towers (what happened to the rest of the mass?) - was already meticulously sifted and bucketed more than a decade ago. The city’s decision to sift through recent construction debris beginning April 1st bears more than a passing resemblance to George W. Bush’s decision to get down on his hands and knees to look under his desk for the missing Iraqi WMD. Is this some kind of cruel April Fools’ Day joke?

The absence of crushed-but-intact human bodies, office furniture and equipment, and 50% of the Towers’ mass suggests that the Twin Towers did not collapse - they exploded. (See the Youtube film “North Tower Exploding.”) This would explain why tiny human bone fragments were discovered scattered all over the roof of the neighboring Deutsche Bank building in 2006. No simple gravitational collapse, like the one posited by US government’s official NIST Report, could possibly blast human skeletons to smithereens and deposit those smithereens all over the roof of a neighboring building.

Were the Twin Towers, and the thousands of people inside them, blown to bits by explosives? That is what many of the 9/11 victims’ family members believe. Robert McIlvaine, whose son Bobby was murdered in the Twin Towers on 9/11, has stated that roughly half the family members share his suspicion that the Towers were explosively demolished in a false-flag attack. William Rodriguez, the famous 9/11 hero who has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people around the world, is another representative of the 9/11 survivors who asserts that the evidence for “controlled demolition” is an open secret.

Scientist Carl Sagan once pointed out that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” But sometimes absence of evidence IS a smoking gun. The absence of intact bodies, office contents, and half of the mass of the Twin Towers is a smoking gun proving that the Towers were explosively demolished.

The missing contents and mass of the Twin Towers are not the only mysterious “absence” connected with 9/11. Other notable “missing evidence” includes:

* The absence of the US government’s 80-plus videos of the attack on the Pentagon, some of which were confiscated by FBI agents just moments after the attack. Only a few frames have been released, and those frames show an explosion at the Pentagon but no big airliner.

* The absence of the 100,000 kilos of Boeing 757 airliner that supposedly entered the Pentagon. No record exists of those 100,000 kilos of airliner debris, or the plane’s luggage and passenger remains, ever being removed from any of the three widely-separated damaged areas of the Pentagon.

* The absence of the 100,000 kilos of Boeing 757 airliner that supposedly buried itself in the soft earth beneath a shallow fifteen-foot-diameter crater in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There is no evidence of 100,000 kilos of airliner debris, along with passenger remains and luggage, being recovered from beneath the ground at the alleged crash site.

* The absence of the official airline passenger lists, security video footage, ticket stubs, testimony from airline employees, or any other actual evidence that the 19 young Arabs blamed for 9/11 were even on the planes.

* The absence of the audio recordings of FAA personnel debriefing each other about what they experienced on 9/11. These recordings were confiscated by an FAA supervisor and shredded into tiny pieces, which were discarded into many widely-separated trash receptacles so they could never be collected and reconstructed.

* The absence of the indestructible “black boxes” of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. The US government claims these flight data recorders were never recovered, but first responders say they were present when they were found and taken away by FBI agents.

* The absence of the government’s most important cited evidence: The audio and video recordings of the lengthy torture sessions and scripted false confessions of mentally-retarded “9/11 mastermind” Abu Zubaydah and his fellow “mastermind” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA admits that it illegally destroyed these recordings, anonymous second-hand reports of which are cited in the 9/11 Commission Report as its only evidence for the 19-hijackers scenario.

* The absence of any plausible innocent explanation for the BBC’s premature report of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, Larry Silverstein’s confession that he demolished WTC-7, and (of course) the obvious controlled demolition of that building.

In every one of these cases - as in the case of the 1,116 missing victims - the absence of evidence is a smoking gun.

The US government now faces a complete absence of legitimacy.

PressTV - 9/11: Illegitimacy of US government
CNN knew almost an hour earlier ...

Guy is looking DIRECTLY towards the building that he just reported collapsed...!!!
Standing in open, as sunlight on his shoulder indicates,,, NOT looking thru TV display, but thru naked eyes, DIRECTLY...
BBC knew ~15 minutes before & reported that it "HAD" collapsed... while it was still standing in backdrop...
Now here's another channel "FOX-5", lady already reported that WTC-7 fell while she was looking at it LIVE, still standing. She was wondering if smoke was from that "THIRD-Collapse" which had NOT yet happened contrary to what she had reported. Then she sees it coming down just after she had made the announcement. HOW did she know beforehand???
Lease holder of ALL 3 buildings that fell, admits that he ordered the demolition of WTC-7. HOW did he order it just that day when it takes a month to set-up building for controlled-demolition???
If 3rd building was fitted with explosives to be blown up, why couldn't first two be prepared beforehand to be blown up & blame Muslims for it???
Richard Gage New 10-minute Showcase Video - YouTube
Kurt Haskell of Delta Flight 253 on Alex Jones Tv 2 3 No Passport Underwear Bomber Ha - YouTube
US Government behind Underwear Bomber...
Here's "Chert-off" taking others "shirts off" & making money off of it....
CIA issued visas to alleged 911 hijackers (actors) ... They had to make it look like Muslims from so-&-so country traveled to USA ta carry out that staged act... Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower
Kevin Ryan Presentation
Kevin Barrett
David Icke
9/11 Ripple Effect
7/7 Ripple Effect
7/7 Whistleblower Fired For Exposing False Flag
William Cooper
When False Flags Don't Fly
Fabled Enemies
Niels Harrit-Chemist
David Ray Griffin - Crooked Agenda: 9-11 Deception
It has been exposed that "Anthrax" mailed in US some time ago was a strain exclusively possessed by American agencies. & now they are mailing letters like this:-
CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen't Exist
This is how they run 2 parallel teams; one assigned to catch the bad guys, & the other team protecting & creating the bad guys & bad events. Both teams working under same umbrella.
Member of Dept. of Religious Studies at McMaster University in Hamilton:
9/11 Synthetic Terror- Webster Tarpley
Israeli Truck Bombs On 9/11
British Special Forces Caught In IRAQ posing as Arabs
Fake Al Qaeda Actors
Which Osama did it???
Psychologists Speak Out
John McMurtry, PhD, FRSC, University Professor of Philosophy, University of Guelph, Canada
The Great Conspiracy from 9-11
CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen't Exist
ALL so-called terrorist leaders are patsies of American agencies directly or indirectly thru private contractors (e.g. Black Water) or thru agencies of other countries. These ppl r trained to pretend as Muslim extremists. To perpetuate these fake wars & all the perky kicks they get from these. While at many times they had been guest of CIA dining with them & receiving treatments at American hospitals.
Daniele Ganser a Swiss historian and professor of modern history at the University of Basel. Watch 1:14:50+ plans to kill their own countrymen to blame others for that...
Like I said often enough...Leave the subject alone long enough and someone will rehash debunked crap as 'new'.
9/11 commission already said "WE DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE of TERROR ATTACK 9/11".
Did any one see the plane slam into the builds? maybe that is fake as well.
The OP needs to shut is ****** mouth. Just because your damn president denies realities such as the Holocaust doesn't mean you can start denying every damn massacre. I was right across the river when the towers got hit. Many neighbors lost their loved ones and now have streets, parks and schools named after them in order to preserve their memory.

The Mods on the forum keep condoning these stupid 9/11 conspiracy threads. It's pathetic and if you are wondering what is holding the so called "Muslim world" back, this is it folks. People with their head so far up their @ss

I honestly don't care if I get banned from this forum anymore, allowing these articles to run rampant is an insult to all those who lost their lives in the attacks and the causalities of the WOT.
9/11: Illegitimacy of US government

* The absence of the indestructible “black boxes” of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. The US government claims these flight data recorders were never recovered, but first responders say they were present when they were found and taken away by FBI agents.

But they found passports of hijackers intact, :whistle:

The point is, history indicates the U.S is not trustworthy:

USS Maine: Who Furnished the War?
How Stimson Meant to Maneuver the Japanese
Operation Northwoods

By the way it's hard to believe that 4 airplanes hijacking take place in one they and no one tries to stop them,
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