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8th anniversary of Gujarat genocide. Never forget

According to Indian Constitution, all Indian problems are Pakistan orientated,

Really? I must have not attended that civics class....go on, enlighten me, where is this enshrined on the Indian constitution? Quote me the exact lines...

well it gives Pakistan the right to expose

It gives Pakistan the right to expose what? That communal elements are present in India? Gee thanks for stating the obvious......Who are you exposing this to by the way? Your public? I wasn't aware that the Pakistani people thought so highly of India that an exposure was required to show them the "true colours" of India.

hat India itself is anything but a so called secular society

India is a secular society. It's constitution is secular. It's laws are secular. What about yours? The last time i checked your laws consisted of medieval blasphemy laws. Not quite the standard any nation in the 21st century should strive towards.

Basically it's a taste of your own medicine

Indians don't go on and on about the discrimination meted out to minorities in Pakistan. Our media doesnt write editorials about the abc anniversary of the xyz massacre in a foreign nation. We don't care. It's your country, your problem. Not ours. We don't need to put you down to prove our superiority. Articles such as these betray an inferiority complex.

You can't come up with a proper reason and hence engage in non-sensical bs? Thank you for proving my point. Try harder next time.

PS - Senior member eh? The dwindling quality of posters on this forum saddens me. It used to be a place where quality discussions took place.
According to Indian Constitution, all Indian problems are Pakistan orientated, well it gives Pakistan the right to expose that India itself is anything but a so called secular society. Basically it's a taste of your own medicine.
Which part of the constituion says that which schedule and under what article does it state, provide the links to back it up .show me an article where a country is explicitly named in the indian constitution .the indian constitution is open source so back up your claims with links
Really? I must have not attended that civics class....go on, enlighten me, where is this enshrined on the Indian constitution? Quote me the exact lines...
Do LeT, Jaish-e-Mohd, and ISI refreshen dark passage of your receding memory.?

It gives Pakistan the right to expose what? That communal elements are present in India? Gee thanks for stating the obvious......Who are you exposing this to by the way? Your public? I wasn't aware that the Pakistani people thought so highly of India that an exposure was required to show them the "true colours" of India.
Hell hath and no fury, however it seems a little ripple in Balochistan also floats your boat.

India is a secular society. It's constitution is secular. It's laws are secular. What about yours? The last time i checked your laws consisted of medieval blasphemy laws. Not quite the standard any nation in the 21st century should strive towards.
You telling me, I'm telling you.

Indians don't go on and on about the discrimination meted out to minorities in Pakistan. Our media doesnt write editorials about the abc anniversary of the xyz massacre in a foreign nation. We don't care. It's your country, your problem. Not ours. We don't need to put you down to prove our superiority. Articles such as these betray an inferiority complex.
Self denial is the complex we often encounter, while others thrive on mere finger pointing.
You can't come up with a proper reason and hence engage in non-sensical bs? Thank you for proving my point. Try harder next time.
Foot print of the very beast you detest.
PS - Senior member eh? The dwindling quality of posters on this forum saddens me. It used to be a place where quality discussions took place.
Jealousy is a bitter pill to swallow, perhaps you should divert your nonsense to the likes of Bharat Rakshak, where your bankrupt mentality and crap will thrive.
sorry mods I hate to attack a member but the idiocy compels me to do it @windjammer If you cant backup your argument that the indian constitution explicitly or implicitly states that pakistan is the source of indias woes I would equate you to a reactionary hack who is frustated of his countries state of affairs and can only find solace by scribbling pants on the forum which are the hallmark of stupidity and frustation .In short you are a troll
Do LeT, Jaish-e-Mohd, and ISI refreshen dark passage of your receding memory.?

Hell hath and no fury, however it seems a little ripple in Balochistan also floats your boat.

You telling me, I'm telling you.

Self denial is the complex we often encounter, while others thrive on mere finger pointing.

Foot print of the very beast you detest.

Jealousy is a bitter pill to swallow, perhaps you should divert your nonsense to the likes of Bharat Rakshak, where your bankrupt mentality and crap will thrive.

This is quite simple one of the funniest posts i have seen here. It actually looks like a post one would write after one way too many pegs of some fine scotch. There is simply no other way to explain this. In reply to a well articulated post, you come up with a rambling, disjointed and quite incoherent post. It looks like you have compiled some archaic English sayings and decided to incorporate them in the above post whether they make sense or not.

...........perhaps you should divert your nonsense to the likes of Bharat Rakshak

If we want to join it, we will. What do you think we are waiting for? Your permission?

.....where your bankrupt mentality and crap will thrive.

From your post, it can be safely surmised that it thrives quite well here .
sorry mods I hate to attack a member but the idiocy compels me to do it @windjammer If you cant backup your argument that the indian constitution explicitly or implicitly states that pakistan is the source of indias woes I would equate you to a reactionary hack who is frustated of his countries state of affairs and can only find solace by scribbling pants on the forum which are the hallmark of stupidity and frustation .In short you are a troll
Expecting an Indian to understand some sarcasm is like playing banjo to a Buffalo, I have been reading a lot of your nonsense which are nothing but ventilation of a sad soul oozing with bankrupt mentality. Get a life moron and save your BS for one of your own kind. You are nothing but a pathetic loser who can't even digest a little humor.
This is quite simple one of the funniest posts i have seen here. It actually looks like a post one would write after one way too many pegs of some fine scotch. There is simply no other way to explain this. In reply to a well articulated post, you come up with a rambling, disjointed and quite incoherent post. It looks like you have compiled some archaic English sayings and decided to incorporate them in the above post whether they make sense or not.

...........perhaps you should divert your nonsense to the likes of Bharat Rakshak

If we want to join it, we will. What do you think we are waiting for? Your permission?

.....where your bankrupt mentality and crap will thrive.

From your post, it can be safely surmised that it thrives quite well here .

Any wonder this forum in more ways than one resembles a street in Kolkotta.
Join your BR at will, neither did you get an invitation from PDF.
What ever you are worth, seems I hit the nail on the head and got your attention. Then again that's not an achivement, guess i'll skip the few pegs.
Expecting an Indian to understand some sarcasm is like playing banjo to a Buffalo, I have been reading a lot of your nonsense which are nothing but ventilation of a sad soul oozing with bankrupt mentality. Get a life moron and save your BS for one of your own kind. You are nothing but a pathetic loser who can't even digest a little humor.

Sarcasm?You have levelled serious allegations against the Indian constitution which espouses the ideals and the goals set for my country by my countries founding fathers .Which I asked you to prove which you apparently can't so my latter post holds true for you.

Humor ?If it was humor why did you rant like hell for Nemesis excellent post.It only became a piece of Humour when I asked you to back your post which you simply can't.By the way nice rant ,beginning to enjoy your frustation in losing an argument
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Engaging in incoherent sophistry to win an argument? epic fail.

Jealousy is a bitter pill to swallow, perhaps you should divert your nonsense to the likes of Bharat Rakshak, where your bankrupt mentality and crap will thrive.

As someone whose on here longer than you, i would advise you to either debate in a proper manner or shut up. Perhaps you think that because of your nationality, this forum belongs to you more than others? Sorry to dissapoint you, obviously you didnt read the forum rules.

PS - Naming other forums is also against the forum rules. You would expect a "Senior Member" to know that.
=Nemesis;709469]Why do Pakistanis even care about what happened in Gujarat? It does not effect the daily life of an ordinary Pakistani, so why talk about it?
ans;; Is it because the Pakistani elite can only justify the two nation theory based on riots that happen in India?

wrong answer , you dont have to be a rocket scientist to understand this sir events such as gujrat ,babari mosque , kashmir gives extermists in muslim world (mainly pakistan ) further cause to recruit and run their hate campaigns it effects us all one way or another ...!
pak-marine if these 'atrocities against muslims' in India is fodder to radicals in your country, why is it a problem for you? They would turn on the oppressor i.e. us. So why should Pakistan care, given that the Pakistan military establishment considers India its natural enemy? In a perverse sort of way should it not be the opposite i.e. ensure there are increased atrocities against Indian muslims to further drive a communal wedge into its natural enemy while at the same time ensuring momentum for its proxies?
The design is clear from the Pakistani side harish. Fan more fires so that there is more communal tensions in India. They have to bleed india however they can. Manage to get some idiots from here to train in terror camps there and send them back to "avenge" the riots.
That leads to more Indians viewing Indian muslims with an eye of suspicion. The terrorists are rounded up and then they call it police brutality and violation of human rights. That will then lead to calls for further action by them against India and the cycle. Its a pretty clear game.
The design is clear from the Pakistani side harish. Fan more fires so that there is more communal tensions in India. They have to bleed india however they can. Manage to get some idiots from here to train in terror camps there and send them back to "avenge" the riots.
That leads to more Indians viewing Indian muslims with an eye of suspicion. The terrorists are rounded up and then they call it police brutality and violation of human rights. That will then lead to calls for further action by them against India and the cycle. Its a pretty clear game.

yesterday you said this forum is immature you are not coming back

but you are still here :lol::lol::lol:
The design is clear from the Pakistani side harish. Fan more fires so that there is more communal tensions in India. They have to bleed india however they can. Manage to get some idiots from here to train in terror camps there and send them back to "avenge" the riots.
That leads to more Indians viewing Indian muslims with an eye of suspicion. The terrorists are rounded up and then they call it police brutality and violation of human rights. That will then lead to calls for further action by them against India and the cycle. Its a pretty clear game.

I totally agree with your comment. For the people who do not know the progress of the state, should read this.

Gujarat Development under Narendra Modi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is immature. I just chose the subject that hurts Indian muslims from Pak sponsored terror. So i had to post. I will not get into dumb arguments with anyone. Make a point where i deem fit and the mods accept it as not a troll. I am not here for any pissing contest.
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