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8th anniversary of Gujarat genocide. Never forget

yesterday you said this forum is immature you are not coming back

but you are still here :lol::lol::lol:

It takes someone to be in the system to change the system. This is exactly what the youth in India have realised. The forum will be a better place when a drive to improve the quality of argument backed by sound reasoning and facts is encouraged.
Yes yusuf I agree, and its a game Indians have seen through. Even home grown terrorists are now unable to get the respectabilty of 'belonging' to a community they got before. Now they are simply terrorists and meet the same fate as those all over the world of any religion or community. This in itself is a big achievement for you me and all Indians and will ensure less and less of our brothers get disgruntled enough to go over to the other side. We should first ensure that we give no reason for any Indian to become a terrorist. But if still he does, we should equally ensure that in India terrorism simply does not pay.
According to Indian Constitution, all Indian problems are Pakistan orientated, well it gives Pakistan the right to expose that India itself is anything but a so called secular society. Basically it's a taste of your own medicine.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Thank you for making this forum humorous and adding comic value to every discussion. Your participation is appreciated! :rofl:
Expecting an Indian to understand some sarcasm is like playing banjo to a Buffalo, I have been reading a lot of your nonsense which are nothing but ventilation of a sad soul oozing with bankrupt mentality. Get a life moron and save your BS for one of your own kind. You are nothing but a pathetic loser who can't even digest a little humor.
Your statement is a gross of a generalization. Maybe you meant it in good humour and it was a good joke. But u see i think that fellow got a bit irritated because he hails from a country where the Constitution is the supreme authority, it is defines the character of India. It has always been respected and India has flourished by walking on its guidelines. You see Indians have a high regard for the constitution and it is not fiddled with or re drafted at will and fancies of leaders during power shifts.:azn: So you will obviously not realize, why he did not take the joke in right spirit my friend.
pak-marine if these 'atrocities against muslims' in India is fodder to radicals in your country, why is it a problem for you? They would turn on the oppressor i.e. us. So why should Pakistan care, given that the Pakistan military establishment considers India its natural enemy? In a perverse sort of way should it not be the opposite i.e. ensure there are increased atrocities against Indian muslims to further drive a communal wedge into its natural enemy while at the same time ensuring momentum for its proxies?

i am sorry to hear your approach you getting the wrong idea my friend i am to hear that all you figured from the post's here is we in pak wish to flame rioting in India... !? you sound like one of zaid hamid type audience ! :rofl:
Not at all my friend. You people seem a likeable friendly lot. But lets face it, those making posts here don't direct national policy in Pakistan no? Who is zaid hamid? One of the members here?
Harish, Zaid Hamid is the biggest entertainer of Pakistan. If he comes on any laughter challenge shows that run in India, he would win hands down.
No son. He is a self proclaimed strategic analyst. Just google his name and go through the numerous videos of him on youtube and you will know what we are talking about.
Sarcasm?You have levelled serious allegations against the Indian constitution which espouses the ideals and the goals set for my country by my countries founding fathers .Which I asked you to prove which you apparently can't so my latter post holds true for you.

Humor ?If it was humor why did you rant like hell for Nemesis excellent post.It only became a piece of Humour when I asked you to back your post which you simply can't.By the way nice rant ,beginning to enjoy your frustation in losing an argument

Get a life, does any country carries the law in it's set up to accuse another country of all the misgivings. Seems you people only enjoy listening to your own voice, and rubbing each other the wrong way up, me this me that, stand and deliver for yourself instead of soliciting for other gloater.
Engaging in incoherent sophistry to win an argument? epic fail.

As someone whose on here longer than you, i would advise you to either debate in a proper manner or shut up. Perhaps you think that because of your nationality, this forum belongs to you more than others? Sorry to dissapoint you, obviously you didnt read the forum rules.

PS - Naming other forums is also against the forum rules. You would expect a "Senior Member" to know that.

An individual's judgement, is like any poor innovation that is seldom nurtured, HENCE OBLIVION IS EXCLUSIVE ONLY TO SOME.
Buddy you tell me nothing and no one adheres to your self proclamations so park it. And last time i visited, this was a Pakistani forum and others were privel edged guests, rather being disappointed, i take pride in that we provide others a platform to rant their stuff.
And as a senior, i don't resort to cheap banter of my status and standings.
:yahoo: :yahoo: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Thank you for making this forum humorous and adding comic value to every discussion. Your participation is appreciated! :rofl:

Just when i thought the air is clean to breathe, an other pot hole appears.:bounce:
Who was it that said, there are five Indians to each individual.:wave:
You see Indians have a high regard for the constitution and it is not fiddled with or re drafted at will and fancies of leaders during power shifts.[/B]:azn: So you will obviously not realize, why he did not take the joke in right spirit my friend.

Yes how could we not realize the paramount after witnessing the debacle with your former defense minister. ;)

I guess some somersaults are necessary to keep the democracy in shape.
According to Indian Constitution, all Indian problems are Pakistan orientated, well it gives Pakistan the right to expose that India itself is anything but a so called secular society. Basically it's a taste of your own medicine.

glad u r back..but u still havent come up with anything to backup ur claim apart fm some rants
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