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Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Research Institute cites cases of child given to 'elderly man' to pay debt

Published: 04/26/2013 at 8:52 PM

A new report on Iran is revealing that an estimated 850,000 young girls there are married – some of them as young as 9 or 10 years old and some of them married off to an “elderly man” in payment of a debt.

The report was compiled by Y. Mansharof, a research fellow, and A. Savyon, director of the Iranian Media Project. Both are with the Middle East Media Research Institute.

hey explain there has been an increasingly intense public debate about a number of social issues inside Iran.

“One such issue is the phenomenon of marriages involving children, including children under age 10 – especially arranged marriages of girls to adult men, or even to elderly men,” they wrote.

“Under Iranian law, girls may marry at 13 and boys at 15, and children under 10 may marry with the approval of their guardian and the court. According to official statistics, about one million children, even under age 10, are married. The statistics also show that 85 percent of these one million married children are girls – meaning that most of them are married to grown men.”

They noted that public figures such as sociologists inside the regime are warning that the number of children marrying is rising, and that that creates both health and social risks.

“According to one sociologist, arranging marriages for children, especially girls, is common among poor and uneducated urban families that seek a way out of dire financial straits; he adds that the girls themselves are severely damaged both physically and psychologically,” the report said.

Officials of the Islamic government, however, are not alarmed.

“Regime spokesmen have denied the extent of the phenomenon, and have also shrugged off the matter, saying that child marriage is legal and that preventing it is against Islamic law.”

Farshid Yazdani, who is with the Association for the Defense of Children’s Rights in Iran, warned that in 2006 children marriages were only 2.3 percent of all marriages, but but 2010 that grew to 4.9 percent.

He noted that in 2006, Iran had 25,000 children ages 10-15 who already were divorced.

Islamist law specifies that girls reach maturity at age 9.

“In an attempt to explain the increase in child marriages in Iran, Amanollah Gharai-Moghadam, who heads the Sociology Association of Iran, pointed at the economic difficulties afflicting Iranian society. He said that in Tehran province many destitute families accept any marriage proposal for their daughters regardless of the girls’ ages – and regardless of their rights – so as to reduce the family’s expenses,” the report said.

“In some cases, poor families are forced to sell their daughters; in others they are forced to marry off their sons and daughters after the children conduct relations that are forbidden … and in still others, the girl is given to an elderly man in lieu of payment of a debt,” he stated.

There’s no shortage of criticism inside Iran of the practice, the MEMRI researchers found.

The Iranian cultural and scientific website Iranvij.ir noted that young girls “lack the required physical maturity for pregnancy.”

“In an article published on a website identified with Iranian human rights activists operating outside Iran, Iranian human rights activist Ali Tayefi warned that ‘the early marriage of an immature girl who is not physically ready [for sexual relations], particularly with men of advanced age, has many health consequences [for her]. Studies have indicated that there is a close link between maternal age and maternal mortality [during pregnancy]. In early marriage and pregnancy, at ages 10 through 14, there are five times more deaths, for mothers and also for infants, compared to women aged 20-24. AIDS is another risk of early marriage; this is because, contrary to what parents think, early marriage does not [necessarily] ensure wellbeing for their daughters – husbands carry STDs contracted during relations they had with other women,’” the report said.

Change in the law and practice, however, isn’t easy.

When a panel discussion was held recently on the damage from child marriages, members called for changes, but “they also underlined that the Islamic factor is an obstacle to legislative and cultural change.”

“Sociologist Gharai-Moghadam said that the existing law, which sets 13 for girls and 15 for boys as the minimal age for marriage, is not sufficient because it does not address the custom widespread in various parts of the country to arrange marriages for children under the age of 10. He said, ‘The law in itself is good, but we must also consider this custom in society, because unfortunately in some cities, marriage under the age of 10 is considered customary.’ He also said, ‘According to a study carried out in 33 cities across [Iran], in Bushehr, Sistan-Baluchistan, Lorestan, Khuzestan provinces, and in several cities in the east and north of the country, child marriage is very common,’” the report said.
Read more at 850,000 young Iranian girls, as young as 9, married
This happens all over the Middle East and Africa unfortunately. But, I thought these back to back bashing threads have came to end bro. Either way. I'm not sure how accurate this is. Although I realize marriage culture in the Middle East is a little odd for some people. Some girls even don't take time to think and accept a guy who asked for their hand.

I have questions about KSA for you, I've been to the UAE and I've seen things there that I don't see in America. Zina there is common, I'm not joking. And even for those who don't do Zina there is dating and relationships and sexting. So I wanted to ask about the situation in KSA regarding that. I mean I'm sure some of that goes on and girls behind their families back get away with things. Could you let me know about it, I have cousins in KSA and family friends but they are Palestinian and live in Palestinian areas over there. I've also seen a video about the national saudi day where woman were dancing with men. What'd you think about that? Then I know a good portion of their girls wouldn't dare even to speak to men for their own selves out of their morals they were raised with and many memorize the Quran. Please elaborate on the ratio sort of and cultural customs of each people's there. Thanks.
Total BS . This might be true in Arabian countries but not in Iran .

Most of the Iranian youth are educated and usually don't get married till they're done studying . marriage age is around 23 - 29 for girls where I live .
These type of threads shall be avoided, whole country can not be dubbed as same on few isolated rituals
9 years seems very coincidental. Is this based on faith?

No country is 'dubbed'. Certified thread spoilers should instead stay away. There is no need to compensate for the lack of a poll like - Remove this thread or not - by vomiting here. :pissed:
[Bregs];4749453 said:
These type of threads shall be avoided, whole country can not be dubbed as same on few isolated rituals
850000 is not a small number. I am sure there might be a link to the proof of these claims in the openers post other than WND website link. Just keep looking.
I am from a poor background. It happens rarely now. It happend a few decades before (two generations).
But now it changed a lot.
Most of such mariages are girls bought by Gulf states to be one of the many young girl wives.
No country is 'dubbed'. Certified thread spoilers should instead stay away. There is no need to compensate for the lack of a poll like - Remove this thread or not - by vomiting here. :pi
[Bregs];4749453 said:
These type of threads shall be avoided, whole country can not be dubbed as same on few isolated rituals

May not be total BS. Many Iranian girls don't - true. Indeed this number is even less than a million. But it exists. I think.

I am from a poor background. It happens rarely now. It happend a few decades before (two generations).
But now it changed a lot.
Most of such mariages are girls bought by Gulf states to be one of the many young girl wives.

No offense mate, but IMO it is best to keep girls within the country. Different country(especially Gulf) different culture...gets difficult for kids to get used to. :)
No offense mate, but IMO it is best to keep girls within the country. Different country(especially Gulf) different culture...gets difficult for kids to get used to. :)
sadly mate some families (i don't like their behavior) accept their daughter to marry a "rich" (most are not but much more than them) man who can care about her. It exists sadly. of course the number is far lower the number given here.
Hundreds of girls below the age of 10 each year are forced into marriage in Iran every year -- and the trend is experiencing a dramatic increase.

According to recent data released by Iran's Association of Children's Rights, the number of girls married in Iran under the age of 15 went from 33,383 in 2006 to 43,459 in 2009, a 30 percent increase in three years.

In addition, while 449 girls were married in 2009 before reaching the age of 10, as many as 716 girls were married under the age of 10 in 2010, a 59 percent spike in one year.

Child Bride Practice Rising In Iran, Parliament Seeks To Lower Girl's Legal Marriage Age To 9

Child marriage rising in Iran - Latest - New Straits Times

The culture of nikah al-mut'ah marriages among the shias is also well-known and not even taking into consideration.

Still a long way from competing with the millions of rapes in Hindustan hough. Both in terms of women and children.
Its there in our country too. :cry: Rich folks come and literally buy our Muslim girls!
sadly mate some families (i don't like their behavior) accept their daughter to marry a "rich" (most are not but much more than them) man who can care about her. It exists sadly. of course the number is far lower the number given here.
40000 yeah this number is much more near the reality indeed.
@SarthakGanguly and they take the beauty ones. my wife : some famous emirati guy wanted her but by chance she could hide .. and then he forgot the idea :) he was looking at her like meat. some people there need education.
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Marriage age in Iran Female =25, male=29.

The article Al hassani posted is propaganda against Iran.

Between 1976 and 2000, Iranian women experienced an increase of more than three
years in their age at marriage. The female singulate mean age at marriage (FSMAM)
slightly increased from 19.7 years to 19.9 between 1976 and 1986, but rose more
substantially to 22.4 by 1996 (Kazemipour 2004) and to 23.0 by 2000 (calculated from
the 2000 Iran Demographic and Health Survey). Some studies (Abbasi-Shavazi 2000;
Abbasi-Shavazi, McDonald, and Hosseini-Chavoshi 2003; Mahmoudian 2005; Abbasi-
Shavazi, Hosseini-Chavoshi, and McDonald 2007) have attributed the changes in
women’s age at marriage to changes in the socio-cultural and institutional setting
(ideational changes related to the Islamic Revolution, changes in the minimum legal age
at marriage, urbanisation, access to means of communication, women’s education,
economic hardship, etc.). Other studies (Jafari-Mojdehi 2003; Doroudi-Ahi 2004) have
highlighted the role of marriage market, and more specifically the shortage of
marriageable men, in the later marriage of Iranian women.
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