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80 years old Hindu man beaten for eating in Ramazan

Ohh come on, you are talking about pakistan where people dont even know why are they being bombed into pieces.
The topic is about food consumption related violence. However since you had no real answer to his statement,
you changed the topic.

I have noticed this trend among quite a few Indian members.

GHOTKI: A police constable in Ghotki, who reportedly tortured an aged Hindu man for selling edibles before Iftar, was arrested by police following a social media campaign calling for justice for the old man.

According to police, a cop named Ali Hassan – posted in Ghotki district's Hayat Pitafi town – was arrested on charges of torturing and injuring Gokal Das, an octogenarian.

SSP Ghotki Masood Bangash told Dawn that a First Information Report (FIR) had been registered in Jarwar police station under Sections 337, 504 and 506/2 of the Pakistan Penal Code against the policeman for assaulting the senior citizen.

The complainant in the case is Vindod Kumar, grandson of victim Gokal Das.


The cop Ali Hassan under police custody in Ghotki.─ photo by author

The police officer said the unfortunate incident, which drew everyone's attention, took place on Friday.

As pictures of Das showing his torture marks went viral on social media, Inspector General Sindh A.D. Khawaja also took notice of the incident, ordering immediate action.

A number of rights activists, while talking to Dawn, lauded the IG's quick response and demanded an exemplary punishment for the accused cop.
Don't people break their fast in the evening anyways? He was eating at 6 in the evening.

In Pakistan, depending on where you live, you break your fast between 7:21 to 7:30pm.

But this incident is nauseating to say the least.
The topic is about food consumption related violence. However since you had no real answer to his statement,
you changed the topic.

I have noticed this trend among quite a few Indian members.

Since you are too good in noticing, go and notice the post I responded.

People do poke their nose un-necessary and I have seen this trend in quite a few pakistani members.

PS: This thread is not just about food, but religious belief and imposing on others. In pakistan people are killed for non-issues just to impose their belief on others, so please dont even compare with India where you can only pick an isolated incident.
Disgraceful, he should tried, be given same treatment and never to work as policeman again.
80 year old Hindus should at least be spared. The Hindus should also live in close clustered communities for support or migrate to India. Staying in the country and complaining about discrimination is going to be of no use.
Look guys this shameful citizens are present in each country.... just remembers that the same thing happens in India as well... like we all know we cant generalise Pakistanis for this one of case... just remembers india has a bigger population and chances of these sort of people are slightly higher , so next time something like this comes from India... just be a little more understanding instead of generalising. Sadda 2 cents.
I totally agree with your post. But I also want to correct you, public consumption of edibles during fasting hours is prohibited by law. I believe the law was introduced during Gen Zia-ul-Haq's tenure.

Really. I will have to look it up. I was under the impression that law was removed. I will look more into it.
ISLAMABAD: A Hindu octogenarian has been beaten black and blue in a rural Sindh district for eating during the fasting month of Ramazan, police confirmed on Saturday.

Gokal Das, a resident of Hayat Pitafi, a remote village of Ghotki district, was having Biryani given to him in charity on Friday afternoon when a police constable and his brother beat him up for eating in public in Ramazan.

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The village falls in the jurisdiction of Jawar police station. SHO Bachal Qazi said Gokal Das was having Biryani around 6pm on Friday when Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan threw the elderly man on the ground and beat him black and blue. “Haidrani, who is posted elsewhere, was on vacation in Hayat Pitafi village.”

According to SHO Qazi, the two brothers left Gokal Das bleeding. He was driven to hospital in nearby Mirpur Mathelo where he was treated for his wounds.

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He added that they have registered a case against Haidrani and his brother who have subsequently been arrested. “We will seek remand of the two accused on Monday for further investigation,” he added. However, another police official told The Express Tribune that the local police helped Haidrani escape.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 12th, 2016.

Eating publically is not allowed but Policeman could have told this old man politely to eat some where inside. This is not just about minorities Police in general has serious attitude issues which need to be resolved.
It's not about every one, it is about the massive majority of Muslims, like almost 90%. And the law does not prohibit anyone from eating, it just prohibits public eating. And even in that I am sure that there are concessions for children, elderly and the sick. A couple of years back I took the kids to the Zoo, during Ramdhan, and they were drinking water and eating things while we were fasting. Even if we weren't fasting, we wouldn't eat out of respect for the majority of Muslims who fast around us.
noob question: are animals in zoo required to fast during ramadan?
That power tripped cop should've been punished at the spot. Brutually torturing an 80 y/o man for eating. Are you fkin kidding me?
This is unacceptable....what the hooligans have to with our religion.... beat until them with long chittaarrr 100 times in morning and 200 time in evening.
going by the salman taseer incident, the guy might get showered rose petals and stuff.. and no blasphemy law pulled on that old man yet?

the positive note - and a VERY positive at that - is many posters here condemning the incident.
At least they are not killing people for eating beef like in India.
Sir, we shouldn't even compare with that but still how can we let that happen in our country. What about the spirit of Islam and ramadan, patience and mercy...so how come these hooligans beat such an old person..I'm really ashamed. If I see such a person and if he is hungary, I will rather be offering food to him since I think Allah God will be pleased rather than offended. But interioir Sindh suffers from low levels of education and grooming.
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