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80 temples demolished in Modi's capital

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I have spend a considerable amount of time listening to his speeches, and reading about his work.

I must say, whether you call him Hitler or Mahatma - he is a sincere man.
Gujarat Murder Exposed, Modi Probed

By Nilofar Suhrawardy, Muslim Media News Service (MMNS)

New Delhi/Ahmedabad–Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi may have had his way during the state carnage (2002) afflicting thousands of Muslims, but now one case has pushed him and his government into a tight corner. This case is the murder of Sohrabuddin Shiekh, followed by that of the two witnesses, his wife Kausar Bi and his aide Tulsiram Prajapati. The three were pulled off a bus they were in, going to Sangli from Hyderabad, on November 24, 2005 and taken to an unknown destination. After Sohrabuddin was murdered on November 26, his wife was killed on November 28 and Tulsiram gunned down on December 28, 2006.

Gujarat police claimed that Sohrabuddin, a Lashkar-e-Taiba militant, came to Gujarat to kill Modi, and was killed in an encounter. Refusing to accept this version, Sohrabuddin’s brother Rubabuddin Sheikh and his mother Jaibunisha filed two separate petitions in the Supreme Court (January 2006) saying that it was not an encounter but murder, and Kausar Bi had been missing since then. The Supreme Court directed further inquiry into the case, which led to startling revelations this year. The Gujarat government admitted on March 23 that its officials were guilty of murder. This was followed by the arrests of three senior officers on April 24, including D.G. Vanzara and Rajkumar Pandyan of Gujarat Police and Dinesh Kumar of Rajasthan.

With Kausar Bi, reported to be missing since her husband’s death, the Supreme Court asked the Gujarat government April 27 whether it would be able to produce her. The Gujarat government confessed April 30 before the apex court that she was killed and her body burnt within a few days of the “encounter.” Later in the week, May 3, the Court admitted a petition seeking a CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) probe into the “encounter” killing of Sohrabuddin. The bench, including Justices Tarun Chatterjee and P.K. Balasubramanyam, said a prima-facie case existed and fixed May 15 for the next hearing.

Since the arrests of the police officers, proceedings in both houses of parliament have been repeatedly disrupted, with legislators raising the issue. Supported by the left parties and the RJD (Rashtriya Janata Dal), Madhusudan Mistri (Congress) raised the issue in Lok Sabha (May 3). With 21 fake encounters having taken place in Gujarat, “at instance of the state home minister and chief minister,” only a CBI inquiry could be helpful, Mistri said.
It is well known that Jammu and Kashmir and Naxal-infested areas have for long been afflicted by such fake encounters. The factors prompting police and/or security officers to indulge in this move could be lure for monetary-gains, out of turn promotion, political pressure and/or other gains. Equally relevant is discriminatory bias against Muslims, leading to their being labeled as terrorists. While such cases have considerably tarnished image of these forces, the significant role played by upright officers in conducting investigations to expose the same cannot be ignored. Senior officers of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Geetha Johri and Rajnish Rai, played an instrumental role in nailing the three police officers and arresting them. The information in Johri’s report about a fake encounter’s having taken place in the presence of the three officers, led to her being removed from the case. It was handed to another officer, before being given to Rai. But when Rai got three officers arrested, he was told to seek permission of his superiors before making further arrests in the case. Expressing his displeasure on his powers being clipped, Rai sought to be removed from the case. When the Supreme Court sought clarification from the Gujarat government on Johri having been taken off the investigation of the case (May 3), a day later she was reinstated.

Though as per rules, any arrested officer has to be suspended after 48 hours in police custody, the suspension order for Vanzara and Pandyan came on May 5, 12 days after they were arrested.

In the opinion of R.B. Sreekumar, who retired this February and was formerly in charge of intelligence wing in Gujarat police, the fake-encounter murders were “an attempt to create a sympathy wave in favor of chief minister whenever his leadership was questioned.” He had also been asked by state leaders to similarly target Muslims, but as he said: “I opposed.”

Demanding that the Gujarat Chief Minister and Home Minister Amit Shah should be prosecuted for murder, Union Textiles Minister Shankarsinh Vaghela said: “Marble traders from Rajasthan wanted Sohrabuddin to be eliminated over some financial transactions and had enlisted Modi’s help.” Accusing the Modi government of having pocketed millions of rupees by staging such murders, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee president Bharatsinh Solanki said: “Even attacks at Akshardham were staged, not to mention the burning of the S-6 coach of Sabarmati Express at Godhra in 2002. Each alleged terrorist is always killed, severing any further links proving any proof. Why were there no terrorists when Keshubhai Patel was the CM?”

Calling for a probe at highest level, Sitaram Yechury (Communist Party of India-Marxist) said: “It should be probed at highest level and guilty officers should be punished. Not only the officers who are guilty but the complacency of government should also be probed.” Certainly, the Gujarat government is in for a taxing time. Not just over Sohrabuddin-case, but more families of fake-encounter victims and those suffering from the Gujarat riots, are planning to move to apex court in coming days. Besides, with Gujarat assembly elections due in December, rival politicians are least likely to spare Modi
Gujarat Murder Exposed, Modi Probed : Muslim Media Network
I have spend a considerable amount of time listening to his speeches, and reading about his work.

I must say, whether you call him Hitler or Mahatma - he is a sincere man.

Exactly he has a vision, and has the guts to fulfill it too. Eagerly awaiting him to come to national stage (officially)
Government Should Investigate Narendra Modi for Seeming Incitement to Violence
Modi’s remarks send a green light to the police that executing terrorism suspects is fine with his administration.
Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
Related Materials: India: Repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act
Letter to the European Union Regarding the EU-India SummitThe Indian government should immediately order an investigation of Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat, for statements apparently endorsing the extrajudicial execution of a terrorism suspect by the police, Human Rights Watch said today.

Gujarat’s antiterrorism squad in November 2005 gunned down Sohrabuddin Sheikh, whom police claimed was a militant conspiring to kill Modi. The Gujarat government has since admitted that there is no evidence Sheikh was a terrorist and that he had been executed in a fake “encounter,” one in which police falsely claimed that he had been killed in an exchange of fire. In July, the government filed charges against several police officials. In a speech on December 5, however, Modi suggested that people like Sheikh deserved to be killed.

“Modi’s remarks send a green light to the police that executing terrorism suspects is fine with his administration,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The government in Delhi should immediately investigate this seeming incitement to violence.”

At a rally in his campaign for re-election as chief minister, Modi said that Sheikh “got what he deserved.” Modi asked the crowd, “What should have been done to a man from whom a large number of AK-47 rifles were recovered, who was on the search list of police from four states, who attacked the police, who had relations with Pakistan and was eyeing to enter Gujarat?”

The crowd replied “mari nakho-mari nakho” (kill him, kill him), to which Modi said, “Does my government need to take permission of Soniaben [Congress Party leader Sonia Gandhi] for this? Maut na Saudagar [merchants of deaths] will be dealt in the same fashion on the land of Gujarat.”

After widespread criticism of his remarks, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) politician explained that he had been provoked and was responding to the allegation by Congress Party leader Sonia Gandhi that his government was a “merchant of death.”

“Modi cannot hide behind accusations of provocation to justify remarks endorsing a murder,” said Adams. “He used similar excuses after the police participated in a killing spree of Muslims in 2002, but his pretexts were as hollow then as they are today.”

After Sheikh’s killing, his family filed a petition with the Supreme Court requesting an independent investigation. In its response to a Supreme Court notice, the state government admitted that Sheikh had been murdered in a false armed “encounter.” The Supreme Court ordered the Gujarat government to create a special police team to investigate the case and submit status reports. In July, the Gujarat police filed charges against 13 police officials, including D G Vanzara, who headed the anti-terror squad.

In its charge sheet, the police said that Sheikh and his wife Kausar Bi were pulled out of a bus by members of the Gujarat antiterrorm squad on November 22, 2005. They were secretly detained for four days. (They were not carrying any weapons as alleged by Modi in his speech). According to an eyewitness, early in the morning of November 26, Sheikh was taken to the outskirts of Ahmedabad, where he was shot by police officers. His body was then taken to the hospital and a police report filed which claimed that he had been killed in an exchange of fire.

The whereabouts of Kausar Bi remains unknown. Police investigations suggest that she was killed and her body burnt.

In response to Modi’s comments, India’s Election Commission has served notice to Modi saying that it is of the view that the speech “amounts to indulging in activity which may aggravate existing differences, creating mutual hatred and causing tension between different communities.” Modi has until December 8 to respond.

Local activists and Muslim organizations have long accused Modi of responsibility for the anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat in February and March 2002, which left at least 1,000 dead. After 59 Hindu pilgrims died during a mob attack by Muslims on their train in Gujarat in 2002, Hindu militant groups carried out widespread and coordinated attacks on Muslims in which thousands were killed, hundreds of women were raped and Muslim properties destroyed.

Human Rights Watch found that the attacks on Muslims were planned and organized with extensive police participation and in close cooperation with supporters of Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the state government. Modi had justified those attacks at the time, saying that, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,” referring to the Godhra incident.

“Modi’s defenders say that his speech is being misrepresented, and that politicians make exaggerated remarks during election campaigns,” said Adams. “But endorsing a police killing sends the wrong message at all times, and especially during an election.”

India: Gujarat Chief Minister Endorses Unlawful Killings | Human Rights Watch
Gujarat Muslim killings were authorized”
Source: IslamOnline

A former Gujarat police officer said he had received "clear instructions" while in service to target the Muslim community in staged shootouts.

The Narendra Modi government in the Indian state of Gujarat has literally carried out organized fake shootouts for killing Muslims, said a former police officer.

He also said that he had received 'clear instructions' while in service to target the Muslim community in staged shootouts but he refused.

“I have been also asked to conduct fake encounters, which I opposed,” R.B. Sreekumar, a former additional director general in charge of the intelligence wing in Gujarat Police said.

He added that former Punjab police chief K.P.S. Gill, who was then security advisor to the Gujarat chief minister, agreed with him and opposed any illegal killings.

Gujarat has been the scene of many 'encounter deaths' - a police euphemism for killings in shootouts, real or faked - since 2002 when the state witnessed one of the most horrifying communal clashes which caused the death of many people mostly Muslims.

The cold-blooded murders were “an attempt to create a sympathy wave in favor of the chief minister whenever his leadership was questioned”, he said.

The police are under political pressure to lead planed shootouts, said Sreekumar in a phone call to IANS from his home in Ahmedabad.

Modi was angered by Sreekumar when he gave statements against him during the trial of the accused in the 2002 communal violence.

His statements came after the arrest of two senior Gujarat Police officers and one from Rajasthan for the cold blooded murder of Sohrabuddin Sheikh, a Muslim man in November 2005, after claiming that he was a planning to assassinate Modi.

Sohrabuddin Sheikh’s wife was also murdered and her body was burnt.

His brother Rubabuddin Sheikh waged a spirited judicial battle for truth, leading the Supreme Court to order an inquiry that uncovered the painful truth.

“They have put the entire blame on the police officers who simply acted at the political leadership's behest. The leadership is trying to wash its hands off,” Sreekumar said.

He also pointed out that Sohrabuddin’s murder was carried out just before the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) national executive in Mumbai in December 2005.

It was thought that the BJP would consider a leadership change in Gujarat in the wake of mounting dissidence in the party unit against Modi.

But once the media announced that there was someone planning to assassinate Modi, the latter gained fresh stature.

Sreekumar said: “The fake encounters have earned 'a respectable status' as a device to prevent crime in the state. People have started accepting the staged killings as a necessity against crime.”

He added that while he was in service, he has been instructed several times to frame senior Muslim officials in government service adding that he was once asked to prepare a report against an Indian Army officer related to a Bollywood actor but he declined, saying that he had nothing to do with the military.

“In Gujarat you will be given all kinds of rewards if you do what the administration asks,” he said. “If you do not fall in line for them, you will be harassed.”

-- AJP and Agencies

why dumping old news? how does it is relevant here? The topic is demolision of 80 temples
must see this

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Exactly he has a vision, and has the guts to fulfill it too. Eagerly awaiting him to come to national stage (officially)

Sincerity is not always an advantage nitesh. I am sure that both Hitler and the Ayatollah of Iran were very sincere men - they had their principles and they did what they considered is the right thing.

Modi is - as they say - incorruptible. He does an honest job in his capacity.

However, that will not prevent the alienation of the muslim community that is taking place. The string of bombing blamed on Indian Mujahideen. Remember those? They said in the emails that the bombings were revenge for the Gujarat riots.

Now whether Modi is guilty of instigating riots is a different question altogether. The fact is that most of the muslims of India do consider him to be responsible for the murder of their community, and as we know, muslims are not fragmented like hindus. They feel for their fellow muslims wherever they may be, unlike hindus, where a hindu from Kerala does not care that his fellow hindus are being massacred in Kashmir. Perhaps that's a good thing - its not for us to discuss - but the fact is that Indian muslims, and a large section of the secular establishment - hates Modi. He is a divisive figure. So I am not sure if he is the best candidate for Prime Minister.
100% proove from tehlka .com he is killer of inocents

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One thing is usre "only the change is constant" people just worry about development rest all can be forgotten. only those terrorists keep the things alive. You have seen the fatwa against these guys. They way gujrat is progressing will make others envy. And will make him more acceptable in national politics. Wait and watch

One thing is usre "only the change is constant" people just worry about development rest all can be forgotten. only those terrorists keep the things alive. You have seen the fatwa against these guys. They way gujrat is progressing will make others envy. And will make him more acceptable in national politics. Wait and watch

One can always hope, but in the age of the internet, nothing is forgotten.

Modi, I think, is probably doomed to remain a divisive figure because of what happened in Gujarat.

We are not China Nitesh. We cannot drill a single message into our people. We will have to continue to hear all versions of the story, all the time, for a long, long time.

It is up to the people of India to hear all sides, and make up their minds.
Yup you are correct we are not china where things can be forced even if they are correct just the news about demolition of temples even though it is a good thing for the development we are seeing the politics. To certain extent I agree what you are saying. But let's see the future holds. But I am an optimist and I want to see him playing a major role in national politics.
Asim and Imran, hundreds of thousands of people died in Pakistan in 1947 and millions were made homeless.

Millions were killed in 1971 and more than 10 millions were refugees in India.

You do expect people to move on from those colossal tragedies. Same applies here.

You don't call those who presided over Pakistan during those events as monsters in the same way you call Modi one. What happened in Gujarat, even if unforgivable was just a small fraction.
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