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80% students in Indian schools are humiliated

She has been away from China longer than most Americans have been away from Europe, would you consider Americans to have European culture?

I really think that kids should have chances to rest and relax. That is the trend in Asian countries and I think its good. We push our kids way too hard for no reason. I went to a public school in China, and I had alot of fun even while learning alot of knowledge. The most enjoyable parts were just being with friends at school and playing basketball, ping pong, or Counterstrike together.

What you really learn in high school is not the knowledge itself but how to study, how to have good habits and how to get along with others. These are far more important than knowing trigonometry, which of course is also important.

I am sending you a message.
But lets talk in the Indian context this generation of kids is lucky very lucky.In CBSE no heavy homeworks,terminal exams just regular tests with grades awarded(no marks system) optional boards in 10th and from 2013 no JEE,AIEEE common entrances atleast for Engg, Institutes run by the Govt.

From where you got this? As far as I know all Eng. Colleges are coming under AIEEE in 2013...One exam for all colleges, taken 2 time a year and I welcome whatever changes that will bring happiness to the students but I don't accept that they are lucky.On the contrary they have to be far more competitive than the preceding generation..remember the 100% needed for admission in Delhi University.

I can so well see the end product lazy city kids whose world starts and ends at the playstation,the most exercise they get is by walking in the mall on sundays.

Thats why we have PT classes in school, but during my school days even PT classes was taken over by other teachers who have some chapters to finish.
I like your point but she has mentioned in the book again and again abt her Chinese culture which she is proud of.In the end its okay to push your kids a little let the teachers do the main part,its bad to go ballistic and then be proud abt it as if its an Apollo 11 landing and then write a book about it.

Her daughters are not allowed to:

• attend a sleepover

• have a playdate

• be in a school play

• complain about not being in a school play

• watch TV or play computer games

• choose their own extracurricular activities

• get any grade less than an A

• not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama

• play any instrument other than the piano or violin

• not play the piano or violin.

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior - WSJ.com
Her daughters are not allowed to:

• attend a sleepover

• have a playdate

• be in a school play

• complain about not being in a school play

• watch TV or play computer games

• choose their own extracurricular activities

• get any grade less than an A

• not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama

• play any instrument other than the piano or violin

• not play the piano or violin.

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior - WSJ.com

that's like living in a labor camp!
that's like living in a labor camp!

But her daughter thinks otherwise:

On January 17 an open letter from Chua’s older daughter, Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, to her mother was published in the New York Post.[25] Sophia’s letter defends her parents’ child-rearing methods and states that she and her sister were not oppressed by an “evil mother.” She discusses some of the incidents that have been criticized as unduly harsh, and explains that they were not as bad as they sound out of context. She ends the letter saying, “If I died tomorrow, I would die feeling I’ve lived my whole life at 110 percent. And for that, Tiger Mom, thank you.”[25]

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I went to Angloindian school run by Christian nuns - It was forbidden for the teachers to touch the kids over there. But the students were generously given TC and sent out. Not sure which one is right - getting whacked or getting sent out. But it put in a fear in me that I made it a point to behave well.
Those are Chinese-AMERICAN not Chinese parents. Amy Chau never stepped foot in China. Her parents never stepped foot in China. Chinese culture and Chinese-American culture have alot of differences. The reason is, Chinese-Americans came from parents who lived in a China that was worse than Africa, so they pushed their children to succeed no matter the cost. Chinese parents in China are softer and more lenient because there's no such "minority pressure".

Amy Chau's case was an isolated case which has nothing to with Chinese culture, and to me she is simply a wacko.

It is true Chinese immigrants came to America, after WWII, because of hardship at home, and all of them with the intentions of going back to China after they accumulate some money. Most if not all never did because the turmoils back home.

The first generation Chinese never assimilated into American societies. They lived and befriended among each other in Chinese communities. Second generations onward do interact with the mainstream societies but most still retain the Confucius cultures because their relatives and friends are still mainly Chinese. Family socializing with other racial groups are rare.

The Chinese parents, with no exceptions, dole on their offspring. In fact, in my opinion, they love their kids too much to some extent they spoil them. Most would sell their house or borrow to sent their kids to college.
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