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80% killed in US drone strikes in Pak were terrorists: Jilani

Invincible INDIAN

May 18, 2011
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80% killed in US drone strikes in Pak were terrorists: Jilani

Hours after Jilani addressed the parliamentary panel, seven suspected militants were killed when a drone targeted a compound in the restive Waziristan region bordering Afghanistan


Islamabad: Eighty per cent of about 3,000 people killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal belt were terrorists, Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani has said.

Jilani made the remarks while briefing the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs yesterday. However, he described the drone attacks as "unacceptable as they violate the sovereignty of Pakistan".

"Dialogue with the United States is the only way to resolve the issue," he said, contending that the international community was backing Pakistan's position on drone attacks.

Hours after Jilani addressed the parliamentary panel, seven suspected militants were killed when a drone targeted a compound in the restive Waziristan region bordering Afghanistan.

Reports said that two al-Qaeda operatives, Abu Majid al-Iraqi and Sheikh Waqas al-Yamoni were among those killed in the drone strike in Babar Ghar area located on the boundary between North and South Waziristan.

The compound targeted by the drone belonged to Taliban commander Ali Mehsud, according to reports.

Earlier this week, the White House defended the use of drones against al-Qaeda suspects as "legal, ethical and wise", insisting that such attacks complied with the US law and the Constitution even if they targeted Americans.

80% killed in US drone strikes in Pak were terrorists: Jilani
20 percent civilian casualty is too high... but then pak govt permits it...
and 100% of what I say is poop --Jilani[or is it zaleelani]---and he is the foereign secretary i.e. supposedly educated CSP officer -----shows you the kind of jerks are running the csp these days.....
Pkistanis are incompetent in fighting terrorism:disagree:...

I wish Saddam was alive, so you can hire him as a president for a weak and you would see the astonishing results.:devil:

Pkistanis are incompetent in fighting terrorism:disagree:...

I wish Saddam was alive, so you can hire him as a president for a weak and you would see the astonishing results.:devil:


Guys, Calm down. BE is kidding.

Great idea though.

In fact, Saddam should be the leader of Syria right now :disagree:

then when he is finished, he can go to Jordan :disagree:

From their he can be "hired" to run Egypt :disagree:

And the list goes on an on an on.:devil:
This discussion is based on numbers.

And the numbers can be used by anyone the way they want.

Study#1 says: Only 2% of the killed were "high value". They define high value like Qaida number 2,3,4,5

Study#2 says: 90% killed were terrorist - for them terorist is the one who got ID'd as someone associated with Taliban

Stdudy#3: is by Pak foreign sec. He says 80% killed were terrorists

So it really depends on how you define cvilian vs. terrorist.

My criteria is simple. If an area is under Pak army's 100% control, then it is our area and no one has a right to attack with drones

If on the other hand, people in some area do not want Pak army to control them, then sorry, no protection from Pak gov.

This discussion is based on numbers.

And the numbers can be used by anyone the way they want.

Study#1 says: Only 2% of the killed were "high value". They define high value like Qaida number 2,3,4,5

Study#2 says: 90% killed were terrorist - for them terorist is the one who got ID'd as someone associated with Taliban

Stdudy#3: is by Pak foreign sec. He says 80% killed were terrorists

So it really depends on how you define cvilian vs. terrorist.

My criteria is simple. If an area is under Pak army's 100% control, then it is our area and no one has a right to attack with drones

If on the other hand, people in some area do not want Pak army to control them, then sorry, no protection from Pak gov.


No weapon platform on the planet can only kill the bad guys but leave the innocents.

That is war. Innocents die.

But the Drone is the most precise weapon in the history of war.

Demanding that attacks should only be launched when no innocents are killed is impossible.
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