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8 of the Most Attractive Politicians in the World

Mayawati ???
Here you go + Bonus :agree:

Don't get carried away we all know how Indians look like, and please.

INDIANS stop trying so HARD to prove that you got beautiful ladies, which you certainly don't . You can never beat us in BEAUTY not even in Zillion years to come. We are a superior race :sarcastic::omghaha:

:rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: for the bolded part

Can i ask you a simple question pakistani how many miss world is from pakistan we have atleast 3 ladies in the list and how many miss Universe are from pakistan we have atleast 2 . So even after being a superiorrrr raceee you guys are still behind us . what a pity
@levina What do you think about Sunny? Just curious...
Wow what a useless topic. talk about being fickle. Should have been 8 most honest politicians.
If i wanted to look at beauty, then victoria's Secret models will do.

She's beauuty. Who gives a damn about politicians. She's the best looking on this earth till now.

Yeah I am sure that female had a little make up....if there's no make up then the color of skin around the eyes and of cheeks are different( 90% of the time)
wow....simply wow...
suddenly i am getting interested in east asian beauties...:wub::wub:
is she a model or actress

Maria Selena = brain, face, sport

She is a graduate from ITB (the most difficult tech university to enter in our country), basketball athlete that become Indonesian representative in Miss Universe 2012 competition. Better when she doesn't use make up doesn't it ...;)


You can go into our Mall in Jakarta, and you can find like this one, including the ones using hijab....... :D
@levina What do you think about Sunny? Just curious...
Excusez moi??
Sunny leone??
She looks good.Much better than Kareena kapoor atleast.
Yeah I am sure that female had a little make up....if there's no make up then the color of skin around the eyes and of cheeks are different( 90% of the time)
Well then she comes in remaining 10% :D

She looks good.Much better than Kareena kapoor atleast.
I hate her the most :mad:
Abe Sunny Leone **** Star se Politician kab ban gayi? o_O :rofl:
i didnt brought it first yar.. i posted pictures of ruby dhalla and this pakistani brought in their supermodel some ayyan payyan so i check mated him..yara saday naal mukabla..hamaray yaha toh w***** bhi inki modelo say better nay
Look at the THANKS pressed in this thread, it shows every ones interest including me,.... lol
Comes in all colour but a saffron chaddi will always remain saffron.

I don't believe in this burkha for public figures but to each his own.
i didnt brought it first yar.. i posted pictures of ruby dhalla and this pakistani wasbrought in their supermodel some ayyan payyan so i check mated him..yara saday naal mukabla..hamaray yaha toh randiya bhi inki modelo say better nay
Yaa Baat toh ek dum sahi bolya bhai tu :cheers: Punjab se hai kya Jatt?? Mein Haryana ka Jat 8-)

She's beauuty. Who gives a damn about politicians. She's the best looking on this earth till now.

Khush? Now you believe me? :D

Bhai rahne de best looking. Please. Please.


for a politician ruby is damn good looking. there are more pretty indo canadian ladies who contestd the election but coundnt get elected though
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