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8 industries China leads where the US used to

American did . Not indian : and why does it matter if an indian did. Per your high IQ if you put out a claim, it is only subject to be refuted by said nationalities in that post?...

this article was written by an American,so take out your anger on them instead.
India is where a country making a third of your GDP is. Where were you when you made the same GDP as them? On the other hand where is China vs. US? You make 1/2 of our GDP and you are less than $2000 income per family vs. our $40,000! I pay my house cleaners more than your average family earns in year. :china:

The Chinese here with other country's flag never claim they are British or American or Canadian. But it seems Indians with no culture often do this. Pity u. a homeless people.
India is where a country making a third of your GDP is. Where were you when you made the same GDP as them? Chinese here somehow find some solace in comparing or egging India on when they make a third of your GDP.

On the other hand where is China vs. US? You make 1/2 of our GDP and you are less than $2000 income per family vs. our $40,000! I pay my house cleaners more than your average family earns in year. :china:

Hahaha another bs post if comparision like that i can tell you a millionair in china gave his driver a $400000 house and pay for his kid to study in uk

Oh. is that so. And India Came from mars in 2012...LOL

No not frm mars but very backward compare to china
Well I don't think comparison with Africa is valid - perhaps should be compared with India after all
BBC News - 'More poor' in India than Africa

Look whos talking here 81iq indian from a backward country so far behind china telling us what to do LOL

The Chinese here with other country's flag never claim they are British or American or Canadian. But it seems Indians with no culture often do this. Pity u. a homeless people.

These was not a country named India in history. India was made up by British. India is a baby of UK.

If any of these posters were Americans, Israelis or Indians they would have turned pink in heart beat on these forums. Notice how Chinese when refuted on any claims are quick to make personal attacks and go off topic.
no ifs,Indians are always the first bunch to jump in and refute anything good about China,even the sources are from their beloved west.
whatever one may say china definitely needs to be congratulated for the progress they have made
whatever one may say china definitely needs to be congratulated for the progress they have made

"progress with chinese characteristics"

sure.. congrats .. but only because they could have got themselves fcuked even greater.

leave alone India, do you think a single country on earth wants to emulate china?

pakistan? try a "cultural revolution" in karachi or Lahore ... those people will packup a mao zedong and his cronies and throw them into the arabian sea !!!

then came deng. the current generation were given a choice by deng: (i) cultural revolution or (ii) slave labour?
no points for getting the right answer .... the choice was obvious.

and what is chinese "progress" now .. they are just continuing slave labour for usa and europe... and lately others (india included) have joined the party. why not enjoy the slave labour available for free.

there is a reason why chinese want to move out of china ... .and oversea chinese never think of returning back to china.

CPC is giving china a slow poison ... burning 3500 million tonnes of coal into china's air ! what for? - so that usa and european consumers can enjoy free lunches. .... chinese people have to drink horribly polluted water (cadmium laced), provided that such water is available (most of their "rivers" fail to reach the sea!!!). what for? - so that the people outside china can enjoy.

now, imagine .... can any such thing be imagined in india !!!! ... that indian produced goods, are prevented to be supplied to indians ... but sent to exports !!! (such things were heard about communist romania, bulgaria etc).

no country wants to pick china-style "progress" .... and for good reasons.
(oh well, the chinese are told that this is a way to live ... or that only with "high IQ" of chinese could such a "progress" way can be implemented).

to be fair to the chinese people .. this "progress" is not of their choosing but compulsion.

even soviets lasted 70 years of communism .... which was significantly different from what chinese are playing out.

congrats to china for this "progress with chinese characteristics".

but sorry we don't want this ..... "progress with chinese characteristics".
India is where a country making a third of your GDP is. Where were you when you made the same GDP as them? Chinese here somehow find some solace in comparing or egging India on when they make a third of your GDP.

On the other hand where is China vs. US? You make 1/2 of our GDP and you are less than $2000 income per family vs. our $40,000! I pay my house cleaners more than your average family earns in year. :china:

I am confused you keep changing you are all over the Map are you Indian or American now?
8 industries China leads where the US used to

Steel, cars, even beer, as nation closes in on America for GDP dominance
By Charles B. Stockdale and Douglas A. McIntyre
updated 1/30/2012 2:47:40 PM ET


There is no question about China's phenomenal rise in the last two decades.

The next challenge for China is to compete with the West on Nobel prizes.

There is a huge difference between original breakthroughs and incremental improvements in science and technology and new applications. What often passes as innovation in China and India and other emerging nations almost always fits in the latter category. Examples of the former category include Gutenberg printing press, incandescent light bulb, internal combustion engine, radio, telephone, transistor, semiconductor chip, microprocessor, the computer operating systems and programming languages, the Internet, and the discovery of the DNA Helix. All of these original ideas have come from the West, most of them from the United States.

Haq's Musings: India's Innovation Envy
China is an Upper-middle-income country,where is India?
Indian per capita is more than 1006 USD while China is $4,800..China's per capita income is still way way low when compared to the improvement made on the central level,Chinese per capita income remains low.
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