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70 Japanese men answer Kyiv's call for volunteers to fight against Russia, many inquiring, Japanese volunteer army?

Straight up warriors these japs, really tough mofos if they bring out there WW2 side
It’s all about the ideology. Taliban is strong because they believe in Allah swt. WWII Japanese believed their emperor was god. Current Japanese believe Pikachu is their god, so I don’t know.
Japan should invade Kuril Islands, open a second front.
Do you why they are not willing to fight for their own country but rather do it for Ukraine..

Would you be willing to fight for your country? - Gallup surve

70 Japanese men answer Kyiv's call for volunteers to fight against Russia​

Tokyo, Japan
Published: Mar 02, 2022, 06:10 PM


Sniper teams from the Ground Self-Defence Force's first Airborne Brigade take a break during the Arctic Aurora exercise held with elements of the US Army in Alaska Photograph AFP )

Approximately 70 Japanese men have answered Kyiv's call for volunteers to fight against Russia, the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper said, quoting a Tokyo company handling the volunteers.

These include 50 former members of Japan's Self-Defence Forces and two veterans of the French Foreign Legion.

A spokesperson for the Ukrainian Embassy acknowledged receiving calls from people "wanting to fight for Ukraine," but declined to give further details.

A social media post from the embassy thanked Japanese for their many inquiries about volunteering.

"Any candidates for this must have experience in Japan's Self-Defence Forces or have undergone specialised training," it said.

In a new post on Twitter on Wednesday, the Ukrainian embassy in Japan said it was looking for volunteers with medical, IT, communication, or firefighting experience. It was not immediately clear if the volunteer positions were remote or involved travelling to Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has stirred strong emotions in Japan, which has a post-war pacifist constitution that has been reinterpreted in recent years to allow Japan to exercise collective self-defence or aid allies under attack.

Hundreds gathered for a protest against the Russian invasion last week in Tokyo, while the Ukrainian embassy said it collected $17 million in donations from some 60,000 people in Japan after it put out an online request for help.

Japan has also announced sanctions on Russia, including freezing the assets of Russian groups, banks and individuals and suspending exports of semiconductors and other sensitive goods to military-linked organisations in Russia.

Japan will accept Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russia's ongoing invasion, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Wednesday, in a break with the country's usual reticence to accept humanitarian arrivals.

Japan typically accepts just a few dozen refugees a year out of thousands of applicants, and its borders are currently closed to virtually all foreign visitors to prevent Covid-19 infections.

But Kishida said the country would now "proceed with a plan to welcome people from Ukraine who have fled to third countries" in a bid to "demonstrate our solidarity with the Ukrainian people at such a crucial moment."

Kishida said Japan expected to first accept those with relatives or friends in the country, "but beyond that, we will respond from a humanitarian perspective," he added without setting a specific cap on arrivals.

He said refugees would be processed outside of the current border regime that bars foreign tourists and limits overseas arrivals.

Japanese billionaire Hiroshi "Mickey" Mikitani said Sunday he will donate $8.7 million to the government of Ukraine, calling Russia's invasion "a challenge to democracy".

The founder of e-commerce giant Rakuten said in a letter addressed to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky that the donation of 1 billion yen ($8.7 million) will go toward "humanitarian activities to help people in Ukraine who are victims of the violence".

Ukraine has 45 million people and still wants more people to fight for them. I don't think numbers will help them.
Those 70 Japanese are going to become criminals to be used by NATO and Ukraine's Nazis but there was a time when some Japanese were revolutionaries :

It’s all about the ideology. Taliban is strong because they believe in Allah swt.

Why do you always support the wrong people, whether in Afghanistan or in Ukraine ? The Afghans are suffering in the fear kingdom of the Taliban and reject them but seems just like you believe in the mythical "Ghost of Kiev" you also believe in the so-called Islamicness of the Taliban. Now let's see if the mods delete my post just like they did with some of my others.
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These 70 Japanese are going to become criminals to be used by NATO and Ukraine's Nazis but there was a time when some Japanese were revolutionaries :

Why do you always support the wrong people, whether in Afghanistan or in Ukraine ? The Afghans are suffering in the fear kingdom of the Taliban and reject them but seems just like you believe in the mythical "Ghost of Kiev" you also believe in the "Islamicness" of the Taliban. Now let's see if the mods delete my post just like they did with some of my others.

You have a right to spout your nonsense, but I don’t understand your obsession with quoting me. What are you, 15 years old? Not everyone is going to agree with you in life. Grow up son.
You have a right to spout your nonsense, but I don’t understand your obsession with quoting me. What are you, 15 years old? Not everyone is going to agree with you in life. Grow up son.

I am just calling out your misguided beliefs, that is all. If you write something wrong don't I have the right to correct you ?
Ukraine has 45 million people and still wants more people to fight for them. I don't think numbers will help them.
Many thousands of Ukrainians or non-Ukrainians are actual combat vets besides those who who don't have combat experience and want to help, and it doesn't have to be combat related either.
It's all NATO ideas.

They actually want to join the war, but pretend under the name of volunteers.

They are basically NATO soldiers.

Reminds me of the Japanese PMC that was executed by ISIS in Syria.

Japanese warrior tradition has deteriorated since they got cucked by the US.

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This man, if he is dead, killed, does it count as a murder?

Or just a causality of war?
Japan should invade Kuril Islands, open a second front.

In return Russia and China should act against Japan government and military.

BTW where is that PDF member @aepsilon or something like that who said he was in the Japanese military ?

While his own fellow Indian students in thousands are freezing to death in Ukrainian he’s on here advising the likes of China Russia haha
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