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7 killed in shooting on China-Vietnam border

Name calling serves no purpose. We are losing if not already lost the hearts and minds of those people .Since we can't kill them all,we have to come up with a solution to bring peace to that region.
There are levels of understanding. It's obvious that we not on the same boat...leave me alone!
Yes, they are probably there to get more weapons or funds to promote more terrorism in China. We don't know for sure if they are really immigrants. They could use the pre-text as migrants to bring in more weapons / funds or an excuse to the world and play themselves as victims.

My point is that if you think about long-term stability of China, you should change your view of Uighurs, there are more than 10mn of them living in China right now.
A few of them were captured alive right? I was talking about them. So have they been gunned down too?

According to Vietnamese media, 2 of our border guards were killed, 5 "Chinese" men killed themselves while under siege. The rest were arrested, including 4 women and 2 children. All were sent back to China (including 5 dead).
My point is that if you think about long-term stability of China, you should change your view of Uighurs, there are more than 10mn of them living in China right now.
You're really missing the point here. We DO NOT have a problem with them, They HAVE a problem with us. They create terrorism, not the Han Chinese. They are the ones who burns buses and stabs peoople, not US.

If ever in doubt ask the Brits. Why is there a NO GO area in the UK?
Or why go so far, ask them Indians if they do not have a problem with the Islamic terrorists? They are a crazy bunch. We will never understand them.
We have to admit that Uyghurs are widely discriminated against in China and the government doesn't do enough to address this issue, if we were in their shoes we would probably also be pissed.
Uighur are treated very well. Thhey have special rights that other minorities and majority Han do. not have. Don't talk rubbish.

Living as an Uyghur and travel around in China and you will find it out, they are being closely watched everywhere in China and can't even find a hostel willing to take them in. Job opportunities are often denied because of the ethnicity in the pretence of their lack of language proficiency, We all know I am just saying the truth. I m not a Uyghur but I can sometimes look at things from their point of view.
How can you get a good job by not being able to speak, write , read Chinese ? This is just common sense. How can overseas Chinese get good jobs without higher education ?
The US knows who are the terrorists, but they will rather side with the terrorists because they consider China as the biggest threat to their global hegemony.

The US is the master of double standard, and do you truly expect that the US will side with China? You have too much dream for the West my friend.

I don't expect USA government to side with China at all. But there are common people who really misunderstand China, it's different. After browsing these western websites, now I can see many negative comments from netizens in the west accusing of China coming up, really make me angry. Just saying Chinese media is too weak to influence the world, MH370 is an example, all the important news were unveiled by foreign or west media, although China did a lot contribution. Chinese media should influence world opinion. Why people always believe the western shit, sad.
According to Vietnamese media, 2 of our border guards were killed, 5 "Chinese" men killed themselves while under siege. The rest were arrested, including 4 women and 2 children. All were sent back to China (including 5 dead).
I have a feeling they aren't Chinese, or rather Han Chinese. No Chinese in their sane mind would ever immigrate to Vietnam and for what? Uighurs immigrating, but not to Vietnam. Vietnam is probably just a pass through. I suppose their main intention is head over to Indonesia or Malaysia in accordance to their convenience.
I don't expect USA government to side with China at all. But there are common people who really misunderstand China, it's different. After browsing these western websites, now I can see many negative comments from netizens in the west accusing of China coming up, really make me angry. Just saying Chinese media is too weak to influence the world, MH370 is an example, all the important news were unveiled by foreign or west media, although China did a lot contribution. Chinese media should influence world opinion. Why people always believe the western shit, sad.

Many western citizens actually know the truth, but their government represents their country, so there is nothing they can do about it even they know the truth.
Ultra nationalism is the worst kind of stupidity .China doesn't need it. A great nation can always find their imperfection and ways to improve themselves.
Why there should be a violence in a border, if they are refugee, Vietnam can find third country to host them. Vietnam should treat them well. It is how a civilized nation act. Not realistic at all to believe that they fought and then shooted the guards. If they are accepted well in a border, there should be no shooting at all.
The so called "Chinese" in the picture were wearing veil, alien look like, they were carrying knives, they even know how to use a machine gun! Some of them even commit suicide. Just think for a second, will any normal Chinese behave like this insane??!! They are not Chinese. Viet Nam did the right thing, thank you and sorry for the loss.

The terrorists will travel through Viet Nam to other countries, maybe Turkey?
You're really missing the point here. We DO NOT have a problem with them, They HAVE a problem with us. They create terrorism, not the Han Chinese. They are the ones who burns buses and stabs peoople, not US.

If ever in doubt ask the Brits. Why is there a NO GO area in the UK?
Or why go so far, ask them Indians if they do not have a problem with the Islamic terrorists? They are a crazy bunch. We will never understand them.

We have suffered from Islamic Extremist too
so unlike the West we know what you are facing
Good luck with these suckers & crush them with a Iron fist
I m Chinese and of course I know those policies,but many of them are only good on paper, I m not defending terrorism ,for God sake, I m just saying the government should reflect on her minority policies and hopefully some remedies could be made in the future.

Vietnam media say that's not terrorists ... And actually, there're similar hundreds to thousands cases recently. not only 16 ...
Uighurs think they cannot live with Han ruled, they find their way, but so sorry, Vietnam did not support you to move illegal thoughout our country.

Their resistance only happen when they know they must be returned to China as CN request.
Anyway they dont mean to harm Vietnamese in 1st place, they are just trying to protect themselves
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