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7 killed in shooting on China-Vietnam border

Living as an Uyghur and travel around in China and you will find it out, they are being closely watched everywhere in China and can't even find a hostel willing to take them in. Job opportunities are often denied because of the ethnicity in the pretence of their lack of language proficiency, We all know I am just saying the truth. I m not a Uyghur but I can sometimes look at things from their point of view.

You know nothing about China's minority policy and advantages of being a minority in China. Your believings can't explain why a few Uygurs could stab hundreds in a railway station before being stopped or they could travel to Vietnam and not caught by Chinese bordergards. We are all tired with muslim violence and terrorism in name of Jihad shit.

Not like other minorities, some of Uyghurs refuse learn Chinese. You think that they deserve a job just because they are Uyghurs?
What happened to the knife attackers? Have they been executed yet?
You know nothing about China's minority policy and advantages of being a minority in China. Your believings can't explain why a few Uygurs could stab hundreds in a railway station before being stopped or they could travel to Vietnam and not caught by Chinese bordergards. We are all tired with muslim violence and terrorism in name of Jihad shit.

Not like other minorities, some of Uyghurs refuse learn Chinese. You think that they deserve a job just because they are Uyghurs?

That's why the liberalism that born during the economic reform is a disease for our society.

The liberalism caused the riot in the Tiananmen Square during the 1989, while those stupid policies were all the accomplishment by the libtard' grand hero Hu Yaobang.
I m Chinese and of course I know those policies,but many of them are only good on paper, I m not defending terrorism ,for God sake, I m just saying the government should reflect on her minority policies and hopefully some remedies could be made in the future.
We should seriously take care of this shit. These Uyghurs terrorists are acting like victims who suffered from Chinese government, so they ran through the border to other countries. Now the world will side with these Uyghurs terrorists, because people always feel sympathy at the dead.

Chinese media always suck, they don't make anything clear to the public, just tell everyone the truth.
Uyghurs are troublemakers. I'm happy to see them leaving China. I hope all Uyghurs follow them.

Ever thought to yourself why are they leaving China (their homeland) in the first place?
I m Chinese and of course I know those policies,but many of them are only good on paper, I m not defending terrorism ,for God sake, I m just saying the government should reflect on her minority policies and hopefully some remedies could be made in the future.

You are a banana Chinese! You know little about China or the West. Get some life experience and real picture of the world...

Vietnam can send them to any third nation like Turkey, it's better not to send back to China. If Vietnam like more, we can gladly provide free tickets directly from XinJiang to Vietnam border.

We sent back where they came, that is just a border gate region.
You are a banana Chinese! You know little about China or the West. Get some life experience and real picture of the world...

Name calling serves no purpose. We are losing if not already lost the hearts and minds of those people .Since we can't kill them all,we have to come up with a solution to bring peace to that region.
We should seriously take care of this shit. These Uyghurs terrorists are acting like victims who suffered from Chinese government, so they ran through the border to other countries. Now the world will side with these Uyghurs terrorists, because people always feel sympathy at the dead.

Chinese media always suck, they don't make anything clear to the public, just tell everyone the truth.

The US knows who are the terrorists, but they will rather side with the terrorists because they consider China as the biggest threat to their global hegemony.

The US is the master of double standard, and do you truly expect that the US will side with China? You have too much dream for the West my friend.
Ever thought to yourself why are they leaving China (their homeland) in the first place?
Yes, they are probably there to get more weapons or funds to promote more terrorism in China. We don't know for sure if they are really immigrants. They could use the pre-text as migrants to bring in more weapons / funds or an excuse to the world and play themselves as victims.
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