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60 years on, 87 Kashmiris want independence

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Also, another problem that is ignored is that many Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir are content and have accepted Pakistani rule... we will have to give Azad Kashmir up to the new independent Kashmir just to say we are comitted to the freedom of Kashmir. Well it is necessary to end the abuse of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir anyway... if this will end their suffering then so be it!

No! Pakistan should not give an inch now Kashmiris will get Independance (Inshallah) all we need to do is just support them.
Kashmiris will get Independance (Inshallah) all we need to do is just support them.

I wonder some people will never stop dreaming :devil: ... well cannot help ... keep dreaming for another 1000yrs.....Inshallah
I wonder some people will never stop dreaming :devil: ... well cannot help ... keep dreaming for another 1000yrs.....Inshallah

I wonder if the British thought the same when confronted with demands of independence from their colonists. We are all probably just figments of imagination in the minds of Gandhi, Nehru and Jinnah. Ah well, let the dreams continue.
Probably then the confrontation and demand of freedom from the Baloch's should be met as well, what say you?

Kashmir isnt going anywhere. Its attached geographically to the Indian mainland, unlike what the British had to contend with, with their colonized lands being separated by the seas.
Probably then the confrontation and demand of freedom from the Baloch's should be met as well, what say you?

Sure, provided we extend that principle to Bihar, Assam etc as well...

Kashmir isnt going anywhere. Its attached geographically to the Indian mainland, unlike what the British had to contend with, with their colonized lands being separated by the seas.

My point was that as long as a people continue to desire independence, you cannot rule anything out. It may well be that economic development within India and kashmir may result in the opinion of the Kashmiris changing. If that happens then Pakistan should let the issue go. After all our stand is based on the principle of acceding to the wishes of the Kashmiri people. But till then, nothing can be ruled out.
Probably then the confrontation and demand of freedom from the Baloch's should be met as well, what say you?

Balochs are not demanding Independance mate! they want only pure democratic system in the country so keep your mouth shut on Balochistan. we all know what your Consulates are doing in Afghanistan.
Probably then the confrontation and demand of freedom from the Baloch's should be met as well, what say you?

Kashmir isnt going anywhere. Its attached geographically to the Indian mainland, unlike what the British had to contend with, with their colonized lands being separated by the seas.

Nearly the whole Kashmiri population is against the occupation of Kashmir whereas a tiny part of the baloch population wants independence... Most balochis are happy with pakistani rule as are Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir. Your treatment of Kashmiris is so great that we don't even need to support them. They will free themselves! Even after 60 years you were unable to make them think of themselves as indians and quell the hatred in many people for you guys!

You remember the depot fire which was the armies own fault and 4 Kashmiri liberation groups claimed responsibility? This proves how Kashmiris are against the occupation! The day these people get weapons in their hands that day even your whole army won't be able to stop them! They will gain freedom! There is no doubt about that and it is definately Not a dream!
Nearly the whole Kashmiri population is against the occupation of Kashmir whereas a tiny part of the baloch population wants independence... Most balochis are happy with pakistani rule as are Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir. Your treatment of Kashmiris is so great that we don't even need to support them. They will free themselves! Even after 60 years you were unable to make them think of themselves as indians and quell the hatred in many people for you guys!

You remember the depot fire which was the armies own fault and 4 Kashmiri liberation groups claimed responsibility? This proves how Kashmiris are against the occupation! The day these people get weapons in their hands that day even your whole army won't be able to stop them! They will gain freedom! There is no doubt about that and it is definately Not a dream!

60 years.....lol...keep dreaming, dont wake up.
60 years.....lol...keep dreaming, dont wake up.

Its you who are dreaming dude... your pathetic policy towards Kashmir is alienating them... if you go on like this Kashmiris will fight for their own independence. I am only saying the truth! Deny all you want!

Ever saw this poem:
Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An Angel writing in a book of gold:

Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the Presence in the room he said,
"What writest thou?" The Vision raised its head,
And with a look made of all sweet accord
Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord."

"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerily still; and said, "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one who loves his fellow men."

The Angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And showed the names whom love of God had blessed,
And, lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest!

May be there is some lesson in that which you can draw upon to bring solace to your tormented soul that seems to fan your pet hates.
Yeah okay... if you say so... whatever you want... you see you are the guests here so we try to please you here... okay Kashmiris are not fighting but the Pakistan is fighting against you. Atlhough we are fighting militants on one side we are arming and funding militants on the other. Okay so the militants getting in proves that you definately have no army or only an army of 2 year olds so thats why all our armed and funded militants get into Kashmir and manage to "terrorize the indian population"... u see we are commited to the peace process so we agree with you guys here and if your "army" is having any trouble holding the militants off you can call Pakistani forces into all your cities so that you will be protected against the militants!
You always have something unrealistic to say because you don't have any facts. If someone has to talk to you he or she definately has to go down to your level to talk to you!
Sure, provided we extend that principle to Bihar, Assam etc as well...
But the problem is, Bihar has no insurgency problem !! Bihari people have the most important positions throughout India and such a problem has never been indicated, most of the IAS and IPS officers are from Bihar ;).

My point was that as long as a people continue to desire independence, you cannot rule anything out. It may well be that economic development within India and kashmir may result in the opinion of the Kashmiris changing.
That is the aim actually, that the economic development will change people's minds there, this is the same policy that China has adopted in Tibet as well. Over time, with newer generations of Kashmiri's will enjoy more and more economic prosperity, and that will change their minds about independence. Infact i read a report by a Chinese think tank that they predict that for Tibet it will take 20-30 years more.

I feel the same about Kashmir. Its the constant presence of militants, bombs and Army that makes them dislike India.

If that happens then Pakistan should let the issue go. After all our stand is based on the principle of acceding to the wishes of the Kashmiri people. But till then, nothing can be ruled out.
Sorry mate, that might be your opinion, but to the Pakistani military, Kashmir is a verry strategic chunk of land that they have to have, i dont need to list out why Kashmir is strategically important.
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