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60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

i think u gave only one reason to hate israel....but there is more than 60 reason to love israel. so please my friend keep hate aside and start loving Israel.

First of all, stop putting all your posts in a large font.

Second, hate is an unnecessary emotion. There are on the other hand, hundreds of thousands of reasons to dislike or condemn Israel. Each human being murdered by the Zionist forces, whether in targeted, illegal assassinations on foreign soil, or peace activists bulldozed by Israeli military bulldozers, or children and women killed by Israel's use of illegal phosphorous weapons, or in bombing campaigns against civilians... and the list goes on and on.

So you can come up with a list of 600 things that are positive about Israel, and it will be matched by a list 1000 times longer consisting of the names of the slaughtered innocent.

Until Israel mends its ways and becomes a decent member of the international community with respect for other people's land, lives and rights, no "list" can change the overwhelming anti-Israel sentiment around the world.

Israel is its own worst enemy and they are walking themselves closer and closer to the edge of the plank.
With a sliight difference. This is a retaliatory and reactive policy unlike the one you mention. Israel does not distinguish between state and non state actors. You go after their civilians, they come after yours. You may be a country or an outlawed organization: It doesnt matter. And the reason it works is that most terrorists have anyway given up on their own lives, so they can not be detered by the fear of deadly force. But that deadly force aimed at their family and friends is a different ball game all together.

Look at it this way.. In a war, if you opponent bombs your civilian targets, would you think twice before going after theirs?

Israel's bombing of civilian areas and use of weapons like phosphorous bombs is inhumane, illegal and immoral. You are making the case for terrorists who, after bombing, maiming and killing Palestinians so they would leave their own lands, took over the territory, made settlements, got foreign aid to build a powerful military and now when voices are raised in anger against their actions, retaliate with overwhelming and disproportionate force.

Israel is a terrorist state if ever there was one. A state that supports targeted killings even on the soil of neutral or friendly countries. A state that conducts espionage missions in the heart of the US; it's supposedly most important supporter.

If it were not for US vetoes in the UN, Israel would be the most sanctioned country on earth. If you respect democracy and the views of the majority, then you cannot ignore these tenets when it comes to what the people of the world - muslim and non-muslim - think about Zionists and the government of Israel. If you throw out these beliefs for political expediency today, you cannot cling to them even for your own defence, tomorrow.

Israel exists today not as a peaceful state providing a homeland for an oppressed people, but as an incredibly ugly expression of the depths to which power-hungry, gun toting, land grabbing child killers are willing to sink to to hold on to the illegally captured territory they now call their "own".

History has a way of undoing monumental wrongs. And I fear when the time for Israel comes, its list of monumental wrongs will be quite lengthy and damnable.
Israeli world records.

Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine

Israel holds the world record in the number of towns & villages it
ethnically cleansed.500+

Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported.4 million +

Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished.60 thousand +

Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation. 500+ times

Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country.250 thousand+

Israel is the only country on Earth that builds illegal settlements in occupied lands

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel holds the world record in the number of curfew it installed on the Palestinians

Israel is one of two countries that, against International Law, use
cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs. America is the other.

Israel holds the world record in the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army

After East Germany, Israel is the only country that is building a
segregation wall.

Second to South Africa, Israel is the only country to establish an
apartheid regime

The only country on Earth, where people live in homes stolen from living refugees is Israel.

dear karan, i wasnt expecting this type of post from a person like you!! how can you just turn a blind eye to the suffering of palestianns which has been imposed by israel? israel are wiping them out of the face of the earth and you say not a single word in their defence? indians were also resisting against british colony, shall we call that terrorism too?

U know it well Israel isn't wiping anyone out of the face of the earth.

I'm not supporting Israel's action is Gaza. .But your comparison of what Nazis did with the Jews in WW2 to what Israel do with the Palestine is grossly exaggerated and wrong. The human development index of Palestine is probably better than India,Pakistan or BDesh.

Palestine issue is complex one and its a conflict zone where both parties guilty to different extents if not equal.
17. Israel has the largest number of lawyers per capital in the world.

This is true for Jewish community in USA. They know where is the money and power. ;)

Though you go ahead and celebrate with Zionist. We ain't dog level to celebrate with killers and thugs but Bharatis are just as low as Zionist, if not more.
Israeli world records.

Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine

Israel holds the world record in the number of towns & villages it
ethnically cleansed.500+

Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported.4 million +

Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished.60 thousand +

Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation. 500+ times

Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country.250 thousand+

Israel is the only country on Earth that builds illegal settlements in occupied lands

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel holds the world record in the number of curfew it installed on the Palestinians

Israel is one of two countries that, against International Law, use
cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs. America is the other.

Israel holds the world record in the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army

After East Germany, Israel is the only country that is building a
segregation wall.

Second to South Africa, Israel is the only country to establish an
apartheid regime

The only country on Earth, where people live in homes stolen from living refugees is Israel.


Now these are some statistics worth reading than those sixty..... Humanity comes first and not the 60 points stated .... First Israel should prove themselves human, then their other worldly records will have some weightage.... otherwise these are just a crap....
Now these are some statistics worth reading than those sixty..... Humanity comes first and not the 60 points stated .... First Israel should prove themselves human, then their other worldly records will have some weightage.... otherwise these are just a crap....

They dnt need any ones approval .... dude your logic can be applied to some other countries also ..... i think you understand what i mean
They dnt need any ones approval .... dude your logic can be applied to some other countries also ..... i think you understand what i mean

I know very well what you mean..

but the fact is that Israel is a terrorist state ,formed by illegal means and by killing innocents .... Pakistan (what i have perceived you are indicating in above comment ) is not a terrorist state.. In fact it is fighting against terrorism and we have lost thousands of our soldiers and civilians in it ...

Pakistan have lost more soldiers in this WOT since past months than US have lost in last decade..

So next time when you speak , think carefully before speaking.....
I know very well what you mean..

but the fact is that Israel is a terrorist state ,formed by illegal means and by killing innocents .... Pakistan (what i have perceived you are indicating in above comment ) is not a terrorist state.. In fact it is fighting against terrorism and we have lost thousands of our soldiers and civilians in it ...

Pakistan have lost more soldiers in this WOT since past months than US have lost in last decade..

So next time when you speak , think carefully before speaking.....

do you think they care what you think about them ????
may be they think same for you
Gaza has 2 countries bordering it..one the evil Zionist Israel starving the poor Muslims in Gaza..the other Muslim Egypt,who is also starving fellow Muslims?:eek:
and the scenes where even babies are strapped with bombs erases wotever pity i have for palestiniens.. these goons are only good to be erased.. how in the world can they bring in small babies to the conflict..!!! wot ever just reason they are fighting for is nullified by the ways and means they adopt..!!
do you think they care what you think about them ????
may be they think same for you

Pakistan is not a terrorist state ....

But Israel kills innocents, occupies their land, makes their settlement on it...
Israel is the biggest violator of UN resolutions...
they attack Lebanon and destroys their cities and kills thousands of Lebanese innocent civilians..
they attack aid ships and kill peace activist that includes a boy of only 19 years of age ...
they have kept Palestinians in such a miserable way that they cant decide what they want...
they kill innocents children of 4-5 years by shooting them in their heads
they can attack Gaza and West bank any time they want and gets away with it...
And the list goes on and on

after such pathetic things they get away with it only because of a Pathetic Government of a country called USA.....

I agree with you that they really don't care what we think of them.. But you know WHY ?

It is only because they are terrorist and terrorist have no religion, they have no friends, they have no brothers and they have no love for humanity... terrorist are the SELFISH PEOPLE on earth who only care and think about themselves.. All these traits are present in the Terrorist state of Israel.... they only think about their own security and because of this they have bombed almost every country around it since it came to existence ... they have kept Palestinians just like prisoners in a big prison called Gaza and West Bank and have treated them as prisoners for past 60 years.....

Israel really don't care what the world thinks of them. but one day they will realize the mistake they have done by doing terrorism on innocents when they will face the same in their country in the same scale they have done in past and are doing in the present, by the soldiers of our Ummah...

And if Israel thinks for Pakistan in this way then I think they are significantly retarded because we have terrorist in our country but they don't control our Government. ... But Israel's whole government is terrorist who supports every killing of innocents done by the terrorist army of Israel....
Israel's bombing of civilian areas and use of weapons like phosphorous bombs is inhumane, illegal and immoral. You are making the case for terrorists who, after bombing, maiming and killing Palestinians so they would leave their own lands, took over the territory, made settlements, got foreign aid to build a powerful military and now when voices are raised in anger against their actions, retaliate with overwhelming and disproportionate force.

Israel is a terrorist state if ever there was one. A state that supports targeted killings even on the soil of neutral or friendly countries. A state that conducts espionage missions in the heart of the US; it's supposedly most important supporter.

If it were not for US vetoes in the UN, Israel would be the most sanctioned country on earth. If you respect democracy and the views of the majority, then you cannot ignore these tenets when it comes to what the people of the world - muslim and non-muslim - think about Zionists and the government of Israel. If you throw out these beliefs for political expediency today, you cannot cling to them even for your own defence, tomorrow.

Israel exists today not as a peaceful state providing a homeland for an oppressed people, but as an incredibly ugly expression of the depths to which power-hungry, gun toting, land grabbing child killers are willing to sink to to hold on to the illegally captured territory they now call their "own".

History has a way of undoing monumental wrongs. And I fear when the time for Israel comes, its list of monumental wrongs will be quite lengthy and damnable.

I think we are going on different paths here. While I have my views on who shares the blame for the mess in Israel/Palestine, thats not the discussion here. Its not only Israel who indulges in attack on civilians. As I see, its a retaliation to attacks by the terrorist organizations. And those attacks have been going on for decades. And it wasnt Israel that ganged up with 3-4 of its neighbours and attacked a single small country.

Now I agree that the responses of Israel are dispropotionate most of the times. But thats their deterance. They are not worried about getting downright dirty and taking the fight to the enemy. Thats the reason, they have the most feared security/spy agency in the world. Whether they have the enemy pegged right or not, is something which the history will decide. But the reason I admire them is that they have a single minded focus on protecting their citizens (anywhere in world) and they do that without reservation or prejudice. At the end of the day, diplomacy and friendly relations are to aid the national objectives and not the other way round.

About some people/countries calling it a terrorist state or power hungry or child killers, it really doesnt mean a thing to them. Just like it doesnt to people of Pakistan when Pakistan is called a hub of international terrorism or a failed state.
Dear Ahmad, Palestinians have 100% right to exist, and every other right that we have. They are also right to protest for injustice. That does not mean Hamas has to terrorize Israel. There are less violent ways to solve the issues. This thread is not about reasons to hate Israel, we can make a separate thread for that. There has to be a peaceful solution. Israel has already been formed and it would be unrealistic to assume that Israel will simply abandon everything it has accomplished till date and hand over to Palestine.

tell me which other ways? and by no means i am supporting the rockets of hamas. everyday they build illegal settlments, by building each settlement they diminish the last hopes of a 2 state solution. i ask you one thing, what is your proposal to stop these settlements? what punishment there should be for israel for land grab?
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