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60 killed in shia mosque blast shikarpur

Haman jaan, Wahab is one of the names of Allah swt. What you guys call Wahabis are simply animals. Sometimes you call them salafists and sometimes deobandi.

Do you want to know what Wahabis are?

We are Muslim.

We do not believe in praying to tombs. We will pray for someone that is religious, but we will not ask him for miracles. Not sure If people in Iran do this, but people in Pakistan do this.

We do not believe in religious clergy. Imam or Mullah is just there for Azaan and care taker of masjid. He is not more than anyone else. We will not go through him to reach Allah swt. We will only ask anything from Allah swt directly through dua.

We also do not believe in black magic. We do not follow pirs or other magician type people.

Other than that we are the same as any other Muslim.

We have never been taught to hate Shias. Even the wahabi mullahs in my madrassa never mentioned Shias. In my city, one of my best friend Hussein is Shia and lives three houses down from me. We never even cared about these things in religion. One time during Eid Al Fitr, he was wearing black and I was wearing white. I made fun of him asking who died? He said this is for Hazrat Ali. Then I never said anything about it to him again. We are all Muslim. There is no problem between Sunni or Shia. The problem with Iranians is that they don't realize that Arabs hate Iranians due to race, and not deen.

Your 269 word long rant has many contradiction such as "people in Pakistan do this". You are writting as if Pakistan is a homogeneous country and all Pakistani follow single practice of worship and there is no variation. There are problems and problems with shias and sunnis. A day before yesterday Shias killed 72 sunnis in Iraq and now 71 shias killed in Pakistan. Be realistic. Accept the problem. You can find solution only if you recognize the problem.
There are problems and problems with shias and sunnis.

Everyday at my lunch table in office my group comprises of following people who bring meals with them from their homes and share with each other

  1. Me myself who is more close to Deo Bandi school of thought
  2. One of my juniors he is Shia
  3. Another junior who is more of a friend to aforementioned junior he is Ahl E Hadees
  4. And one of my peers who is follower of Tablighi jamat
  5. And an office boy
All of us not only eat from each others' dishes but joke around on personal matters like religious following and engagements and affairs etc. Don't see any such problem in my group which you are trying to imply .
Everyday at my lunch table in office my group comprises of following people who bring meals with them from their homes and share with each other

  1. Me myself who is more close to Deo Bandi school of thought
  2. One of my juniors he is Shia
  3. Another junior who is more of a friend to aforementioned junior he is Ahl E Hadees
  4. And one of my peers who is follower of Tablighi jamat
  5. And an office boy
All of us not only eat from each others' dishes but joke around on personal matters like religious following and engagements and affairs etc. Don't see any such problem in my group which you are trying to imply .

Your stories have no meaning when 71 shia are just elimineted 24 hours before. . 70000 people are killed in violance in Pakistan and many of them are shias.
Doesn't help mate.Don't let his statement make you inhuman....so ignore it.

These are the same people who regularly send gunmen to specifically kill as many Indians as possible, mate. They not only cheered the killings of hundreds of innocents in Mumbai, but lampooned the Indian security agencies for not controlling the situation effectively and also tried to pass up the lone surviving gunman as "Amar Singh" even when their own government has admitted to it!! Just to rub it all in! Humanity is also a two way street, mate!
Religion God and retarded followers ..all made for each other
We send our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the victims’ families. The terrorists have once again shown their evilness through this act of terror. To attack people during the prayers also proves terrorists willingness to cross all lines in order create panic and fear in the country. We recognize the Pakistani security forces are doing their best to counter the growing threat of terrorism in the country. We stand united with the nation of Pakistan and wish to see peace prevail throughout the country.

We also wish the injured quick and speedy recovery, and sincerely hope the friends and families of the dead find the strength to deal with this tragedy.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

Thanks. I think Pakistan's LEAs need some advance equipment for monitoring of terorrist's communications and finances. I do not know the extent of cooperation in this area. But given that US and NATO has been engaged in digging out sleeper cells and would be terorrists for some time now, I think imparting this training to our Intelligence Apparatus would help them greatly in stopping these attacks. After Zarb-e-Azb Ops, mostly threat comes from terorrists who melted into settled areas. Thanks.
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