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60% Amercian believes the nation is on verage of a civil war whilst half americans already preparing for it

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Sep 9, 2016
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Three of five Americans believe the nation is on the verge of a civil war, and more than half already are preparing for it, according to a new poll.

"This is the single most frightening poll result I’ve ever been associated with," the pollster, Rich Thau, told Paul Bedard in his "Washington Secrets" column for the Washington Examiner.

The poll by Engagious, Sports and Leisure Research Group and ROKK Solutions found 61% of Americans believe the U.S. is nearing a second civil war. Forty-one percent "strongly agree" with that. And 52% are "so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials."
Bedard reported his column has been following surveys "that have been sizing up the state of the nation and business since the coronavirus crisis hit." '

"Predictably, it's the political extremes who are most ready for war, with 52% of very liberal, 52% of very conservative, 32% of somewhat liberal, 34% of moderate, and 35% of somewhat conservative respondents saying they believe the statement 'I'm concerned that the U.S. could be on the verge of another civil war,'" Bedard wrote.

The coronavirus pandemic is a contributing factor, he said, because many believe it will spike again, and food and other essentials will become scarce.

It might surprise a lot of people here, but I don't want America to fall into civil war. Not just because that crap will spill over up here; the last thing Canada needs is a bunch of sick, penniless American refugees. Primarily it's because civil wars have winners - I don't want a single faction dominating America and becoming something like the CCP.

Can you imagine a competently run America? The mind reels from the horror.
It might surprise a lot of people here, but I don't want America to fall into civil war. Not just because that crap will spill over up here; the last thing Canada needs is a bunch of sick, penniless American refugees. Primarily it's because civil wars have winners - I don't want a single faction dominating America and becoming something like the CCP.

Can you imagine a competently run America? The mind reels from the horror.
the end result of another civil war in the US would be the separation of states based on political lines. California for example will probably become a left leaning country.
the end result of another civil war in the US would be the separation of states based on political lines. California for example will probably become a left leaning country.
California already has the Republic flag. If there were a civil war, California would be the first to leave the US
Who is going to fight? Take a look at which side has the fighters and killers.
There will be no civil war in America. Not in our life time and not in life time of my kids, or gran kids. People over acting, over hyping, and fear mongering. Before civil war breaks out, or if there is chance of civil war America will entangle itself in a major war to unite dividing factions. Secondly American state and its law and order and unity enforcing forces are far too efficient to even allow a single state to rebell against central goverment. Simply not happening. But complete utter destruction of America and its entire millitary power economic power would make my heart sooo cool. Especially if the Americans do that to each other and bomb and kill each other to stone age. Ameen. This country stands on deaths of hundreds of millions of native indians and millions of people around the world and it getting its just dews would take me to paradise even while on earth.
Let me tell you, I grew up in the US and I have never seen the situation this bad ever in my life. People are divided beyond belief and anyone with a mind has been stocking up on arms/ammunition. Both ends of the political spectrum have become completely militant.

On the right we have the proud boys, white nationalist militias, christian militias. On the left we antifa, blm/black panthers, and communist militants. Yes things can set off pretty quick. The most disturbing part of this is that the right wingers have infiltrated into law enforcement, military, and the govt itself and are coordinating at a much higher level. If a war does break out I dont expect it to last more than a few weeks with swift right wing victories.
There will be no civil war in USA, like the usual civil war before.

Today is more like an intense and never ending political conflict in TV and other media.

It will be long, but at least no one will die because of it.
Let me tell you, I grew up in the US and I have never seen the situation this bad ever in my life. People are divided beyond belief and anyone with a mind has been stocking up on arms/ammunition. Both ends of the political spectrum have become completely militant.

On the right we have the proud boys, white nationalist militias, christian militias. On the left we antifa, blm/black panthers, and communist militants. Yes things can set off pretty quick. The most disturbing part of this is that the right wingers have infiltrated into law enforcement, military, and the govt itself and are coordinating at a much higher level. If a war does break out I dont expect it to last more than a few weeks with swift right wing victories.

Then the Centurions/Legionares of Rome and their white haired Roman puppet masters will do what Rome did in the past. True Empire. conquest of North and South America.
All the Centurions will do is work or fight in exchange for money/loans. They don't sacrifice or create. So their leaders will have to keep attacking others in order that the soldiers will have something to buy with the money they are paid.
Nobody was expecting the spanish civil war
nobody was expecting a leadership crisis regarding spain's monarchy which prompted an election
nobody was expecting a leftist victory in said election that sidelined the conservatives elements in spanish society
nobody was expecting conservative elements in spain like half of the spanish military to revolt against its own government and the initiation of the spanish civil war

same deal here. who know's how things will play out but the fact that the POTUS is basically threatening the US state if things dont go his way in the ballots is not a good sign. worse yet, white americans on this forum like @Hamartia Antidote @KAL-EL @dbc and @TruthSeeker probably think that this kind of talk is acceptable
There is a nice podcast series "It could happen here " . A search on the podcast app will give a link.
Pretty detailed stuff produced by an ex-army officer who served several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I wonder if I should steal a Abrams tank or a A10 Warthog when civil war breaks out?
@VCheng @KAL-EL @F-22Raptor,@Gomig-21 and @Hamartia Antidote any recommendation?

I’m so torn..

People who think things are bad don't know what bad is. The late 1960's was really really bad. The 70's were bad..even the 80's was bad with crime and poverty in cities.

Now things are not that bad.
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