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6 killed in protest over desecration of Quran in UP

Unlike you, we don't brand people on the basis of religion

Lol, you don't brand people on the basis of religion. Look at this very own thread. :lol:

It's a matter of Mulayam Singh's Muslim vote.

UP is in deep shyte.

WTF did torching that vehicle do? Did it restore the torn pages or get the culprit caught? No.

Why are Muslims so over-emotional that they don't use the law?

Muslims are not the only the minority in India. Its high time that we make a distinction.

5 out of 6 dead seem to be Muslims.. Not wait for the thekedaari brigade to come shouting about Muslim Genocide in Inda :D

Has any of those muslims who vandalized the buddha statue in UP a month ago have been arrested yet???

It is because of people like you that people latch onto the anti-modi brigade thinking of gujarat as a mini auschwitz.

Anywhere this would have happened the police would have dealt with as per process..

Though I agree on one count that most gujarati muslims are not as fanatic/jahil as these UP muslims.

don't remember exact number.. but i remember some case.

1. in (kosi ) mathura where muslim group beat 1 hindu teen boy just becz for washing hand in mosque..
2. in bareilly, where muslims protested and caused riots becz of kawadia .. it caused a long time curfew in bareilly.
3. lucknow - over burma muslims , where they tried to destroy Lord Budha statue. same time allahabad was also affected but at small level.
4. In ghazibad- u ll not find any record. this was small conflict, where on janmashtami, some muslims guys molested hindu girl and caused problem, funny thing was muslims were againt the music which temple usually play on janmashtami. and 1 more interesting thing, police did not registered case against any these people but registered case on the shopkeepers, who were there.
5. pratapgarh rape case- where muslims youth grouped raped and killed lower caste teen girl. and cause communal tension.
6- you can count this 1.

. So peaceful people :)

What I am saying is that we must say..Muslims & other minorities. Why bunch all together.

Muslims are being 'oppressed' in UP...Where is Teesta Setalvad & Company?

Lots of muslims loads of peace.

Call Islam peaceful, accept Islam or i'll burn your home, ll rape you everybody and i'll kill you all :D..
how you dare to insult by making 1 cartoon.. kill every one..
how you dare to insult quran like this-- kill every one, burn every thing.. kill all kafir. lets do jehad :D..

these lines can be funny but this is true ..
Where you ll see muslim happy and enjoying many rights ?? well in US, Europe, India, and almost non muslim countries. where you ll find them unhappy, don't have much freedom, where they are killing each other, and having daily bomb blasts, terrorism.. well almost muslim country..
and whom they blame for their problem ?? well they blame US, Europe, India and every country where they are happy..
will never respect other people and their religion, no role in science or technologies development. just always busy in hating and killing other people..

and most irritating thing is muslims who are good people, they do nothing, they just sit silent and ll say " look every muslim is not like that don't judge all people just becz of these people, be secular, Islam is peaceful" but they ll not try to control their own people. they ll not give lect. to their own people. want ex. remember mumbai case ? how many muslims leader come forward against mumbai riot ?

last thing i don;t hate muslim, i just hate what happening in my country becz of these people

Why not? It will also affect Muslims in Kashmir, Christians in Naga Land, Sikhs in Punjab as they are in majority there. Also if the law says that it will be implemented on a region by region basis and not state to state , then Muslims will get the blame in regions like Hyd old City, Malapurram, Azamgarh etc where they are in majority.

These incidents has less to do with "Muslims"..more to do with South Asians being emotional idiots!! People's attachment to inanimate objects is beyond sensibility, then they are ready to kill and get killed for most senile reasons concerning those objects.

I think you are being politically correct...I dont think any torn pages from Gita or Bible or SGGS would cause this reaction from either the Hindus/Christians/Sikhs.

This has more to do with people who can readily be mislead by their community leaders under the slogan of "Islam khatray mein".

Hayat (35), Asif (19), Wasim (18), Wahid (18), Amir(16) and Lukman (14)
All 6 of them were muslims.. ':D:D'
Find them and kill them all

My friend, you have had issues in Sinkiang with Muslims and you still wonder why they find everything non-Islamic as a problem? :)

It is something that is they can't help.


Muslim community doesn't mind attacking and destroying other culture's icons while keeps shouting about discrimination and attacks and other such lies when it comes to them.

This is something I really dislike in their community.

Yes They should be punished.

If Thakreys, mutaliks, bajrang dal and their likes in BJP give hate speeches, start riots or arson or burn homes, murder people; the reactions of many internet warriors are like ' Oh they are fools, idiots' 'Why they did it ? ' Let it be proven in court' 'They were provoked' 'They must have been provoked' 'They did for the love of country' ' Others started this and they only reacted'

But If there is even a arson by muslims ( no one killed by them)
The reactions are 'Kill them all' 'Throw all muslims out ' 'They deserve to be killed' 'Cut them' 'tear them off' 'Shoot them' ' shoot at sight' 'anti nationals' scum on earth' etc etc.

I am in no way supporting them, but just wanted to point out dual standards.
You don't have to go anywhere to prove. Just search for threads of vandalism, arson or riots by different groups and see the reactions there.
Then people say Hindus kill Muslims. These extremist or fundamentalist faction among Muslims are the danger to Indian Muslims, not Hindus. Before discussing about result, deeply think about cause.
Man! What a bunch of fundoo idiots!

Some clown tore the pieces of paper from their holy book; they don't even know who did it so they start to torch vehicles?!

WTF is that!? Doesn't complaining to a law body strike sense or do they tend to follow what their global brethren follow: just run around like loonies killing, burning and destroying things and people around?

As such UP is the 'Africa' of India, with its taliban capital of Aligarh... now we have every tom, dick and harry burning public property because some idiot tore the pages of their holy book?

Generalizing the whole state due to mis deeds of few goons is not good, UP is not just any remote state. The same politicians of UP are developing it
Call Islam peaceful, accept Islam or i'll burn your home, ll rape you everybody and i'll kill you all :D..
how you dare to insult by making 1 cartoon.. kill every one..
how you dare to insult quran like this-- kill every one, burn every thing.. kill all kafir. lets do jehad :D..

these lines can be funny but this is true ..
Where you ll see muslim happy and enjoying many rights ?? well in US, Europe, India, and almost non muslim countries. where you ll find them unhappy, don't have much freedom, where they are killing each other, and having daily bomb blasts, terrorism.. well almost muslim country..
and whom they blame for their problem ?? well they blame US, Europe, India and every country where they are happy..
will never respect other people and their religion, no role in science or technologies development. just always busy in hating and killing other people..

and most irritating thing is muslims who are good people, they do nothing, they just sit silent and ll say " look every muslim is not like that don't judge all people just becz of these people, be secular, Islam is peaceful" but they ll not try to control their own people. they ll not give lect. to their own people. want ex. remember mumbai case ? how many muslims leader come forward against mumbai riot ?

last thing i don;t hate muslim, i just hate what happening in my country becz of these people

Well..first you better be sure what you see is happening under what are actual guidelines for Muslims through the Quran and Islam.. or through misinterpretation of it.
Lets just go straight to India first..since that is closer to home..
What section of the population by class is involved in these incidents? Lower middle class?
Would you think that any of their vented frustrations would exist if these people were busy making money?
I am frustrated.. my job is not paying for me, I am treated as a second class citizen.. and where I live isnt exactly of any good standard.. I want to beat the crap out of my supervisor "vijay" who did not let me have a leave on eid.. but let "Abhijeet" go for Diwali
I think the man does it because Im a muslim and not because a majority of the workers in the factory are of other religions..
This is against Islam.. these Hindus.. they make fun of God and Prophet.. and treat us muslims like ****.. Ill show them.. one day.. Ill show them.
Our Masjid Moulvi has been right all along.

Why is this person not going to take out his personal frustration in the name of Islam.. especially when coaxed along.
Also, in your emotional outburst.. you have discounted people like Prof Kalam and many more...
Lol, you don't brand people on the basis of religion. Look at this very own thread. :lol:

And who is the one who instigated this violent action in the first place? The UP vandalization attack, the attack on Amar Jawan Jyoti, the attack against Bodos, the violent protests in Mumbai, the threatening of NE people in other states?
Generalizing the whole state due to mis deeds of few goons is not good, UP is not just any remote state. The same politicians of UP are developing it

Bhai, don't feel offended. When I compared it to Africa, the reason being that UP has so much of natural resources. It is one of the richest resource-blessed states in the country. Africa is also the same; ample resources but still living in medieval era.

That's the reason why I put the two in one line. Besides, the mindset of UPiites (not the relatively modern Noida walas or Lucknavis) in rest of the state is so highly politicized and not oriented towards thinking straight forward. I once visited Kanpur and was shocked to find such politicized and conspiring minds even today when everyone is moving to "work hard, party harder" philosophy these days.

Bhai, these politicians are doing NOTHING when you see the amount of resources your state has.

You people can do much much better and infact rival Gujarat in progress.

But it all depends on your state's people.

Don't take my words in a negative manner.
my my so indians killed some teenager boys n they r so proud of it :coffee:
my my so indians killed some teenager boys n they r so proud of it :coffee:

We are not at all proud that such illiterate blind young men are from India, that these illiterate idiots thought it best to attack police and burn public property and risk their own lives because they found pages of a book at a railway station, WTF!!!

How ilogical and infuriating such idiocy is you have no idea. Proud? We are ashamed.
And who is the one who instigated this violent action in the first place? The UP vandalization attack, the attack on Amar Jawan Jyoti, the attack against Bodos, the violent protests in Mumbai, the threatening of NE people in other states?

Off topic.

Best solution to keep mob rioting in control is to go china way.Have full strength internal mob control force deployed at various nodal points across the country so that they can be called at minutes notice. then go berserk on mob with baton charge if mob dont disperse on 3 warnings.
And those who get arrested in put them through 1 year of labour camp atleast they will be productive to economy
Have full strength internal mob control force deployed at various nodal points across the country so that they can be called at minutes notice. then go berserk on mob with baton charge if mob dont disperse on 3 warnings.
and importantly it should be free from control of politicians who would show restraint in using it against particular community fearing for loss of votes
and importantly it should be free from control of politicians who would show restraint in using it against particular community fearing for loss of votes
bring in maoist they will discipline every single indian with danda.
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