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6 dead in string of attacks in southern Israel

i agree....The only thing those Israeli terrorists can bring to those civilians in gaza are more death there. What a pity.

As I have said, stop those terrorists from attacking Israel from gaza, people in gaza can enjoy their peace. If attacked, Israel will for sure and have its right to retaliate. One thing can be sure: there will be more death in gaza than those death caused by terrorist attacks.

Don't cry a river and show the dead bodies after you are the first one to throw bombs into Israel. You get what you deserve.
Typical for Arabs: always blame the others, never themselves. Thats why Arab countries in such a poor condition.

Aren't the Saudis the only friends you have left in the neighbourhood? If it SA ever became a true democracy, the government would definitely be hostile to Israel.
As I have said, stop those terrorists from attacking Israel from gaza, people in gaza can enjoy their peace. If attacked, Israel will for sure and have its right to retaliate. One thing can be sure: there will be more death in gaza than those death caused by terrorist attacks.

Don't cry a river and show the dead bodies after you are the first one to throw bombs into Israel. You get what you deserve.

Contribute to the thread....Dont repeat yourself like a parrot...Other pro israeli members are writing some very informative comments and their way of supporting Israel is interesting to read...Unlike you whos every comment is no more than a rant..
Read through the thread and you will know what i mean.
Ever wondered whats the problem with Palestinians?

Dragging those "Israel is illegal" craps won't help solve anything.

History is made and nothing can be done to erase what has happened.

You have to face with reality.

If you think you are strong enough to defeat Israel, just fight Israel like a man, not llike sissies hiding behind civilians.

About Israel's friends, there is nothing for you to worry about that. Even Europe countries may have some problems with Israel with the way how it handles those terrorists. If Israel is attacked, U.S. and majority of Europe will back up Israel, not the other way around.

Even among those muslim countries in mid-east, I do not think Egypt, Saudi, Iraq, Turkey and Kuwait want to involve in any future wars with Israel. The reason is quite simple. Their deep connection with U.S. No governments in those countries want to risk themselves for Palestinians. What is in it for them??? Nothing. How about both are muslims? Well, I do not think those governments give a crap for that. Does not history has proven that already?

BTW, Israel itself can defend itself quite effectively. So keeping throwing in those tough words makes you so tough at all???

A two-state solution is the only way out. Majority countries in U.N. support that as well. Those "erasing Israel from the earth" tough talk won't get any support from major countries. Any attempt trying that will be promptly humiliated again and again, just like what has happened for the past several times. You know what I am talking about.

So go back to the negotiation table, curb terrorists in your territories and get down to work on your economy.

As about contribution, you should first look at your members who keeping throwing in those tough talks, dead bodies and etc. None of them even talk about it was those terrorists who bombed Israel in the first place. None of them even talked about those terrorists using civilians as human shields.

Contribute to the thread....Dont repeat yourself like a parrot...Other pro israeli members are writing some very informative comments and their way of supporting Israel is interesting to read...Unlike you whos every comment is no more than a rant..
Read through the thread and you will know what i mean.
As I have said, stop those terrorists from attacking Israel from gaza, people in gaza can enjoy their peace. If attacked, Israel will for sure and have its right to retaliate. One thing can be sure: there will be more death in gaza than those death caused by terrorist attacks.

Don't cry a river and show the dead bodies after you are the first one to throw bombs into Israel. You get what you deserve.

Your anti-islam stance makes you look ignorant and inhuman..Israel is invading their territory and palestinians have a right to defend their land whether you call it terrorism or not..Palestinians are the ones retaliating against israeli occupation.

Israel occupies the country and say "hey look,i dont attack you anymore" and when palestinians resist the occupation,israel punishes them and deliberately kills children in order to punish them.Then you come here and say "it is what you deserved".

Hope you see Osama in your dream.
I am not going to waste my time with you arguing another "anti-islam" accusation.

If you have such hatred against Israel, why don't you join your hamas brothers to fight Israel? Come on, be a man.

Or you can even pressure your government to join in the effort to attack Israel, how about that?

BTW, I do see osama in my dream. He has been crying all day along since he has not seen any promised virgins but burning hell.

Your anti-islam stance makes you look ignorant and inhuman..Israel is invading their territory and palestinians have a right to defend their land whether you call it terrorism or not..Palestinians are the ones retaliating against israeli occupation.

Israel occupies the country and say "hey look,i dont attack you anymore" and when palestinians resist the occupation,israel punishes them and deliberately kills children in order to punish them.Then you come here and say "it is what you deserved".

Hope you see Osama in your dream.
If you have such hatred against Israel, why don't you join your hamas brothers to fight Israel? Come on, be a man.

If you have such love for Israel, why don't you go back there and join the IDF. :lol:

As you said yourself: "Come on, be a man".
Israel can easily destroy those hamas terrorists and does not have any need for international volunteers. It seems that hamas really need your help, actually any help they can get. The problem is that the whole world does not give a shxt about it including their so-called muslim brothers, who just played lip service day in and day out. I think it is high time for you to go and help them.

If you have such love for Israel, why don't you go back there and join the IDF. :lol:

As you said yourself: "Come on, be a man".
Israel can easily destroy those hamas terrorists and does not have any need for international volunteers. It seems that hamas really need your help. I think it is time for you to go and help them.

Any terrorists should be wiped out, that includes Hamas. :lol:

Your dear Israel is in a demographic nightmare, surrounded by Arabs on all sides, and with Iran developing nukes.

With the growing population of Muslims inside and around Isreal, it's only a matter of time.

You should go back to your home (Israel) and help them out. If your internet bravado is real and not just a show, then you have nothing to worry about.
Iran just plays lip service. Attacking Israel will give U.S. and NATO the best excuse to nuke it. BTW, those arabs never think Iran as one of their own. Iran does not really care their muslim brothers that much either. Otherwise, it will not fight with Iraq for a bloody war that almost last ten years.

As for demographic nightmare, it is true in one sense. However, what can those arabs do exactly???

Another mid-east war? It will be another humiliation. Otherwise, they will try that again already.

Aren't hamas your brother since you have voice your support for them all along??? You support wiping your brother out???

Israel is not my home. China is. Actually, I seldom see anyone in China that like Hamas.

Well, 林子大了,什么鸟都有。

Any terrorists should be wiped out, that includes Hamas. :lol:

Your dear Israel is in a demographic nightmare, surrounded by Arabs on all sides, and with Iran developing nukes.

With the growing population of Muslims inside and around Isreal, it's only a matter of time.

You should go back to your home (Israel) and help them out. If your internet bravado is real and not just a show, then you have nothing to worry about.
Aren't hamas your brother since you have voice your support for them all along??? You support wiping your brother out???

LOL, you clearly can't read.

I never supported Hamas, and I think ALL terrorists should be crushed. Including Hamas. :lol:

Israel is a population of 7 million, with no real resources that they can export. Surrounded by Muslims on all sides, and with a growing population of Muslims within Israel itself.

The Islamic world on the other hand, has 1.5+ billion inhabitants, and control some of the most resource-rich regions in the world. Which is why the Chinese government is getting so close to countries like Iran.
I am not going to waste my time with you arguing another "anti-islam" accusation.
i did not only accuse you to be blinded with islam hatred but also said some other things.Its here:Israel is invading their territory and palestinians have a right to defend their land whether you call it terrorism or not..Palestinians are the ones retaliating against israeli occupation.

Israel occupies the country and say "hey look,i dont attack you anymore" and when palestinians resist the occupation,israel punishes them and deliberately kills children in order to punish them.Then you come here and say "it is what you deserved".

BTW, I do see osama in my dream. He has been crying all day along since he has not seen any promised virgins but burning hell.

LOL..sounded just like a redneck neocon.
I really doubt you truly are against hamas. Otherwise, what is your problem with Israel retaliation against them?

You want Israel army sitting duck when its own country was just being bombed and eight of their country people just died???

You think Israel should just let it go if hamas says: I did not do it???

This attack is not just one attack. It is one of a series attacks initiated from gaza. No powerful country will tolerate such attacks.

LOL, you clearly can't read.

I never supported Hamas, and I think ALL terrorists should be crushed. Including Hamas. :lol:

Israel is a population of 7 million, with no real resources that they can export. Surrounded by Muslims on all sides, and with a growing population of Muslims within Israel itself.

The Islamic world on the other hand, has 1.5+ billion inhabitants, and control some of the most resource-rich regions in the world. Which is why the Chinese government is getting so close to countries like Iran.
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