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6 dead in string of attacks in southern Israel

no matter how many bombs IAF drop later....terroristscalways have it their way

Are you lamenting the situation of the Israeli or pleased that terrorists always have it their way?
You were wrong. So far 16 total killed overwhelming majority of them - terrorists.

And the dead kids,old people were also terrorists>?

You talk abt human shields.... im sure israel doesnt anounce tht hey we r comin to bomb hamas hide in ur houses................ u just go there n bomb their houses,streets ....without givin a damn abt civilian lives.
Of course they deny reponsibility, because they are coward terrorists.

They deny responsibility hence they are coward terrorists? As apposed to your nation being brave terrorists? When others make a statement it must me a lie however when you zionists and americans lie you say it so many times it becomes a truth. It is sad when anyone loses life like the 6 dead however it is your nation that are the thieves and liars. Lowest form of humans.
BTW do us all a favour and stick to the thread for a change.
thread is not about me.

Evasion is not honesty - it was a simple question - are you lamenting the plight of the Israeli or are you supporting the terror?

I didn't realize you were touchy about being honest -
And the dead kids,old people were also terrorists>?

You talk abt human shields.... im sure israel doesnt anounce tht hey we r comin to bomb hamas hide in ur houses................
I said that the overwhelming majority of killed were terrroists. For example in first strike were killed 5 senior terrorists and 1 kid who was in room with them.

u just go there n bomb their houses,streets ....without givin a damn abt civilian lives.
You not perfectly that its not true. If we did not care about civilians we would just retaliate with artillery fire like all armies in the world are doing, instead hunting them with superexpensive precise missiles.

NGO workers in Gaza get ready for evacuation - FOCUS Information Agency
alestine Refugees will stay in the region.
Accordingto information of local media, the Israeli authorities
have decided to open only one border checkpoint to the Gaza
Strip - Kerem Shalom, for four hours for supplying provisions in
the Palestinian territory.

sure enough israel worsening an existing humaniarian crisis due to their paranoia and inability to safeguard their citizens....
no matter how many bombs IAF drop later....terroristscalways have it their way.
Israel did not retaliate yet to massive rocket shelling and u already whine.
Evasion is not honesty - it was a simple question - are you lamenting the plight of the Israeli or are you supporting the terror?

I didn't realize you were touchy about being honest -

And what makes the israelis innocent, and Palestinians terrorists. Can you also elaborate on that.
I said that the overwhelming majority of killed were terrroists. For example in first strike were killed 5 senior terrorists and 1 kid who was in room with them.

You not perfectly that its not true. If we did not care about civilians we would just retaliate with artillery fire like all armies in the world are doing, instead hunting them with superexpensive precise missiles.

Israel did not retaliate yet to massive rocket shelling and u already whine.

A massive assault my well be undrway..news channels have been paid generously not to show the ugly face of israell.
even internet is cencored in osrael...so why not tv channels.
And what makes the israelis innocent, and Palestinians terrorists. Can you also elaborate on that.

Read my post # 606

No ones hands are clean and the occupation robs Israel and Jewry of their ethical and moral standing, something the world has looked to for close to three thousand years.

However, none of this is going towards resolution when we refuse to take into account that they have their compulsions and terrorism or "resistance" is a fact of life --- imagine if the same israeli would ask how it is that you care so much about Palestinians but when the baluch engages in "resistance", you call it terrorism and want him hung up by his nuts, or Why it is that Hamas is good but TTP is bad and terrorist.

The point I am hoping to make is that we need to tone down this self righteousness on all sides and deal with each other as peoples.
Read my post # 606

Why it is that Hamas is good but TTP is bad and terrorist.

Because Hamas is the elected representative of the Palestinian people ..... By refusing to talk to them and by calling them all sorts of evil names and singling them out does not help the peace process.
A massive assault my well be undrway..news channels have been paid generously not to show the ugly face of israell.
even internet is cencored in osrael...so why not tv channels.
Israel's Assault on Human Rights | The Nation
There are so many news sources u cnat pay everyone even if u wished.
There is no any internet censorship in Israel.

Because Hamas is the elected representative of the Palestinian people ..... By refusing to talk to them by calling them all sorts of evil names and singling them out does not help the peace process.
It's Hamas who openly says it will never recognize Israel and will always keep fighting.

By the way, if Israel trully respected the choice of the Palestinians, then we should cut all electircity water, fuel and food supplies to Gaza.
Because Hamas is the elected representative of the Palestinian people ..... By refusing to talk to them by calling them all sorts of evil names and singling them out does not help the peace process.

You know PA had to be pressured to accept the Hamas "election" -- anyway, so the point is that refusing to talk to hamas means that israel must then suffer terror attacks originating from territory Hamas controls?

Do we in Pakistan accept it when for instance some baluch Sardar's territory is used to launch attacks on Pakistani forces? I think you know very well what our response to that is -- and most us want an even more expansive response.

Lets be a little reasonable, for a start.

Someone or some group, it seems, wants there to be a lot of tension between Israel and it's largest neighbor - is that a good thing?
Someone or some group, it seems, wants there to be a lot of tension between Israel and it's largest neighbor - is that a good thing?

Keep your focus - this is what the terror attack was about
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