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59% of Germans view Israel as 'aggressive'

Israel treats Palestinians much better than their Arab brothers treat them.

I don't know how Arabs treat Palestinians in their own countries but i'm sure Israel treats them no better!

Just look at the living conditions of these people in that cramped space given to them by israel, known as The Gaza strip:

Gaza: the battle against sewage - YouTube
The number, according to BBC poll is 69%. Anti-semitism is spreading like a wildfire in Europe. No surprise.

Only Americans and Russians are true friend of Israel.

Israel, stay strong.


I highly doubt the accuracy of this graph. More than 80% of Indians would have a positive view of Israel. You do realize that there is a really high room for error in these graphs. Maybe most of the people interviewed in India were muslims( that form about 10% of the population) , and they would have highly negative views of Israel. The same could be true in other countries.

Read this for instance
A poll conducted revealed that most indians view israel in positive light.
I don't know how Arabs treat Palestinians in their own countries but i'm sure Israel treats them no better!

Just look at the living conditions of these people in that cramped space given to them by israel, known as Gaza strip:

Palestinians are treated in Arab countries the same as nationals.
If you are found to be defending Israel, you will face hatred and animosity.
So? Nobody in his right mind (who has real knowledge about the issue) would defend Israel's policies in the first place. Could you give us one reason to justify Israel's policies?

Also, if you defend Muslims or Islam in the West, you will also face hatred and animosity. No difference there. I have noticed that you prefer to call Muslims "radical", or "xenophobic", but don't use the same terms for westerners or Israelis. You don't have to be religious to have "radical" or "xenophobic" ideas.
The TRUTH can never be stated often enough:

Dr Meyer also insisted the definition of "anti-Semitic" had now changed, saying: "Formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and had a Jewish soul. But nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews."

Anyone who dares to expose the facts about Israel will be attacked as an anti-Semite.
Anyone who dares to expose the facts about Israel will be attacked as an anti-Semite.

Just like anybody who critiques Islam cant escape from being branded an Islamophobe ;)
Just like anybody who critiques Islam cant escape from being branded an Islamophobe ;)

On the contrary, the dominant Western media turns the Islamophobes into heroes and champions of free speech. But anyone who dares criticize Israel is branded an anti-Semite by the same proponents of free speech.
So? Nobody in his right mind (who has real knowledge about the issue) would defend Israel's policies in the first place. Could you give us one reason to justify Israel's policies?

Firstly, thank you for the polite post. You are, perhaps the only person here who has the decency to argue politely without personal attacks.

I would suggest you to research more on the matter. Take it from me: I was also an anti-semite hater once upon a time but after researching deeply on the matter, I am a Zionist now (Also no less a Muslim at the same time)

I would recommend a few books for you.

As a starter, this is a preliminary guide to understanding the middle east conflict:

Here is how a Zionist actually lived, principles for what you fight for, not talk:

I would recommend you other books too. But the above two books should clear your misconceptions about Israel. The books are based on numerous, hardened references and are very good reads. Please inform me if you require further books.

Also, if you defend Muslims or Islam in the West, you will also face hatred and animosity.

Depends on how you are doing the "defending". If you try to impose your culture on non muslims, obviously you will be faced with animosity. How about somebody forces you to drink wine? The same goes for forcing non muslims to abide by Sharia law (case in point: Anjem Chowdary).

As long as you stay tolerant towards other beliefs and respect the Koranic principle of "No compulsion in religion", you will not be faced with hatred or animosity for that matter.

I have noticed that you prefer to call Muslims "radical", or "xenophobic", but don't use the same terms for westerners or Israelis. You don't have to be religious to have "radical" or "xenophobic" ideas.

I do not misuse the term either. I only use it when I see it clearly that this is the case. You see, this thread is a good example. I'd ask you to follow my posts from the beginning in this thread. I did not engage in any personal attacks towards anybody unless attacked first, yet, it is me who got called "hypocrite, russkie and bullshitter" (2 posts deleted now). You would also notice the constant sarcasm combined with the label of "islamophobic" (when I am a Muslim myself) that was thrown at my by Developereo, in reply of which I called him Xenophobic. Why? Xenophobia is defined as "an unreasonable Fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange." This is clearly the case here when he ran out of logical arguments and started personal attacks towards me.

Take a look at the Zionist member's posts in this thread and that of the anti-semites. Whereas Zionists are always backing what they say with referenced facts, for example, I backed my argument with stats from The Economist and other sources. 500 backed his argument with many sources to prove living quality if better for Israeli Arabs and the peace plans were fair. What do the anti-semites post? Their favourite is to post youtube propaganda videos. When the truth is, youtube videos do not describe at all the circumstance a particular event happened and thus, are, inherently a flawed source for claims. Anybody who studied a higher degree knows that youtube videos do not prove anything without being backed by forensic evidence and circumstantial studies. You may also wish to research the issue of "pallywood" where Palestinian radicals are proved to have faked numerous videos to gain sympathy.

Since we Zionists back our arguments with references and the anti semites resort to personal attacks as I described above, it is tenement to term them as radical fanatics. By no means I am labelling ALL muslims as radicals, but the ones in this thread surely seems like so, evident from their sporadic emotional outbursts at us Zionists.
the label of "islamophobic" (when I am a Muslim myself) that was thrown at my by Developereo,

Allow me to reiterate.

You are an Islamophobic hatemonger whose ignorance is only surpassed by your hatred. Your disingenuous claims of objectivity and research are laughable, given your abject ignorance of the subject matters. You have swallowed the Zionist propaganda wholesale without bothering to research the issue from both sides; you have demonstrated complete ignorance of the rabid fanaticism and bigotry that pervades the Zionist and anti-Muslim camps -- more importantly, you promote and propagate their falsehoods without an iota of understanding.

You do not present facts for discussion. You routinely launch into Islamophobic rants filled with vitriole and propaganda. You routinely refer to Pakistanis as 'natives' while referring to others properly with their nationality. It's a pejorative term that you, in your petty racist mind, probably find amusing.

In terms of Israel, the history and facts on Israel have been provided in any number of threads. Yet you ignore them and just come back with your stock rants. You dismiss any facts that don't suit your bigoted propaganda.

To sum up, you are an ignorant hate monger and your facade of 'reasonableness' is a comical charade.
Allow me to reiterate.

You are an Islamophobic hatemonger whose ignorance is only surpassed by your hatred. Your disingenuous claims of objectivity and research are laughable, given your abject ignorance of the subject matters. You have swallowed the Zionist propaganda wholesale without bothering to research the issue from both sides; you have demonstrated complete ignorance of the rabid fanaticism and bigotry that pervades the Zionist and anti-Muslim camps -- more importantly, you promote and propagate their falsehoods without an iota of understanding.

You do not present facts for discussion. You routinely launch into Islamophobic rants filled with vitriole and propaganda.

To sum up, you are an ignorant hate monger and your facade of 'reasonableness' is a comical charade.

All your'e saying is "I hate you" and " I don't like your comments" over and over again. So typical :lol:.

Developoreo ! haunting pdf since '09 .
Motto : "Everyone who disagrees with me are either false flags , Indians or hate mongers".

Allow me to reiterate.

You are an Islamophobic hatemonger whose ignorance is only surpassed by your hatred. Your disingenuous claims of objectivity and research are laughable, given your abject ignorance of the subject matters. You have swallowed the Zionist propaganda wholesale without bothering to research the issue from both sides; you have demonstrated complete ignorance of the rabid fanaticism and bigotry that pervades the Zionist and anti-Muslim camps -- more importantly, you promote and propagate their falsehoods without an iota of understanding.

You do not present facts for discussion. You routinely launch into Islamophobic rants filled with vitriole and propaganda. You routinely refer to Pakistanis as 'natives' while referring to others properly with their nationality. It's a pejorative term that you, in your petty racist mind, probably find amusing.

In terms of Israel, the history and facts on Israel have been provided in any number of threads. Yet you ignore them and just come back with your stock rants. You dismiss any facts that don't suit your bigoted propaganda.

To sum up, you are an ignorant hate monger and your facade of 'reasonableness' is a comical charade.

The highlighted assertive sections, if not the entire post, is itself tenement to what can be accurately described as 'hate speech'. Just goes on to prove what I said in my earlier post. I can understand the way you were brainwashed at an early age to hate Israel but I would suggest you to try something known as "independent thought". Trust me, it can be liberating at times for you and others.
Indians or hate mongers

Look who's talking...

More than 80% of Indians would have a positive view of Israel.

Yes, we know why many Indians love Israelis.

India and Israel: a friendship deepened by prejudice | Kapil Komireddi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

"Relations between Israel and India tend to grow stronger when … India experiences a rightward shift in anti-Muslim public opinion or in leadership".

The highlighted assertive sections, if not the entire post, is itself tenement to what can be accurately described as 'hate speech'. I can understand the way you were brainwashed at an early age to hate Israel but I would suggest you to try something known as "independent thought". Trust me, it can be liberating at times for you and others.

If you want examples of hate speech, just read any of your own rants against Muslims.

You were one of the few people supporting the nuclear destruction of Mecca and Medina.

Exposing a bigot like you is not hate speech; it is free speech.
If you want examples of hate speech, just read any of your own rants against Muslims.

You were one of the few people supporting the nuclear destruction of Mecca and Medina.

Exposing a bigot like you is not hate speech; it is free speech.

For the nth time, nobody was "supporting" the destruction of Mecca/Medina. I can understand your emotional outbursts at me, Gambit, VCheng and others who logically and factually argued based on course material and other evidences at that thread to prove that the course was no more than a contingency measure for military situations and if US did decide to nuke Mecca/Medina, Muslims are completely powerless to do anything against it. And the fact that US, Russia or any other major nation's military must be prepared for such contingencies. Military matters are not influenced by the emotional outbursts of a few people like you.

Yet, you still did not reply to my last argument in the "Hiroshima tactics" thread because you do not have anything to argue with in the first place other than your hate speeches.

Anyway, let's not go off topic here. If you have personal problems with me, you are free to discuss it with me via personal/visitor messaging. Being a THINK TANK, you should already know that the public forum is not a place for solving personal differences.
The life expectancy figure doesn't show a thing. The same trend can be observed in every single country.
U are trying to say that every single country stopped growth in 50-60-es? and then rapid grows started from 70-es?

And that figure shows the general lifeexpectancy of Israel as a whole. So how can we see the difference between Israelis and Arabs?
Its not in Israel but in West Bank and Gaza.

I don't know how Arabs treat Palestinians in their own countries but i'm sure Israel treats them no better!

Just look at the living conditions of these people in that cramped space given to them by israel, known as The Gaza strip:

Gaza: the battle against sewage - YouTube
Sewage problems started when Israel left Gaza.
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