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59% of Germans view Israel as 'aggressive'

I doubt the 6 million figure, seems exaggerated and it's easy to exaggerate casualty numbers. How would Israel know what the casualty numbers were? They didn't even exist at the time they weren't an organized body no way for them to collectively calculate this number or figure, only the Germans would know the true numbers, they must have records archived.

If you were to go around asking people how many people died on 9/11, I kid you not some people in the public would say a million, hundreds of thousands, etc; when the real figure is sub 3,000, but it's exactly if I recall correctly 2,976. US Government did a thorough investigation into the casualties.

So while the European Jewry which was being slaughtered, the survivors of that event may feel that more than the actual are being slaughtered due to the hysteria of the environment and uncertainty and the human emotion and feeling to exaggerate a problem bigger than it really is.
The internet is a paradise for your likes to spout your anti-semite propaganda.

Please spare us this title.
If I were to speak out against Israel's actions, should I really qualify as an anti-semite?

Now I'm not sure if you folks are delusional or you do this to deceive others.
No my friend, you should not base your opinion on a lousy poll and some flashy one-liners, that are seemingly put together to portray Israel in a negative way.
I said that about Brits, not Germans. :)

I doubt the 6 million figure, seems exaggerated and it's easy to exaggerate casualty numbers. How would Israel know what the casualty numbers were? They didn't even exist at the time they weren't an organized body no way for them to collectively calculate this number or figure, only the Germans would know the true numbers, they must have records archived.
This number is not calculated by Israel. And its based on census data. We know pretty well number of Jews in each country before Holocaust and after.
This number is not calculated by Israel. And its based on census data. We know pretty well number of Jews in each country before Holocaust and after.

6 million in the gas chambers. But there was probably a lot of collateral damage as well, from the Nazi invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia, so the total number could be a higher.
British judges issued arrest orders against Israeli ministers. I wanna see a British judge who will issue arrest order against USA/Russia/China ministers. LOL.

USA is their ally, and Russia/China= too powerfull:coffee:
Not surprised at all. Only surprise is the figure is not higher
bcs Germany are sorry about what they did in WWII to Jew, so the figure is not higher;
but also bcs Jew suffered in WWII, so they became aggressive, harld to see who is right, but sorry
I'm pretty sure that those same people who think Israel is "aggressive" still support Israeli state terrorism against Palestinians. And of course western state terrorism around the world. Haven't read it, not at all interested in the opinions of ignorant and bigoted Germans. Give me break man.. for the love of God...
Not sure if Israel is "aggressive" but she seem to be more willing to disregard international law.
They seem to have a exceptionalism mentality that they justify by making assumption of action by their enemy.
Not sure if Israel is "aggressive" but she seem to be more willing to disregard international law.
They seem to have a exceptionalism mentality that they justify by making assumption of action by their enemy.

My friend, if you were surrounded by states 3 times bigger than you minimum, hostile to your culture and religion and wanting to exterminate you daily, even you will adopt the same stand as Israelis.

I personally don't understand why Malaysians don't have bilateral relations with Israel on the back of an Arab-Israeli conflict. Your neighbors the Indonesians have good ties with them. Almost all the stans in central Asia have good ties with them. Then why Malaysia prefers to stay aloof?
I doubt the 6 million figure, seems exaggerated and it's easy to exaggerate casualty numbers. How would Israel know what the casualty numbers were? They didn't even exist at the time they weren't an organized body no way for them to collectively calculate this number or figure, only the Germans would know the true numbers, they must have records archived.

If you were to go around asking people how many people died on 9/11, I kid you not some people in the public would say a million, hundreds of thousands, etc; when the real figure is sub 3,000, but it's exactly if I recall correctly 2,976. US Government did a thorough investigation into the casualties.

So while the European Jewry which was being slaughtered, the survivors of that event may feel that more than the actual are being slaughtered due to the hysteria of the environment and uncertainty and the human emotion and feeling to exaggerate a problem bigger than it really is.

Through census data. Think about it this way:

The American Jewish Committee estimated that there were approximately 15 million Jews in 1939.

As of 2010, the Jewish population has been estimated at 13.4 million.

If 6 million or more did not die in the holocaust, then how come the population has actually DECLINED by around 1.6 million?

The average age of Israel today is around 29. Which means it is a pretty young country. It also has a positive female/male ratio, which means a lot of people are in the child bearing age.

So after 3 generations, this young population (remember old people were immediately exterminated in those camps) has DECLINED?!

Your theory is debunked just through common sense right there.
I said that about Brits, not Germans. :)

Yeah, I misquoted. My reply was meant for:

There is a saying: For every ally Israel has in Europe, they have a thousand enemies.
I'm not surprised that "Europians" that colonized most of the world and slaughtered millions dislike Israel. After 2000 years of trying, and trying, and trying to exterminate the Jewish people, they have failed.
They cannot understand how a race and faith of barely 15 million people, outlived all those that tried to destroy them.
Haven't read it, not at all interested in the opinions of ignorant and bigoted Germans. Give me break man.. for the love of God...

When are we going to see some progress on your end, in the Arabic and Islamic world?

Every time you post, you keep reiterating the same sound bites about the West. It reminds me of a clip, where a Holocaust denier is presenting the same fallacies as you, and the Arab intellectual exposes the hypocrisy that is prevalent in the Muslim world in a very short period of time:

Al-Jazeera - Holocaust Denier vs Egyptian Writer - YouTube
Germans should understand, No Israel means No Germany.
6 million in the gas chambers. But there was probably a lot of collateral damage as well, from the Nazi invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia, so the total number could be a higher.

6 million Jews did not die in the gas chambers, the number of gassed Jews is around 3 million. As you suggest, the Nazis used other methods of killing as well, such as mass execution (the infamous Einsatzgruppen), exhaustion, mass starvation, death to disease under poor conditions, exposure to cold, and experimentation.

Adding all those killings and figuring in the gassing, gives you a death toll of roughly 6 million killed Jews. The consensus among the historians today is a figure of approximately 5,7 million, so the upper limit of six million is pretty solid.
When are we going to see some progress on your end, in the Arabic and Islamic world?

Every time you post, you keep reiterating the same sound bites about the West. It reminds me of a clip, where a Holocaust denier is presenting the same fallacies as you, and the Arab intellectual exposes the hypocrisy that is prevalent in the Muslim world in a very short period of time:

He is a kebapci. his attention span ends when the word zionist comes up. I wonder how he likes to serve the kebap to all those evil imperialist pigs. :lol:

Originally Posted by PteX
There is a saying: For every ally Israel has in Europe, they have a thousand enemies.
I'm not surprised that "Europians" that colonized most of the world and slaughtered millions dislike Israel. After 2000 years of trying, and trying, and trying to exterminate the Jewish people, they have failed.
They cannot understand how a race and faith of barely 15 million people, outlived all those that tried to destroy them.

Let go of ancient grudges dude. And stop singing praises to your country without much basis. If it was up to Jews alone there would be no Jews today. Reality check is needed for you.
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