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50 miscreants killed, 20 soldiers martyred in N. Waziristan gunbattles


May 1, 2007
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NORTH WAZIRISTAN: With the martyrdom of ten more soldiers in a second attack on military convoy in N. Waziristan and killing of 20 miscreants in retaliation total 20 soldiers embraced martyrdom and 30 miscreants were killed in the gunbattles on Sunday.

Ten soldiers were martyred and 12 others were injured in attack on military convoy in Masukhel in N. Waziristan, said ISPR Director General Major General Waheed Arshad.

Twenty miscreants were killed in the army retaliated, he said, adding that the gunbattles between the security forces and militants was going on.

Some 30 miscreants were killed and 15 others were wounded in the fighting in a mountainous area south of the town of Mir Ali, Arshad said after Security forces launched an attack against militant bases and hide-outs in the restive North Waziristan region bordering Afghanistan.

"We got this information by intercepting the militants' own communications," the general said. The military also said in a statement that ten soldiers were killed.

Separately the military said security forces arrested two militants in the same troubled tribal area -- the region where the United States alleges that Al-Qaeda and the Taliban have been regrouping since 9/11.

"The miscreants were fired upon by security forces when they were fleeing from the site after planting an IED (improvised bomb)" it said in a statement.

Nearly 300 people have died in attacks since the crisis, most of which have been suicide bombings. A further 250 militants have been killed in clashes with security forces since the mosque standoff, the army says.

Pro-Taliban militants have also been holding more than 200 Pakistani soldiers in nearby South Waziristan district since abducting them in late August.

They shot dead three of the soldiers earlier this month to put pressure on the government to halt military operations in the rugged region, officials said.

Pakistan's military has around 90,000 soldiers fighting Al-Qaeda and Taliban rebels on the border with Afghanistan.
Lossing 20 soliders isnt good, we need to work out on our strategy again. The casualti rate is too high to consider it a success although we killed 50 of them.
Its a war you cannot win.

It is possible to win. The problem with fighting insurgents is that you never know if they are weakened, and might end up giving up at the vital moment.
Best example is last years' israel-lebanon war. hezbollah were seriously weakened according to many experts, but instead of going for the jugular, israel withdrew. had israel continued with the attack, hezbollah would have been wiped off the face of the earth.

The insurgents are taking suffering casualities fighting the PA. Also they have to fight NATO in afghanistan where they are dying like rats in a typhoon. They cant keep it up for long. Sooner or later they will run out of fighters and will have to concede defeat. They are hoping that they can scare NATO and PA into withdrawing before that.
or you don't want to win? Simply playing Tom & Jerry for Americans?

Come on man, cut them some slack! They are suffering heavy casualities and yet trying. The have killed thousands of insurgents since the start of war on terror
Its a war you cannot win.

We cannot win it the way we are fighting them right now. If we go out with full force, with tanks and close air support then we can make a difference. We need to permanently staiton troops in that area and let the people know they cannot go around doing whatever the hell they please. Everyday the army should send APCs on patrols like the Americans do in Iraq to find weapons caches and arrest those who are organizing the resistance.
solid snake said:
Lossing 20 soliders isnt good, we need to work out on our strategy again. The casualti rate is too high to consider it a success although we killed 50 of them.
Most of the causalities are due to attack on Army convoy which was not expeted.

WebMaster said:
Its a war you cannot win.
I somewhat agree to webby, We can win this war by the way we are fighting it, we have to win the truct of our own people first, when they are own our back then we have a greater chance to win this.

Shivakumar said:
or you don't want to win? Simply playing Tom & Jerry for Americans?
I dont have any word for you except "Shut up ". if you cant add any thing good dont bother to add anything, no one has asked for your precious comments.

solid snake said:
We cannot win it the way we are fighting them right now. If we go out with full force, with tanks and close air support then we can make a difference. We need to permanently staiton troops in that area and let the people know they cannot go around doing whatever the hell they please. Everyday the army should send APCs on patrols like the Americans do in Iraq to find weapons caches and arrest those who are organizing the resistance.
I dont think it is a good idea! bcoz using full force will result in more civilian causalities, that we cannot afford, but a batter plan is need for example we can deploy Regular Army instead of FC. We can equip them batter etc.

The only way to win this war is to have a campaign that take the Taliban on simultaneously from Afghanistan and from Pakistan.

They will be sandwiched and will have less space to reorganise and carry out further attacks. And at the same time close down areas from where the terrorists are getting training and ideological support.
We need to workout with the equipment that PA is using there against the terrorists. I've seen it on TV a number of times, army convoys going on a hilux pickup which does not have any sort of armour protection incase of a sudden attack by tailbans hiding around the mountains and this is the only reason we are suffering heavy causalties. I dont know why have the government neglected this field of the armforces. A vechile like the Stryker or perhaps the chinese version should be incooperated and this should be given top priority as heavy casualties may also affect the morale of the armed forces. Besides if A-10 thunderbolts could also be incooperated for the close airsupport against these targets could also help boost our actions against these targets as A-10 can also be used for constant air patroling of the area and bombing the suspected hideouts where else it will take time for the army to get there and act.
A-10 is not needed. Helis will do the trick

A-10 are known around the world for their close ground support capability. Helis are not providing the aircover we need for this sort of mission. N.waziristan Fata are difficult terrians, and a quick response is needed which is so far the PA is lacking though we have cobra's.
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