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50 Indian railway engines to chug into Pakistan

my islam is even oldest religion than christininty .........adam and hawa nam to suna he hoga na ;).......ab bola kon kis ka baap he :lol:

adam and hawa nam are fictional characters.
who is he?
dems fighting words boy

I still LOLed
Gazwa-E-Hind has begun. :pakistan:
Another dumb move by greatest blunderous leader ghaddaria. Instead of asking countries like China & US to help Pakistan's own, Pakistan Locomotive Risalpur factory, to build engines, they purchase them from a third world country.

lol paise hai nahi chale first world se deal karne :P , Khuda ka khof khao :pop::smokin:
Another dumb move by greatest blunderous leader ghaddaria. Instead of asking countries like China & US to help Pakistan's own, Pakistan Locomotive Risalpur factory, to build engines, they purchase them from a third world country.:tdown::disagree:

Cannot even manufacture your own auto rickshaw engine???
Then Shut up and take these:rofl:

my islam is even oldest religion than christininty .........adam and hawa nam to suna he hoga na ;).......ab bola kon kis ka baap he :lol:

Jews also claim Adam and Hawa...upto Abraham...
Seperation between Jews and Muslims happened during time of Abraham and Ismail

look at the succeders of those two brothers fighting for Land in Israel/Palestine:frown:
isnt locomotive engines a strategic asset? why is being given to pak?

Another dumb move by greatest blunderous leader ghaddaria. Instead of asking countries like China & US to help Pakistan's own, Pakistan Locomotive Risalpur factory, to build engines, they purchase them from a third world country.:tdown::disagree:

this "3rd world country" has accomplished more in 10 years than your "1st world country" did throughout its existence
waste of 350 corore, not forgetting 10% comission that is 35 corore goes to zardari pocket

you cant run the entire railway just by importing the engines, you need to completely overhaul the system, as ajtr said, its gonna meet same fate as chinese locos and blame will ultimately be on india
Another dumb move by greatest blunderous leader ghaddaria. Instead of asking countries like China & US to help Pakistan's own, Pakistan Locomotive Risalpur factory, to build engines, they purchase them from a third world country.:tdown::disagree:

Since you are living in US ..you think Pakistan is like US and India is 3rd word country....:rofl:

You can not afford Chinese or US engine......Due to bad quality of Chinese engine Pakistan is looking out......US engines are too expensive to buy and run......

India railway world biggest railway...and running on these engine which you are trying to say junk...only because of your hate for India ....
Good News...:tup:
waste of 350 corore, not forgetting 10% comission that is 35 corore goes to zardari pocket

you cant run the entire railway just by importing the engines, you need to completely overhaul the system, as ajtr said, its gonna meet same fate as chinese locos and blame will ultimately be on india

If Pakistan will same to India engines, so where will you engines in the future. Engines are precious, your railways don't know.
Good news for both nations
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