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50 cents party

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New Recruit

Jan 25, 2010
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how exactly do you join the 50 cents party? are there other ways to get involve with anti terorist activity, chinese security/police in china? let me just make clear, by terorist, im not talking about muslims, but western, cia style terorism. i think that china has alot of enemies from the west, and i am interested in joining up with them. i know they have to need people that are fluent in english to combat the external threat of english speaking countries sabatoge. for those who do not know how the u.s. operates, let me explain. the u.s. often takes in refugees from other countries. some of the countries that i know of are russia, venezuela, cuba, and china. im sure there are more, but those are the ones i know of. so here's what the usa does. it takes in immigrants, or refugees from russia, but the condition is that this immigrant has to be anti russian, so what the u.s. does is take in this immigrant, and have him bad mouth russia, and then using this propaganda to demonstrate to the world that even russian citizens hate russia. of course, many of these russians also happen to be jewish. the u.s. has even does this with iraqi citizens where they take self hating iraqi immigrants, and show the world how much iraqis hate iraq, and support an american occupation. as far as chinese citizens go, i think the u.s. will take anyone from the falun gong. i think the chinese govt should consider using this tactic if it doesnt already.
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how exactly do you join the 50 cents party? are there other ways to get involve with anti terorist activity in china? let me just make clear, by terorist, im not talking about muslims, but western, cia style terorism. i think that china has alot of enemies from the west, and i am interested in joining up with them. i know they have to need people that are fluent in english to combat the external threat of english speaking countries sabatoge.

Good Job :tup:

Best of luck for joining the threat :cheers:
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