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5 Turkish Weapons of War Russia Should Fear

I really doubt that, no doubt Pak-Russian relations have a very bright future but on the other hand Pakistan fighting Turks for the sake of Russia I don't see that happening. Turkey and Pakistan are like brothers there is a lot that Turkey has done for Pakistan in the past. They sent their jets to aid Pakistan in indo-pak wars, helped Pakistan maintain its F-16 fleet through back channels when nuclear embargo was imposed and recently gifted Pakistan squadron of jet trainers on the other hand asked for Pakistani help in their fight against rebels.

In short Pakistan would not go against Turkey(even Saudi Arabia) for the sake of Russia or anyone else.
in short from now on evil yaindoos like me will all kinds of tricks to expose turk-pakistan friendship and what it means for russia :devil:

Russians lacks some basic elements which are crucial to fight a war against a country like Turkey. They cannot deploy enough fighter squadrons in 1000-2000 km near Turkey to tackle their 200 F-16s. They cannot maintain an extended supply line from Russia to Middle East when several hostile elements are present in their way. They cannot deploy 100,000-200,000 troops to fight a full fledged war like Gallipoli War near or in the Turkey. Their bombers, submarines, missile systems are just few cards which they can play to pressurize Turkey militarily but overall, Russians cannot afford to get into a serious conflict with Turkey.
thing is russians dont need to deploy fighter squads in full force to make turkey pay and increase turkeies misiries just put there best anty aircraft SAM systems in turk-syria and turk-iraq borders to stop turk air force come into iraq & syria to help FSA/ISIS/ISIL after that all they have to do is arm kurds & syrians to teeth rest kurds and syrians will do that is required to kull FSA/ISIS/ISIL :coffee:
Russia will not retaliate over this. But nothing can be said for future. But i think they will take steps to counter any such move from Turkey, which may include SAMs or cover by Su-30s. Or Russia will get the chance to pour more resources and step up its operations. And on a personal note, i saw the radar image provided by turkey about the violation, it wasn't that serious to have shot down the jet. Its just a piece of their land which was straight in the flight path of the jet, rest of the border was on the right side of the jet where it never went, nor the aircraft entered straight into turkey. But since Turkey is on the side of the terrorists and supporting them, they had to somehow let out their frustration on the Russians for their support to Syria.
"The piece of land" , i would like to see that you are using such definition for your country's land.
Thats a piece of land for you, not for us. The border is a concern on morality not just in politics. Dont mention again as if its a small piece of land just to clarify act of russia.
Or anyone else knows how many times the russian bomber warned about crossing the border , they could simply respond and asking for maneuvering assistance , we wouldnt hit in case of a respond.

Anyway your country is wholely a small piece of land to me :)
Does russia has 80 million soldiers? Cause each Türk born as a soldier. And yes Turkey got nuke otherwise we could make our own nuke program..Turkey has Nato's 2 large army. Russia just wants to quarantee its gas lines( dont want a second line that russia without control in region.) Chineese Wrats Sleeping we have both balistik and cruise missiles Russian targets( now Russian s300 400 not in secure)
If you wonder check SOM and SOM-J and yes TUAF accepts 5-10 years later what they got strategic weapons in their inventory.. Oh before forget just a scenerio for example russia nuked Turkey how it could safe, nuclear energy facilities are defacto for itself.. btw there is no winner in a war...
Wè are getting unwanted news from Russia that making pressure on Turkish citizens in Russia. İf they continue to act like that Russians will see Bosphorus just in their dreams...
Can't we have some realistic discussion for once ?

What is your take on how this situation will unfold?, given that any small mistake from either side can turn things very ugly, but russia will surely not going to give away easily, they are currently looking at economic warfare because military payback will escalate to a whole new level, but economic answer will cost them also since turkey is a big trading partner of them, and they are already facing sanctions. Meanwhile turkey wont apologize it seems because of nato backing. I see an intense proxy war in turkey's backyard with potential of it spilling into turkey itself.
Warning issued @sword1974 cause of calling Turkish Republic as a terrorism country !

@Hurshid Celebi How many times I should remind you that Using other languages different than English out of Caybahcesi is prohibited..

It was time to answer the member of Bangladesh with facts from western sources,
he tried to present Türkiye as a third world country with sarcasm.

The quoted article is (was) a long very long and difficult technical article to be translated.
In original it is more than 4 Din A4 pages and very interesting.

Next time I will publish in Cay Bahcesi and post a link !

The Russia just need deploy enough numbers of S-300 / S-400 in Syria, then just wait Turkey coming not need do others. :partay::partay::partay: If S-400 with HQ-9 togehter, what a surprise !
View attachment 275315

So how much missiles can fire 1 s-400 system? 4. What if you launch 5 missiles or whatever agains it?

And i dont think the reload time of such a system is as fast as reloading a revolver.
So how much missiles can fire 1 s-400 system? 4. What if you launch 5 missiles or whatever agains it?

And i dont think the reload time of such a system is as fast as reloading a revolver.

I guess HARM missiles are enough. We could also send dozens of HARPY s.

But we don't want war . We protect our boarders, honor and ethnic relatives.
Turkey and Russia are not going to reach point of all out war unless another major incident occurs where Erdogan goes full bullshit crazy and orders the Turkish Army to advance down to Latakia or something along those lines.

I am sure Russia is right now formulating a tit for tat response to the downing of their plane. However in a hypothetical situation there is an all out war no way the turks can beat the russians like the op suggested lol.. no doubt the Russians would take alot of casualties but they would eventually win. Especially if they can export a pro-Russian coup in Georgia.

Personally I think the world would be a better place if Russia and Turkey were friends and not enemies. However I think both countries have reached breaking point and relations wont be back to normal for some time. I also think NATO are using Turkey and it's armed forces as some sort of testing ground against Russian hardware. perhaps to test s-300 and s-400 capabilities in combat?
However in a hypothetical situation there is an all out war no way the turks can beat the russians like the op suggested l
Turks don’t claim that we can beat Russians but we claim that we are not a country like Russians or you think.

Read more history.

I would like to close my comment with this speech as you might know better.

There are two merits that glorify a person. For a man, to be courageous, and for a woman, to be virtuous. Besides these two, there is another merit that glorifies both man and woman. So much loving the homeland to be ready to sacrifice his life if needed. Turks are such courageous and virtuous people. That is why you can kill a Turk but you can never defeat them.

Napoleon Bonaparte
Koral ED/ET system are sent to Syrian border to absorb Russian radar signitures to prepare a surprize counter electronic attack When It is needed !


Firtina Howitzer stationed the border is waiting the order to drop the shells on Russian troops !


All ways to Syrian borders ! M-60T tanks are proceeding to border lines to destroy Russian junks When It is needed !




All our efforts are to kick the backs of arrogant chickens !

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