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5 reasons Why India will never become America??

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Can you elaborate the bolded part?? how exactly is America 'Morally Corrupt'?? amaging thing is that even with zero family value, senior citizens of America are more sattisfied with their life than Senior citizens of India..how come??

here I am not referring to comfort or facility that senior American enjoy but personal life satisfaction.
Now that is the spirit.

I mean there are times when there is a topic or thread I do not agree or like I just ignore it. You should do same.
Dont get tension yaar

well i do the same about 23 hours a day :)

but thats the problem of forums...if u dont respond to something wrong...it will consequently be proven right...if u respond and oppose....ur just jealous thats y ur responding...

thats how it has become on PDF now....six months back there used to be discussions on technologies, goals and agendas of countries with proper reasoning...nowadays its just m gud ur bad stuff
Focus on a pointing finger and you become oblivious to the spectrum in the distant Galaxy.!!!
Simple words tells the story and message damn clearly, Don't judge us, we won't judge you...that includes quoting anyone.....Cheers.
Can you elaborate the bolded part?? how exactly is America 'Morally Corrupt'?? amaging thing is that even with zero family value, senior citizens of America are more sattisfied with their life than Senior citizens of India..how come??
Why wouldn't they be .......they don't need their sons and daughter to take care of them..Gov is taking care of them by building Oldage houses
Yup they are happy in the old age home where they pass away without anyone knowing they have been dead for many hrs........
Its always better then staying with your family ......and the one thing this Globalization is bringing to India is degradation in our family system where oldage house in India are also on rise .....
In American culture every relation is a liability whereas in Our culture every relation is a responsibility

So i repeat India shld never become America
thats it...if it looks different to me even i shud open a thread with my OBSERVATIONS right??...well open mindedness doesnt lack in india....maybe a few years (maybe 10 or 20) earlier...i would have agreed to u without uttering a single word...but thats not the case now...but obviously as u said...exceptions exist...

well, open mindedness is not there in India friend. trust me when i say it. Indians have become open to some topics but only in virtual/intellectual level but not at personal level.
Forget becoming america, the only way peace and stability can be bought to asia is by the dismemberment of this artificial british
creation. The british left a cancer in the sub continent in the form of India.
Can you elaborate the bolded part?? how exactly is America 'Morally Corrupt'?? amaging thing is that even with zero family value, senior citizens of America are more sattisfied with their life than Senior citizens of India..how come??

thats what u feel
I know whatever i have written is true maybe that's why its hurting you so much. but i don't intend to highlight something which is not true and make fun of Indians. i am sure deep down you all are able to relate to my points. trust me when i say not everyone can read a person better than me :)

Why should it hurt us? I am enjoying your posts. Please continue :smokin:
Forget becoming america, the only way peace and stability can be bought to asia is by the dismemberment of this artificial british
creation. The british left a cancer in the sub continent in the form of India.


now u know what m talking about??
Windjammerji would you like to add B to your avatar. I think Indians are appreciating this letter in the alphabet. I am not claiming any royalties for the use of B

Depends, B for boss or B for Bharat. ;)
well i do the same about 23 hours a day :)

but thats the problem of forums...if u dont respond to something wrong...it will consequently be proven right...if u respond and oppose....ur just jealous thats y ur responding...

thats how it has become on PDF now....six months back there used to be discussions on technologies, goals and agendas of countries with proper reasoning...nowadays its just m gud ur bad stuff

I would disagree yaar there are serious threads and then some not serious ones. Lat week when Hafezz put up a thread about trolls an Indian member listed my name in a list of people that he thought were trolls. I was pleased cos he qualified my inclusion by saying that I do post seriously sometimes.

So its our choice which thread we want to contribute in so just avoid threads otherwise you will get unnecessary tension and maybe even an infraction. Which by the way I have got in the past as all of us do.
well, open mindedness is not there in India friend. trust me when i say it. Indians have become open to some topics but only in virtual/intellectual level but not at personal level.

See Tomato, I am open and I am 120% Indian. I am enjoying your at the '/intellectual level'. So India will become super power, then what
Forget becoming america, the only way peace and stability can be bought to asia is by the dismemberment of this artificial british
creation. The british left a cancer in the sub continent in the form of India.
Funny coming from a guy whose fathers or grandfathers would probably been killed and he wouldn't have existed, if not for this "cancer" you refer to...............
5 Reasons why India can never become a country like United states.

United states is a highly reputed country whose citizens enjoy freedom, luxury, pleasure that no one can match.

reasons why India can never become a country like US are:-

1) people are really backward. this also includes so called educated, rich people. Indians are backward in terms of many things. they stick to their age old belief and consider themselves to be saint which they are not. we have one word for people like them, that is, backwards.

In my personal opinion Pakistanis are backwards..also including the rich pakistanis.

2)Indians are scared creatures. they are afraid of changes even if it means happiness. they are so much involved with their nonsense beliefs that its difficult for them to accept anything different. we have one word for people like them, that is, cowards

Pakistais are creatures in my personal opinion

3)They are different people inside and different outside. they preach something, show something, behave something but from inside they are something else. they keep trying to impress others who don't give a damn and disregard those who give them lots of respect. they run for something which they can't have and in the name of morality suppress , kill and murder many individual's desire including their own. we have one word for people like them, hypocrites.

Pakistanis are hypocrites in my personal opinion.

4)They take pride in trivial things and a small victory give them super confidence. modesty is something which they lack terribly. they don't know when to say what and do not at all care about others feelings they hurt knowingly and unknowingly. Pathetic humor that they have irritates more than it amuses. they try to be frank but in the process they forget that either they are boasting about themselves or they are making other feel small. it doesn't make them 'true friend' to a person but rather show how misbehaved and insensitive Indians are. we have one word for people like them, ill mannered.

pakistanis are ill mannered in my personal opinion.

5)anything different is shameless for them. They think entire world is shameless in doing things that their moral instinct says is against their principles despite knowing that those shameless people enjoy a better, happy and satisfying life than they ever will be able to live. we have one word for people like them, Jealous.

Pakistahis are jealous lot in my personal opinion.

for Mods and others

I think the mods would agree that its my personal opinion thus i wont be punsihed for it. Initially I though words like jealous indians, hypocrite indians,ill mannered indians are not allowed on the forum as that would be generalisation..but since mods feel that it can be said because thats a personla opinion..and I thought it would be perfectly fine for me if I say things like OP,as mods feel thats okay. even things like Indians are creatures is not considered generalisation and derogatory remarks...thsu i used that as well.

P.S : the Op has been quoted just for example of which words can be used by us on this forum as they are now on my list of approved remarks by mods on this forum.

@ Indians refrain from posting on this thread. as if we dont know the nationality of the OP.

now mods may paint me pink.

now u know what m talking about??

Man that is his opinion. Let him be. There are some some non Pakistani members who on some occasions say things which I find offensive. Sometimes I react sometimes I just ignore it. Maybe that guy was just saying it to annoy you and wind you up. By your response he get the satisfaction that he has wound you up. Give and take mate most of us would meet in real life and probably be quite chilled out and have a drink together and laugh about these things
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