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5 reasons Why India will never become America??

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so.. howmany Indian members managed to get infractions or turned pink due to this thread?

Exactly.... so why fuel his fire? You guys will never learn and learn to chill. Ignore and watch it disappear instead look at the bottom of the page. The frenzy has resulted this thread to be the most popular today! Guys ignore it and wave it goodbye..
m not talking about those 5 points...firstly i hate generalization of any damn thing in the world...most boys are like this...most gals are like that etc stuff...

i was referring to ur socially, politically and professionally post

secondly...india is one hugely diverse land...i dunno from what aspect have u generalized...the mentality of people in mumbai (a metro city) is way different and in my sense ahead of mentality of people of kolkata (another metro city)

there will be a huge difference of opinions and thinking from neighbouring villages in rural areas and way more differences between rural and urban areas

if u divide india into north, south and northeast....u myt think u are learning about three separate countries

no offence dude...but i dont think 1.2 billion population can be generalized under anything

it looks different to you. but to me ground reality is same that any Indian either from Mumbai or from Delhi or from any remote area can never have an outlook which is open, accepting and no matter how Upper class an Indian is, he is always afraid to stand for his own rights and afraid to have changes...common throughout India (exceptions are always there). if its not true then what is??
did you try to read my posts with open mind?? do read them all and this time with open mind. you will realize what i am posting is not off the mark. sad to say that Indians have spoiled 1/6th of world's population. are they doing any harm to others?? no, they are more or less harming themselves.

you are a mysterious man
we are trying to locate you where you are ...

just make sure that you dont loose the sight of the survival guide while expressing your self
Something to the extent of, don't target the messenger.... it's not my initiative or POV, i have only posted something written by a Hindu person. !!!
If i start quoting from Salman Rushdie's book Satanic Verses, who is a muslim, will it be acceptable to you...Remember...What goes around comes around,....Respect and you will be respected. I don't wish to create religious tension but quoting inflammatory articles is as bad as writing them. I respect Islam as a great visionary once told me that if you want to serve god, act or be disciplined like a muslim who offers prayers five times a day. Adopting few traits like dedication, spirituality, discipline from each other's religion is way human can evolve in atleast in religious way.
Keep your hair on mate that article that chimes with the views of the OP is written by an untouchable and Indian. How have I been rude??

So now why are you complaining this Tomato B is providing you with entertainment?

promoting untouchability?? :D

well anything in excess is dangerous...today had a bad day...really in a mood to fight stupidity...
you are a mysterious man
we are trying to locate you where you are ...

just make sure that you dont loose the sight of the survival guide while expressing your self


i am speaking of my experience. i have been to the conclusion about Indians in not a single day but years of observation. if some of my words are derogatory then I apologies for same and would request you to delete them :)
promoting untouchability?? :D

well anything in excess is dangerous...today had a bad day...really in a mood to fight stupidity...

Tomato B provides you with entertainment. Aryan_B provides you with stats. Irfan B provides you moderation. What more do you Indians want?
it looks different to you. but to me ground reality is same that any Indian either from Mumbai or from Delhi or from any remote area can never have an outlook which is open, accepting and no matter how Upper class an Indian is, he is always afraid to stand for his own rights and afraid to have changes...common throughout India (exceptions are always there). if its not true then what is??

thats it...if it looks different to me even i shud open a thread with my OBSERVATIONS right??...well open mindedness doesnt lack in india....maybe a few years (maybe 10 or 20) earlier...i would have agreed to u without uttering a single word...but thats not the case now...but obviously as u said...exceptions exist...
Tomato B provides you with entertainment. Aryan_B provides you with stats. Irfan B provides you moderation. What more do you Indians want?

umm...well..thats a gud question...the answer is...no1 is ready to listen what others are saying...that kills the constructive debate....but anyway...i agree with u on this for once
5 Reasons why India can never become a country like United states.

United states is a highly reputed country whose citizens enjoy freedom, luxury, pleasure that no one can match.

reasons why India can never become a country like US are:-

1) people are really backward. this also includes so called educated, rich people. Indians are backward in terms of many things. they stick to their age old belief and consider themselves to be saint which they are not. we have one word for people like them, that is, backwards.

2)Indians are scared creatures. they are afraid of changes even if it means happiness. they are so much involved with their nonsense beliefs that its difficult for them to accept anything different. we have one word for people like them, that is, cowards

3)They are different people inside and different outside. they preach something, show something, behave something but from inside they are something else. they keep trying to impress others who don't give a damn and disregard those who give them lots of respect. they run for something which they can't have and in the name of morality suppress , kill and murder many individual's desire including their own. we have one word for people like them, hypocrites.

4)They take pride in trivial things and a small victory give them super confidence. modesty is something which they lack terribly. they don't know when to say what and do not at all care about others feelings they hurt knowingly and unknowingly. Pathetic humor that they have irritates more than it amuses. they try to be frank but in the process they forget that either they are boasting about themselves or they are making other feel small. it doesn't make them 'true friend' to a person but rather show how misbehaved and insensitive Indians are. we have one word for people like them, ill mannered.

5)anything different is shameless for them. They think entire world is shameless in doing things that their moral instinct says is against their principles despite knowing that those shameless people enjoy a better, happy and satisfying life than they ever will be able to live. we have one word for people like them, Jealous.

for Mods and others
this thread is not intended to make fun of Indians. whatever i have written is my observations and is cent percent correct. i hope this forum is not just mere copy and paste news but also sharing our own thoughts and ideas. so mods please consider my intention before reviewing this thread.

Firstly India never want to be a america.....Its a Morally corrupt,Highly Materialistic with zero Family values......

Secondly U said Indian are afraid of Change even if it means being more Happy......My question to you is what is happiness for you...
IS it Having A brand new BMW or having a some kickass friend to ride along in that BMW ......??????
IS it going to a 5 or 7 star restaurant for dinner or having a good Company for that Dinner.....??????
IS it HAving a Big house or having family in that house......???????????
IS it Being a CEO of a company so tat you boss around ppl..Or having a family where everybody respects you??????
Its all depend on u r definition of happiness.....
I have relative in village who do Manual labour in Field whole day And I work in a AC office ful day on Comp..yet Its me or say the ppl in city that whine how life is tragic and ...how everything so frustrating.....i wish life would become easy And then there are those relative who finish their work in eve after dinner everyone meets discuss abt there issue and go to sound sleep.......They don't wish big things....They are some the most satisfied & happy ppl i have seenin my life.... Sometime i wish my life could be that simple...

Thirdly u said Indian are hypocrites...Well i partially agree with you u that but how we are brought up...we r told to never argue and hurt anyone feeling Since we grow up in a joint family mostly............So most indian have attitude "whatever floats your boat"

Fourthly Indian lack modesty........ just coz ppl on this forum show off u generalize that to all indian....this is a pakistani forum everything will blown out of proportion here .....And if u have some like that in ur company it just a little guy trying to show a big guys that even he is capable of doing big things..since from childhood he is said u belong to third world country......And the sense of achievement u talk....u need to see the struggle here everyone makes o make it to top ...they deserve some emotional outbrust......

Fifthly i don't know what u trying to get at by your emotional outburst in last para but when we see someone in student loan who buys a villa to stay on a second loan and then changes his car coz its now 3yr old .....It is socially not acceptable in or culture coz we have family to look after........ Anyone who puts his personal desire before his family is something ppl look down upon..... And male its ur responsibility first to secure future of your sibling then if u have something left u can splurge on ...

Lastly America/Eurpoe is nothing but a Goldfish for us.....Whose mere value is its facevalue ...it has no intrinsic value..........

Its like a CEO of a Defunct company who travel in MERC to show off...... Then goes to Bank of China/IMF or World bank to borrow for EMI of that Merc....
Then tell ppl who deposit their money in those bank you ppl are so poor..............
So Final verdict

India doesn't need and shld never become America.....

Tumko bhi ne B mara(Irfan), Humko bhi B ne mara(Irfan), Hum sabko B ne mara(Tomato), Is B ko maar daalo.....:lol:

Now that is the spirit.

umm...well..thats a gud question...the answer is...no1 is ready to listen what others are saying...that kills the constructive debate....but anyway...i agree with u on this for once

I mean there are times when there is a topic or thread I do not agree or like I just ignore it. You should do same.
Dont get tension yaar
Firstly India never want to be a america.....Its a Morally corrupt,Highly Materialistic with zero Family values......

Can you elaborate the bolded part?? how exactly is America 'Morally Corrupt'?? amaging thing is that even with zero family value, senior citizens of America are more sattisfied with their life than Senior citizens of India..how come??
If i start quoting from Salman Rushdie's book Satanic Verses, who is a muslim, will it be acceptable to you...Remember...What goes around comes around,....Respect and you will be respected. I don't wish to create religious tension but quoting inflammatory articles is as bad as writing them. I respect Islam as a great visionary once told me that if you want to serve god, act or be disciplined like a muslim who offers prayers five times a day. Adopting few traits like dedication, spirituality, discipline from each other's religion is way human can evolve in atleast in religious way.

Focus on a pointing finger and you become oblivious to the spectrum in the distant Galaxy.!!!
Focus on a pointing finger and you become oblivious to the spectrum in the distant Galaxy.!!!

Windjammerji would you like to add B to your avatar. I think Indians are appreciating this letter in the alphabet. I am not claiming any royalties for the use of B
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