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5 reasons why Afghanistan blames Pakistan.

The Afghan Taliban is too disorganized to do this. It's come a long way from its roots in Kandahar, and with that came thousands more fighters and hundreds more bickering leaders and commanders (most of whom have a habit of relying on violence to get the job done).

true, and this why they will never have political support like hezbollah does. Hezbollah protects iranian interests in Lebanon and in the whole levant and is supported by people.

People like organizations who help them. Afghan Taliban would have to follow this path or their support will not be much amongst the common afghans.
If anything, Pakistan took a page out of India's book. From the 1950s onwards, India was a hotspot for KGB agents, with their entire government sold out to the Soviet Union. KGB agents were not only involved in spreading conspiracy theories against the United States and it's allies, but backed up Leftist-leaning secessionists across the subcontinent.

Any relevance to my post?

KGB had outsmarted CIA in India and had thoroughly infiltrated our ranks just like ISI has done nowadays:o::o:Even Modi is ISI agent .So ??What's your point ??

What's the point of CIA vs KGB stories ??
Afghanistan being hostile to Pak doesn't look pretty in the long run tbh..

How would we do trade with the Central Asia then? without Afghanistan ?

Its should be a serious matter of concern for Pakistani policy makers right now.


I know sound hilarious but is it possible that Pakistan should capture Afghanistan's tiny tail near Tajikistan border between in north area or divide them like Sudan styles ????

@Horus , you thought please?

I know sound hilarious but is it possible that Pakistan should capture Afghanistan's tiny tail near Tajikistan border between in north area or divide them like Sudan styles ????

@Horus , you thought please?

If they Don't Stop Providing Their Land Against Pakistan to RAW and TTP, This will be the Last Option and Should Considered !
But If that Happened !
Get Ready because India Might open Eastern Front too at the same time !
But an Effective Strategy can kill the Snake as well as Save the Stick !
A Very Complex Situation has been Developing for Pakistan and Its all Times ill-wishers and Negative Thinkers ppl beyond Eastern Boarder will take Full Advantage of it !
Which they are Already Taking by Destabilizing Pakistan !
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Ghani is facing a possibility of ouster by Tajik and Uzbek politicians.
What did I ask and what did you answer? Pakistan was showering praises of Ghani until now because he was trying to work with Pakistan. Now you are saying he is being forced to blame Pakistan. So he is a poor nice Afghan who means well towards Pakistan but is forced by circumstances to take the Northern Alliance line?

funny thing is - the Afghans are so racist towards people of color - the indians would quickly find that out the hard way. People to people contact on both sides has been so limited (other than their consulates where they train terrorists to fight Pakistanis)......its mostly the Panjshiri/Northern Alliance dirt bags who are so vocal in their hatred against Pakistan
That is wishful thinking and believing your own lies. There are at least a thousand if not thousands of Afghans studying in Indian colleges.

If they Don't Stop Providing Their Land Against Pakistan to RAW and TTP, This will be the Last Option and Should Considered !
But If that Happened !
Get Ready because India Might open Eastern Front too at the same time !
But an Effective Strategy can kill the Snake as well as Save the Stick !
A Very Complex Situation has been Developing for Pakistan and Its all Times ill-wishers and Negative Thinkers ppl beyond Eastern Boarder will take Full Advantage of it !
Which they are Already Taking by Destabilizing Pakistan !
Any guesses as to why India did not open the Eastern front so far?
Peeps !
Is there Any Place in forum in which these Baniya ppl are not allowed to Poke their nose into it !
If so then do tell me !
Ghani is facing a possibility of ouster by Tajik and Uzbek politicians.

it's also just politics.....being in his shoes he's under tremendous pressures from varying power corridors. HUGE pressure. Not to mention that any govt. will scape goat rather than accept personal faults. The President and the CEO cant be made to be looking like a helpless weakling like that mentally-disturbed haramzada did....KHAR-zai or whatever his name was

Just a general question, are you really a Bengali?

as If id like to see an Afghan die,we wish the same. loss of life should never really be a reason of joy for anyone.
but the problem is I see many roaming around here in Islamabad openly claiming that this is their land and that they don't recognize Pakistan, that's the real issue,its their attitude against Pakistan and their people.

since I personally laud your posts and replies id like to ask, how would you tackle this scenarios when someone is hell bound on getting your land and abusing your country on your face?

P.S this is coming from a guy who used to help organize charities for the Afghans studying in Pakistan,

if you see them talking shit against Pakistan while in Pakistani territory - just shout at everyone around you, point at that asshole and tell everybody what he has just said.....if he apologizes, let him go - if he continues to insult while on our soil, beat the crap out of him and tell him to scram and get lost
India has never in its 68 yrs independent history has deployed its troops anywhere in the world except under UN flag so India sending its troops to AFG is zero possibility weather its BJP govt or Cong govt. Where Soviets led eastern bloc countries and US led NATO have failed why would we change our national policy for such a place. our only aim is to see taliban like govt do not call shots in Afg and the problems between AFG and Pakistan is an issue between them to solve

since i do not know much about past history but this is a puzzle for me why Afg govt voted against Pakistan even in 1948 ?
India has!, in east Pakistan, Srilanka as well as in Tajikistan to make Northern Alliance and now in Afghanistan. To guard its embassies and projects.
It could also have something to do with the fact that we treat their country as our own playground, manipulate their political situation, and create havoc by supporting the Taliban. Just a thought. I might be wrong.
I think you need to understand more, but you chose to jump on the bandwagon full of pseudo intellectuals in Pakistan. The fact is if India gets its feet implanted in Afghanistan, Pakistan will be very vulnerable. Yes Pakistan wants to support a government in Afghanistan which is not anti Pakistan, if not pro Pakistan. Before the invasion by USSR, Afghanistan was trying to cause troubles in Pakistan and Khad was working on it. But we have sense of justice when it involves blaming our own Army without looking at alternate results, however that sense of justice goes to sleep when injustices or corruption is carried out by so called democratic governments.
That is wishful thinking and believing your own lies. There are at least a thousand if not thousands of Afghans studying in Indian colleges.

try taking in nearly 7 million Afghans over a period of decades then yap...

ive spoken to afghans who werent even allowed to stay in hotels in india due to suspicion but then again there are Muslim residents of india (celebrities with money) who arent even allowed to buy flats in friggin bomb-bay
It could also have something to do with the fact that we treat their country as our own playground, manipulate their political situation, and create havoc by supporting the Taliban. Just a thought. I might be wrong.
And by the way Afghanistan is a not a chick magnet, it is a magnet for invaders like USSR and USA. They must be doing something wrong to invite all this trouble so please do not play devil's advocate and do not join them who blame Pakistan for their wrong decisions. Or maybe it is Karma because Afghan invaders attacked a lot of countries a few centuries ago . and pay back is a bit**. Also the amount of sodomy that takes place in the region, invites God's wrath. You can see that problem and its consequences in Pakistan too.

I know sound hilarious but is it possible that Pakistan should capture Afghanistan's tiny tail near Tajikistan border between in north area or divide them like Sudan styles ????

@Horus , you thought please?
Pakistan can! even im supportive of this idea. A crimea life crisis can be made.
RAW is already running a hospital in Nuristan to treat the wounded TTP terrorists to send them back in. Its marked as an enemy target, when ever we get a reason to carry out air strikes in Afghanistan, that place is going to look like a pile of shit with HE smell every where.

India's only aim is to keep Pakistan destabilized from Afghanistan.

Trust you me, we have been waiting for Indian soldiers to land in Afghanistan for a long time.
A hospital or a doctor will always treat a wounded and infirm... a patient is a patient first and then a terrorist or an enemy or anyone else. medical profession per se is a noble profession. A hospital is no less sacred than a place of worship. A person with right mind will never think of attacking a hospital.
Why would India use a third country to destabilize Pakistan or why would a country allow her land for it? India's interest in Afghanistan are many viz. 1. historic relations, 2. regional peace, 3. access to central asian resources. none of these will cause any harm to a 3rd party. India does not believe in isolation but in engagement.

Afghans didn't fully recognize Pakistan because it held NWFP, which the Afghans believed belonged to them. At one point in time, they could have been reunited with NWFP in a merger between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, but the Afghan government rejected the proposition by the Shah of Iran.
Had Pakistan accepted the proposal of Shah of Iran?

Pakistan can! even im supportive of this idea. A crimea life crisis can be made.
Haven't you heard that Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires? Any misadventure there backfires without fail.
The current Taliban leader and the current defense minister of Afghanistan have no love lost for each other----.
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