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5 reasons why Afghanistan blames Pakistan.

lol and what about Army of RAW Specialists to Provide Intelligence to TTP and Train them in Training Centers Constructed in Afghanistan ??
You are being Brotherly and Friendly for a Reason with Afghanistan !
And Your ill negative intentions will Backfire at you !
Mark My Words !

funny thing is - the Afghans are so racist towards people of color - the indians would quickly find that out the hard way. People to people contact on both sides has been so limited (other than their consulates where they train terrorists to fight Pakistanis)......its mostly the Panjshiri/Northern Alliance dirt bags who are so vocal in their hatred against Pakistan

and their intentions back fired on them many times in the past - Rajiv and that old hag Indira found out the hard way.....then again so did Brigadier Mehtra (indian defense attache) in Kabul. He was obliterated in broad daylight.
RAW is already running a hospital in Nuristan to treat the wounded TTP terrorists to send them back in. Its marked as an enemy target, when ever we get a reason to carry out air strikes in Afghanistan, that place is going to look like a pile of shit with HE smell every where.

India's only aim is to keep Pakistan destabilized from Afghanistan.

Trust you me, we have been waiting for Indian soldiers to land in Afghanistan for a long time.

India has never in its 68 yrs independent history has deployed its troops anywhere in the world except under UN flag so India sending its troops to AFG is zero possibility weather its BJP govt or Cong govt. Where Soviets led eastern bloc countries and US led NATO have failed why would we change our national policy for such a place. our only aim is to see taliban like govt do not call shots in Afg and the problems between AFG and Pakistan is an issue between them to solve

Just a general question, are you really a Bengali?

as If id like to see an Afghan die,we wish the same. loss of life should never really be a reason of joy for anyone.
but the problem is I see many roaming around here in Islamabad openly claiming that this is their land and that they don't recognize Pakistan, that's the real issue,its their attitude against Pakistan and their people.

since I personally laud your posts and replies id like to ask, how would you tackle this scenarios when someone is hell bound on getting your land and abusing your country on your face?

P.S this is coming from a guy who used to help organize charities for the Afghans studying in Pakistan,

since i do not know much about past history but this is a puzzle for me why Afg govt voted against Pakistan even in 1948 ?
East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Siachen, Kashmir. :coffee:

[Bregs], post: 7507396, member: 148509"]India has never in its 68 yrs independent history has deployed its troops anywhere in the world except under UN flag so India sending its troops to AFG is zero possibility weather its BJP govt or Cong govt. Where Soviets led eastern bloc countries and US led NATO have failed why would we change our national policy for such a place. our only aim is to see taliban like govt do not call shots in Afg and the problems between AFG and Pakistan is an issue between them to solve

since i do not know much about past history but this is a puzzle for me why Afg govt voted against Pakistan even in 1948 ?[/QUOTE]
India can't run nor hide. Its stuck with us permanently and it will be made to pay. We have all the time in the world.

I Hope It should be made to Pay with Interest !
Blood of 90 Thousand Innocent Pakistani Civilians and 100s of Armed Forces Jawans will become there Nightmare !
InshaAllah Time will tell which way the Camel Sits !
Just a general question, are you really a Bengali?

as If id like to see an Afghan die,we wish the same. loss of life should never really be a reason of joy for anyone.
but the problem is I see many roaming around here in Islamabad openly claiming that this is their land and that they don't recognize Pakistan, that's the real issue,its their attitude against Pakistan and their people.

since I personally laud your posts and replies id like to ask, how would you tackle this scenarios when someone is hell bound on getting your land and abusing your country on your face?

P.S this is coming from a guy who used to help organize charities for the Afghans studying in Pakistan,

Full breed.
I Hope It should be made to Pay with Interest !
Blood of 90 Thousand Innocent Pakistani Civilians and 100s of Armed Forces Jawans will become there Nightmare !
InshaAllah Time will tell which way the Camel Sits !

Dil behlane ka khyal accha hai.
History is witness that we have tore a page from your dirty tricks manual and played it better.

First recover from the blowback of Bombay.

Good luck for the next round.:lol:

East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Siachen, Kashmir. :coffee:

You forgot to add many more feathers like Goa, Sikkim, Hyderabad, Junagadh. :lol:
since i do not know much about past history but this is a puzzle for me why Afg govt voted against Pakistan even in 1948 ?

Afghans didn't fully recognize Pakistan because it held NWFP, which the Afghans believed belonged to them. At one point in time, they could have been reunited with NWFP in a merger between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, but the Afghan government rejected the proposition by the Shah of Iran.
Afghans didn't fully recognize Pakistan because it held NWFP, which the Afghans believed belonged to them. At one point in time, they could have been reunited with NWFP in a merger between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, but the Afghan government rejected the proposition by the Shah of Iran.

Oh damn so this border problem exist between Afg and pakistan too,Thanks for your reply. i knew there is some issues from Afg side on durand line but never knew this was there reason for being against pakistan since its inception in 1947
History is witness that we have tore a page from your dirty tricks manual and played it better.

First recover from the blowback of Bombay.

If anything, Pakistan took a page out of India's book. From the 1950s onwards, India was a hotspot for KGB agents, with their entire government sold out to the Soviet Union. KGB agents were not only involved in spreading conspiracy theories against the United States and it's allies, but backed up Leftist-leaning secessionists across the subcontinent.
East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Siachen, Kashmir. :coffee:

[Bregs], post: 7507396, member: 148509"]India has never in its 68 yrs independent history has deployed its troops anywhere in the world except under UN flag so India sending its troops to AFG is zero possibility weather its BJP govt or Cong govt. Where Soviets led eastern bloc countries and US led NATO have failed why would we change our national policy for such a place. our only aim is to see taliban like govt do not call shots in Afg and the problems between AFG and Pakistan is an issue between them to solve

since i do not know much about past history but this is a puzzle for me why Afg govt voted against Pakistan even in 1948 ?

All these places had been directly concerned with india before 1947 except sri lanka where IPKF was sent with approval of there govt to help control armed LTTE after major change in plicy by India as it concerned tamils and if we had not sent our army there some foreign power might have landed there to crush tamils

Afg has no such connection for India to intervene militarily.
Historical reasons for this.

Afghans have never really accepted Pakistan's territorial integrity. However, on the contrary, one is of the view that the support for Afghan Taliban has also not been a great ploy.

Afghan taliban should have at least been molded into a hezbollah type organization with a political wing so it remains rooted amongst the people.

thats ones opinion, others can disagree.
Afghan taliban should have at least been molded into a hezbollah type organization with a political wing so it remains rooted amongst the people.

The Afghan Taliban is too disorganized to do this. It's come a long way from its roots in Kandahar, and with that came thousands more fighters and hundreds more bickering leaders and commanders (most of whom have a habit of relying on violence to get the job done).
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