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5 reasons Pakistan won’t change its Afghan policy

He played the card as to be played ...Have you by any chance seeing Clinton saying it as it was? THEY CREATED TALIBAN....
Lost your plot ? Why are you dragging US into this ? Every one knows that and it was during soviet presence ( not occupation) but not post 9/11.
Post 9/11 america & pakistan joined to fight so called war on terror. But one side was fighting terror and other side was supporting terror surreptitiously.

He is free to be bought by anyone to say what they want to hear :enjoy:
Lame and pathetic excuse, first you said it was media hype, then you said mullen is outsider, then when your own shows up you ending up saying he is bought up. Heights of trust and faith ,you ended up saying your country men are third rate ppl who can be bought out. As such your response/comments should be taken with grain of salt.

Now the question is not who is good or bad (terrorist ?). Was/Is pakistan involved/continuing in destabilizing terror activities in afghanistan? And your answer was a resounding acknowledgement.
He played the card as to be played ...

As I said in another post, you cannot wake up ppl who pretend to be asleep. International community will never give a fig leaf about pakistans war on terror or its massacres that take place for simple reason that they were one time pakistans partner. They have moved on but pakistan is still stuck with it. Every time a pakistani like you says pakistan is not involved in terrorism it will simply evoke ridicule and sarcasm. Pakistans support for terrorism is so legendary that its legacy will last and haunt coming generations.
Lost your plot ? Why are you dragging US into this ? Every one knows that and it was during soviet presence
and it was your uncle TT @MilSpec who brought US in it with videos and articles!

Ask him!

first you said it was media hype
I never said that...Its not my fault you have problems comprehending English!

mullen is outsider,
I never said that either!

he is bought up.
Use my words not your own @MilSpec THIS is what media does....TWISTING words!

Kindly tame your accuser here!
I have no idea why you Pakistani's bothering with the Indian bull*shit. The Afghan's in Pakistan are going to stay. Yeh we are going get some people bit*ching like Europeans b*tch about our immigrants. Over time they will get digested within Pakistan.

Pakistan and China WILL prevail in Afghanistan. The reasons are simple.

* Afghanistan is our neighbour - India can constipate as much as they want we are NOT going to open Wagah border.
* Afghanistan shares geography, ethnic groups, culture and religion with us. Rest assured we will in time adjust with each other.
* China will support Pakistan and it will want it's shadow over this region.

Sp relax. India is not, repeat not going to win. America is guest here who belongs to another world. They will go one day. Then it will be a partnership between Pak, Afgh, Iran and China to sort this region out.

The message to the Indian's is simple. Can you come west of the Radcliffe Line? :nono: Sorry India can stay contained within the Ganges Brahmaputra region.

This excerpt from the quoted article is important:

It is now almost 70 years later and Afghanistan is still perennially incapable to deal with Pakistan. From government officials, political pundits, military analysts and pseudo-intellectual sensationalists, all cry wolf to Pakistan for misery at home.

Because it can be rewritten as follows and still remain true:

"It is now almost 70 years later and Pakistan is still perennially incapable to deal with India (and USA). From government officials, political pundits, military analysts and pseudo-intellectual sensationalists, all cry wolf to India (and USA) for misery at home."

Until a nation accepts that getting its own house in order is its own responsibility, and not anyone else's, not much progress can be made.
Am actually following pakistan Afghanistan relationship very keenly . Basic mistake you make is you dont agree that Afghanistan is a sovereign State but you keep treating them like your backyard . .
Afghans were hating Pakistan even in 50s when there were no ISI/no Taliban etc and as far respecting sovereignty of Afghanistan then Its Afghans who don't recognise durrand line and dream about Loy Afghanistan. Why India was supporting soviet invasion and have been supporting northern alliances anti pashtun ethnic group. India should stay away from Afghanistan because it dont share any border with them and now they are investing in Afghanistan to establish their influence in Afghanistan and their only interest in there is to destabilize Pakistan through afghanistan
No brother . Why they even want to talk with talibans ? And for what ? Peace at what cost. Todays generation of afghans are more matured and smart. They see talibans as terrorist who wage war against their people and see American lead nato force as their saviour who is fighting war for them . Thats the level their mentalities

But what Pakistan trying to do is push their government to think other wise . To make you understand its like saying pakistanis to accept TTP as your part of constitution and talk peace or they will kill you . Will you agree ? Never brother .

There is nothing you can do if you dont change your policies and very disappointed after seeing this thread . Says pakistan wont chage its afghan policies . See they are poor or not cave men or not two super powers lost in a attempt to conquer their country .

That too today afghans enjoys lots of soft power . They now has people supporting their democratic government . Not only that today they have functioning army. In country like Afghanistan with no major economic activities more people will join army. And dont under estimate their capabilities to throw lots of proxies . They have abandoned resources of youth to wear sucide waist money (earlier) now for their country men .

Youare underestimating their soft power . Whole world want a stable Afghanistan .
If they won't talk they will loose USA failed to defeat Afghan Taliban these ANA kids don't have any chance of winning. They would have to talk and accept lot of demands. Change in Taliban mindset will not come over night it would take time. Afghans themselves want to talk to their own Taliban learn before talking mr @Ind4Ever
Am actually following pakistan Afghanistan relationship very keenly . Basic mistake you make is you dont agree that Afghanistan is a sovereign State but you keep treating them like your backyard . You should disband talks with talibans and start bilateral talks with afghan government . Not only that your look at talibans like terrorist not a stack holders in afghanistan .

No way afghans will give up we know this from their national history .
same goes for Srilanka and bangladesh?
No absolutely not. I'm specifically referring to ethnic Afghans flooding our western borders with 0 intention of ever returning to Afghanistan.

1 million!!!!!!!!!...........more like at least 5 million. The Afghans are more than welcome to chose india for everything. I just want them out of my country. Perhaps the indians can have them.

I could not care less what the Afghans or indians want or not. They can have the Taliban or ancient aliens ruling them for all I care. As long as they get out of my country and leave my people alone I'm happy.
that 1 to 5 mil. maybe a big number by yr way of thinking since u live in a small country. Pakistan is on the other hand is an Asian country with 8th largest population of 200 million. Here its peanuts. But anyways we have made a 3 year plan to send them back.

Polite way of calling for talks with ISI.
or perhaps polite way of saying Pakistan is the only country that can save their rotten structure called Afghanistan.

What the media doesn't cover is these Afghans returning back with different id papers
now we have bio metric system, what u say cant be done anymore.

Why put lipstick on a pig, call it as we see it... Every one from US mil, sec of staff, Afghan intel, Isaf chief have been yelling Afghan Taliban as the veritable arm of the ISI.... it is what it is.

:enjoy: 100% agree.
But the question is where is the proof? Thats even the author of the thread in his article has admitted that we dont have a concrete proof, late on gives impression that ''we just know it.''

Well in international relations ''we just know it'' doesnt work. Thats why even US of A couldnt do anything abt Pakistan when even Usama was captured.
This excerpt from the quoted article is important:

Because it can be rewritten as follows and still remain true:

"It is now almost 70 years later and Pakistan is still perennially incapable to deal with India (and USA). From government officials, political pundits, military analysts and pseudo-intellectual sensationalists, all cry wolf to India (and USA) for misery at home."

Until a nation accepts that getting its own house in order is its own responsibility, and not anyone else's, not much progress can be made.
The difference is, we did have learnt how to deal with India and USA, we get from them what we like
Dont believe them, why not your own.

EX DG ISI Gen Asad Durrani EXCLUSIVE Blatant Talk on British TV

THe problem is that millitary junta does not think of the civilian side of leadership...for them..all calculations are made on basis of success and failures in armed struggle..politicians, military, businessmen and academics form the bureaucracy of any country. One single faction cannot take over and hold the power for success.
Am actually following pakistan Afghanistan relationship very keenly . Basic mistake you make is you dont agree that Afghanistan is a sovereign State but you keep treating them like your backyard . You should disband talks with talibans and start bilateral talks with afghan government . Not only that your look at talibans like terrorist not a stack holders in afghanistan .

No way afghans will give up we know this from their national history .

Afghan is sovereign country or we would have treat them like Nepal. We helping them from 70s and Pakistani people continue doing that till whenever. when it comes to govenment then we raiz eyebrow Karzai and Ashraf ghani have no power what so ever its just an administration influenced by india and foreigners..
we live beside them and we know whats on ground other than making noises on media they are no where close to represent their People..
and i suggest you to visit Afg instead of watching Afg in india media or bollywood.
India shud support Afghanistan on Durrand line issue:D
anyway,,if things move as they r supposed to thn it is reasonable to assume tht within decades Pakistani demography will change,,, just need to use it to our benefit :angel:
Afghan is sovereign country or we would have treat them like Nepal. We helping them from 70s and Pakistani people continue doing that till whenever. when it comes to govenment then we raiz eyebrow Karzai and Ashraf ghani have no power what so ever its just an administration influenced by india and foreigners..
we live beside them and we know whats on ground other than making noises on media they are no where close to represent their People..
and i suggest you to visit Afg instead of watching Afg in india media or bollywood.

Who are you to advise an independent nation like afghanistan on their foreign policy ?

And who are you to suggest Afghan government is invalid but Talibans are ? There is a government because of majority of people wanted it to be or else whole country would be like Syria . India is viewed at top most priority by their people . What you did ? Cut off the road links which transported million of tons of life saving AID ! Its not betrayal alone but inhuman and barbaric !!! All you can do is to keep taliban leaders in Quetta

and Fata or other tribal belt and create a buffer zone between afghanistan and Pakistan . Terrible attempt which back fired as TTP .

You cut off their sea link too ? This is beyond desperation . Afghanistan is not your own backyard . Talibans are terrorist who wage war against their state ! Get your facts clear .

If they won't talk they will loose USA failed to defeat Afghan Taliban these ANA kids don't have any chance of winning. They would have to talk and accept lot of demands. Change in Taliban mindset will not come over night it would take time. Afghans themselves want to talk to their own Taliban learn before talking mr @Ind4Ever

This is the problem . How funny pakistan HQ Rawalpindi always putting Taliban's as Afghans authority but underestimate Afghanistan government ? Sad state of your foreign policies .World has changed from where it was in 1960s but your policies never did . Foreign policies should be dominated by civilian society but urs is full of military mindset . Warmongers won't make friends ,They make enemy out of friends ,

same goes for Sri Lanka and bangladesh?
What srilanka and bangladesh ? Those were in those days where proxies and muscle powers been used as foreign policies . U missed that train .Now you can travel in the same when bullet trains flies at 300 km/hr ?
What srilanka and bangladesh ? Those were in those days where proxies and muscle powers been used as foreign policies . U missed that train .Now you can travel in the same when bullet trains flies at 300 km/hr ?

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