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5% people hold 64% of Pakistan’s farmland

I know that but at-least he should accept mandate of elected representation of PML & PPP and PTI's rejection by same people whose elected representatives voted for Pakistan or change his location hypocritistan :D

Let me give you taste of your own medicine - What you are implying here is that MAJ was British agent

you think only you are the king of stupidity here? :lol: I can make worst conspiracy theories than you...:lol:

but I am sane student of history, dont cook things..

@Leader @LoveIcon, I invite you both to have a coffee and Naswarville! :cheers:

Yar aik historical facts hotay hain, you cannot just come up with theories unless you are able to back them with facts and that it actually happened that way, not just looking at looking at historical facts and making absurd theories !

Coffee anytime, weather is cool, winter is here #Lahore !
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Isn't Mr Nawaz Sharif also a feudal?

Any way I believe land reform will be difficult in PAK. PAK should try and replicate the korean model of promoting big business and force feudals to sell lands by articulately bringing Agro producing sector in a pragmatic tax net so as to not adversely impact the food production. PAK have a poor Tax to GDP ratio something they should concentrate on and also improve labor rights and law and order. Implementation of laws in the biggest problem in S.asian countries.

As for following the korean model, they should encourage their feudal landowners to industrilise the food production and processing sector and turn them into chaebols of agro industry. This will also cause diversification into more sectors such a automobiles and shipbuilding. The chairmen of Samgsung is no less a feudal than any PAK feudals. Just that his empire produces 1/5th of high tech Korea's GDP while he remains above law always.
Feudal ho hee na jaye - Just three and half decades back his dad, wearing a dhoti (slept the night @ lawn in front of Minar-e-Pakistan), went requesting for a bank loan for his initial foray into small business.... then through different twists and turns of history, got acquainted with Kafir-e-Azam Mir Zia-ul-Haque and his entourage of thugs............ rest is history..... :D

Similarly, Zardari was never a feudal either. His dad used to lease a cinema in Karachi as a day job, and rest of the time was a small time lap dog of real feudals, doing menial tasks.

Isn't Mr Nawaz Sharif also a feudal?

Any way I believe land reform will be difficult in PAK. PAK should try and replicate the korean model of promoting big business and force feudals to sell lands by articulately bringing Agro producing sector in a pragmatic tax net so as to not adversely impact the food production. PAK have a poor Tax to GDP ratio something they concentrate on and also improve labor rights and law and order. Implementation of laws in the biggest problem in S.asian countries.

As for following the korean model, they should encopurage their feudal landowners to industrilise the food production and processing sector and turn them into chaebols of agro industry. This will also cause diversification into more sectors by such a automobiles and shipbuilding. The chairmen of Samgsung is no less a feudal than any PAK feudals. Just that his empire produces 1/5th of high tech Korea's GDP while he remains above law most of the times.
you think only you are the king of stupidity here? :lol: I can make worst conspiracy theories than you...:lol:

but I am sane student of history, dont cook things..

Yar aik historical facts hotay hain, you cannot just come up with theories unless you are able to back them with facts and that it actually happened that way, not just looking at looking at historical facts and making absurd theories !

Coffee anytime, weather is cool, winter is here #Lahore !

Student of History written by Pakistanis :coffee:

Unionist Party of Landlords is historical fact, Sikandar Hayat is historical fact, He being against Pakistan is fact, Sikandar Hayat being rude to Quaid is fact, Sikander-Jinnah pact is fact - these are not bed time stories but surely not part of Mutalya Pakistan.

@Leader @LoveIcon, I invite you both to have a coffee and Naswarville! :cheers:

My weekend is over, it's time to sleep :pop:
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Student of History written by Pakistanis :coffee:

Unionist Party of Landlords is historical fact, Sikandar Hayat is historical fact, He being against Pakistan is fact, Sikandar Hayat being rude to Quaid is fact, Sikander-Jinnah pact is fact - these are not bed time stories but surely not part of Mutalya Pakistan.

My weekend is over, it's time to sleep :pop:

so was sir shafi, so was shair-e-bangel.

Still you are talking absurd, no facts, no sense of history, no reading, no historical evidence, just a plain "afterthought" theory.
so was sir shafi, so was shair-e-bangel.

Still you are talking absurd, no facts, no sense of history, no reading, no historical evidence, just a plain "afterthought" theory.

Sir Shafi died in 1932

Pakistan wouldn't have been possible without Punjab & Sindh - So, Shair-e-Bangal is irrelevant in this discussion. :pop:
Shows how pathetic situation in Pakistan is...

Agreed. Land reforms badly needed in Pakistan.

Land Reforms required !! :angry:

wonder why there are no Pakistani intellectuals on this thread now cause most of them are basically feudals and it hurts them from within when someone talks about truth and those who hide truth never talk about it rather try to scuttle the talk by introducing false and melicious notions like ummah and conspiracy theories

Anyways land reforms are supported by most of the population because until we get rid of these power hungry feudals we can't have a functioning democracy.

This is actually a good thing in fact fewer people should own all the farmland.

In the US less than 1% of the total population claim farming as their occupation. However, do farmers control the country?
Demographics | Ag 101 | Agriculture | US EPA

We do not want Pakistan to become a land of subsistence farmers. Instead it is better for one person to own many acres (hundreds) of property, industrialize their production to produce higher yields per acre and hire help if they require it. Right now Pakistan is severely under producing per acre for many crops in comparison to the US and/or the world average. This in turn leads to problems like inflation and rising food import bills (which reduces our foreign exchange reserves) and can pose a strategic threat. To give you an example Pakistan produced about 55 tons of sugarcane per hectare in 2012 in comparison to the world average of 68 tonnes per hectare (i.e. we are under producing by 20%) while the US produces about 75 tonnes per hectare and a country like Egypt (mostly desert with water issues) produces 115 tonnes per hectare.

Pakistan's problems arise from the lack of industry which moves people out of farming and into higher paying jobs. Unfortunately, that cant be fixed until the energy crisis is resolved and that wont happen until Pakistan's government raises the tax to GDP ratio to at least 16% (though I would prefer 20% if possible) to meet the budget and take 5% deficits to invest directly into domestic production of cheap or moderately prices unnatural gas and shale oil along with money into industry and other projects down the road.
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This is actually a good thing in fact fewer people should own all the farmland.

In the US less than 1% of the total population claim farming as their occupation. However, do farmers control the country?
Demographics | Ag 101 | Agriculture | US EPA

We do not want Pakistan to become a land of subsistence farmers. Instead it is better for one person to own many acres (hundreds) of property, industrialize their production to produce higher yields per acre and hire help if they require it. Right now Pakistan is severely under producing per acre for many crops in comparison to the US and/or the world average. This in turn leads to problems like inflation and rising food import bills (which reduces our foreign exchange reserves) and can pose a strategic threat. To give you an example Pakistan produced about 55 tons of sugarcane per hectare in 2012 in comparison to the world average of 68 tonnes per hectare (i.e. we are under producing by 20%) while the US produces about 75 tonnes per hectare and a country like Egypt (mostly desert with water issues) produces 115 tonnes per hectare.

Pakistan's problems arise from the lack of industry which moves people out of farming and into higher paying jobs. Unfortunately, that cant be fixed until the energy crisis is resolved and that wont happen until Pakistan's government raises the tax to GDP ratio to at least 16% (though I would prefer 20% if possible) to meet the budget and take 5% deficits to invest directly into domestic production of cheap or moderately prices unnatural gas and shale oil along with money into industry and other projects down the road.
so your saying that feudalism is good for pakistan ...well keep beleaving that but keep in mind till your geral publick is freed menatally and economickalli by any means your nation will not become a true nation state..nowGood luck sirji
wonder why there are no Pakistani intellectuals on this thread now cause most of them are basically feudals and it hurts them from within when someone talks about truth and those who hide truth never talk about it rather try to scuttle the talk by introducing false and melicious notions like ummah and conspiracy theories

No i really doubt thats the reason hardly anybody would disagree that feudals are sucking the blood of our population since the birth of this country yet the issue gets side lined when few people can't keep their biased opinions from entering a civil discussion by saying this country was created for feudals. Anyways land reforms are supported by most of the population because until we get rid of these power hungry feudals we can't have a functioning democracy.
so your saying that feudalism is good for pakistan ...well keep beleaving that but keep in mind till your geral publick is freed menatally and economickalli by any means your nation will not become a true nation state..nowGood luck sirji

I am saying that a few people owning, working and operating all of Pakistan's farmland is a good thing because more of the profits generated can be allocated towards increasingly industrializing operations and producing more per acre (which saves Pakistan a lot of money from having to import food, sugar, etc...). Obviously the government is also required to get those farm owners to pay their taxes (i.e. they are not afforded any special privileges).

As I stated in my post Pakistan needs industrialization to move people away from agriculture into higher paying jobs that improve their standards of living. Feudalism will disappear the moment about a fifth of Pakistan's GDP isn't based on the agriculture sector but that isn't going to happen with land reforms that result in creating subsistence farmers who work the farm with their hands and bulls instead of modern farm machinery (saves labor and time which can be allocated towards other projects such as production of items for export to generate foreign exchange and increases yields because modern farm equipment can get a lot more done).
No i really doubt thats the reason hardly anybody would disagree that feudals are sucking the blood of our population since the birth of this country yet the issue gets side lined when few people can't keep their biased opinions from entering a civil discussion by saying this country was created for feudals. Anyways land reforms are supported by most of the population because until we get rid of these power hungry feudals we can't have a functioning democracy.
see amna jiim not trying to be rude or uncivil or abusive in any sense but the hard reality is British new after 1857 revolt that the onli way to prolong there rule in india is "divide and rule" for which

1.they divided bengal as earli as 1905 on hindu muslim basis

2. they roped in nawabs and jageerdars of bengal, bihar & awadh/UP& punjab, hydrabad daccen and coxed them that future of there jageers is very grave under independent inida under the congress rule (and layed the foundation of ML)since majority of Indians supported congress on there views regarding abolishon of feudalis and land reforms which congress did as soon as they came to power

3. since nawabs dint had any emotional connect to the peoplethey roped in poet iqbal and barister & neo british/kala angrez Mr. jinnah (who was a shia but did namaz like sunnies and drank whiskey, loved cigars &pork chops and was alwauys suited booted like a british gentelman)

so hard reality is jinnah and iqbal were just pawns in game by feudal and british to divide india so feudals can exersize there athurity on there easter while riyaya and british have a strategick hold on south asia and contain russia/USSR which was trying to enter this area since as earli as late 19th century

hope i dont offend your fealings but if i have done that unkwoingli im sorri 
I am saying that a few people owning, working and operating all of Pakistan's farmland is a good thing because more of the profits generated can be allocated towards increasingly industrializing operations and producing more per acre (which saves Pakistan a lot of money from having to import food, sugar, etc...). Obviously the government is also required to get those farm owners to pay their taxes (i.e. they are not afforded any special privileges).

As I stated in my post Pakistan needs industrialization to move people away from agriculture into higher paying jobs that improve their standards of living. Feudalism will disappear the moment about a fifth of Pakistan's GDP isn't based on the agriculture sector but that isn't going to happen with land reforms that result in creating subsistence farmers who work the farm with their hands and bulls instead of modern farm machinery (saves labor and time which can be allocated towards other projects such as production of items for export to generate foreign exchange and increases yields because modern farm equipment can get a lot more done).
so tell me after 65 years of history what great sdrides did pakistan made eductaionalli & economicalli and and in agriculture since the prime canal structure was with pakistan after independence while punjab in india was(specialli on foot hills of himalyas) a swampy area

and how will you bring in latest farming equipment, fertilizers and seads and irrigation methods when 95% of your work force in rural farm lands cant oprate or understand them
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see amna jiim not trying to be rude or uncivil or abusive in any sense but the hard reality is British new after 1857 revolt that the onli way to prolong there rule in india is "divide and rule" for which

1.they divided bengal as earli as 1905 on hindu muslim basis

2. they roped in nawabs and jageerdars of bengal, bihar & awadh/UP& punjab, hydrabad daccen and coxed them that future of there jageers is very grave under independent inida under the congress rule (and layed the foundation of ML)since majority of Indians supported congress on there views regarding abolishon of feudalis and land reforms which congress did as soon as they came to power

3. since nawabs dint had any emotional connect to the peoplethey roped in poet iqbal and barister & neo british/kala angrez Mr. jinnah (who was a shia but did namaz like sunnies and drank whiskey, loved cigars &pork chops and was alwauys suited booted like a british gentelman)

so hard reality is jinnah and iqbal were just pawns in game by feudal and british to divide india so feudals can exersize there athurity on there easter while riyaya and british have a strategick hold on south asia and contain russia/USSR which was trying to enter this area since as earli as late 19th century

hope i dont offend your fealings but if i have done that unkwoingli im sorri 

so tell me after 65 years of history what great sdrides did pakistan made eductaionalli & economicalli and and in agriculture since the prime canal structure was with pakistan after independence while punjab in india was(specialli on foot hills of himalyas) a swampy area

and how will you bring in latest farming equipment, fertilizers and seads and irrigation methods when 95% of your work force in rural farm lands cant oprate or understand them

I am not completely negating the divide and conquer part but seriously you're claim that Mr Jinnah and Iqbal were just pawns in the game to divide India is a little too much as if the Brits could ensure their hold on south asia by dividing a land into two and supporting feudals. Anyways i quoted you because you claimed nobody is against feudalism here while most people i have met are don't know about PDF though.
5pc people hold 64pc of Pakistan’s farmland, moot told


Speaking at the workshop, SCOPE chief executive officer Tanveer Arif said poverty and food security issues were closely linked to land, therefore, land and agriculture reforms should be made in the country.

KARACHI: Five per cent bigwigs possess 64pc of Pakistan’s farmland while 50.8pc rural households are landless.

This was stated at a workshop on ‘Status of land reforms in Pakistan’ organised by the Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE) in collaboration with the Sindh High Court Bar Association and the National Peasants Coalition of Pakistan in a hotel.

Justice Faisal Arab, senior puisne judge of the Sindh High Court, lawyer and farmer leaders attended the programme.

Speaking at the workshop, SCOPE chief executive officer Tanveer Arif said that agriculture was the mainstay of Pakistan’s economy, accounting for 25pc of the gross domestic product, 60pc of export earnings and 48pc of employment.

He said poverty and food security issues were closely linked to land, therefore, land and agriculture reforms should be made in the country.

He said Pakistan inherited feudal system from the British Raj. Land distribution in Pakistan was highly unequal as 5pc of large landholders possess 64pc of the total farmland and 65pc small farmers held 15pc of land. He said corporate farming was initiated in Pakistan during former President Pervez Musharraf’s government which was against the rights of farmers. Some Gulf countries had purchased lands in Pakistan, particularly in Sindh and Balochistan, that would cause water scarcity and deprive local farming community of their rights.

Mr Arif said 50.8pc of rural households were landless while the poverty among rural landless people was high. He said land reforms were necessary to alleviate poverty, hunger and malnutrition in Pakistan.

The farmers in rural areas were living under extreme poverty due to unjust crop share being given to them by landlords.

The peasants were facing malnutrition and severe economic constraints due to that injustice.

Large landholdings should be distributed among landless farmers and atmosphere of land equality be created to make farmers prosperous, he concluded.

Akhtar Hussain, a Supreme Court advocate, said agriculture income tax should be imposed in the country while land reforms were also a must for development. He said that agriculture income tax was opposed by landlords, which was unjustified.

Mustafa Lakhani, president of the Sindh High Court Bar Association, said that feudalism was big hindrance in land reforms in Pakistan.

He sought a role of the present government in making land reforms in the country. Excessive powers had caused corruption in Pakistan.

National Peasants Coalition of Pakistan representative Noor Nabi Rahujo said the country could not make progress without land reforms. He urged all stakeholders of society to join forces and play their due roles in making drastic land and agriculture reforms in Pakistan.

Advocate Qazi Ali Athar said a relentless struggle should be launched for land reforms in Pakistan. He said Sufi Shah Inayat was killed in the Mughal era for his struggle for rights of the farming community. There was a need to follow his struggle for brining about agriculture reforms in the country.

He said land reforms not but actual need was to get land rights.

Comrade Ramzan Memon called for a result-oriented struggle to get land rights. He said Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had tried to make land reforms but his plan was reversed during the Zia era.—PPI
Actually thats not true. There r 5 individuals who own some 55% of our land because we have feudalism and have no land or wealth reforms. The actual reason is the capitalism its not like we have a problem in our blood.And thats not all we also have Asia's biggest landlord named Liaqat Hussain Jitoi who has also served as acting PM of our country. If u go to Bahawalpur side the train actually takes 3 hrs to cross a land owned a by an individual.

In another Capitalist country namely US has just 3 individuals owning 51% of total land and US is bigger then Pakistan in population and land wise.
British dividing South Asia is biggest lie told by Bhartis again and again. One can only imagine how many countries there would have been if British never come.
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