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5 Indian Rashtriya Rifles unit officers killed by the Kashmiri Mujhadeen

If anything we allow foreign tourists, journalists, UNMOG has a hq in muzzafarabad.

And Indian journalists, for that matter.

A) Does being pro independence justify gang rape? How can anybody justify that? Unless he is sick.

B)Were grandmothers, pregnant women and children working against indian occupation and thus justified to be raped?

You should visit a shrink, no wonder india has this rape epidemic.

Or the fact that Kashmir being a disputed region acknowledged by every single country in the world, India included, has the UN mandated right to be able to physically fight for its rights. There is no "working against the state" in Kashmir, Kashmir is not part of the Indian state as per international law.

But it dsnt give any tom dick or harry to pick up arms if that's true .every 2nd person will have a reason to pick up arms.

Actually it does. Given Kashmir's status of a disputed region under occupation, the Kashmiris, as mentioned by @DESERT FIGHTER and myself before, have the internationally UN mandated right to fight against their oppressors. You can write "Kashmir is a part of India" a hundred more times on a piece of paper, it still will not make it so.

If you find justification for terrorists to pick up arms .I am sorry they will die.

Don't be, they are perfectly happy and willing to lay down their lives for their people, their land and their right. Comes with being on the righteous side.

The same questions can be asked to you as well in pakistan.why did so and so pick up arms against state .

No it cannot. None of those targeted in Pakistan belonged to a disputed region ravaged by systematic state sponsored terrorism.

Why dsnt these groups contest elections and make the change politically,because they did not win any last time they tried

Because the elections are a sham which the Kashmiri population absolutely rejects every single time.
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