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49 years before Tejas, India had its own fighter — Marut


Jun 19, 2015
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Marut was developed as part of Jawaharlal Nehru’s dream of attaining self-reliance in the aerospace sector, was handed over to the Dagger squadron of the Indian Air Force (IAF) on April 1, 1967.

A priest offers prayers near the Tejas during a ceremony for its induction into the IAF. (PTI file photo)
The induction of the Tejas is a good opportunity to remember HF-24 Marut, India’s first indigenous fighter. The first of the Maruts, which were developed as part of Jawaharlal Nehru’s dream of attaining self-reliance in the aerospace sector, was handed over to the Dagger squadron of the Indian Air Force (IAF) on April 1, 1967.

The story of the Marut started in the mid-1950s, when the government asked the IAF to spell out what they wanted from an indigenous fighter. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, was tasked with the project. The surprise lay in the choice of the designer: Kurt Tank, who had designed the Fockë-Wulf-190 for Hitler’s Germany in the Second World War, was invited to head the project.

In August 1956, Tank, accompanied by his deputy, Herr Mittelhuper, arrived in Bangalore to establish and head the design team of the Marut. There were only three senior Indian designers and the German duo had to build the entire infrastructure from scratch. By April 1959, they had produced the first prototype of the wooden glider, a style preferred by German fighter designers. The two-seater glider — fitted with a camera on the rear — had 78 successful flights till March 24, 1960, many of them with Tank in the rear seat. Former intelligence official Anand Arni, who grew up in Bangalore, has “vivid memories of witnessing drop tanks being ejected into a lake near the HAL airport, with Tank sitting on one side with a pair of binoculars”.
The construction of the first prototype started soon thereafter and the first official flight of the prototype took place on June 24, 1961, in the presence of then defence minister V K Krishna Menon. But the aircraft had a problem with its Bristol Orpheus 703 engine, an engine already being used in the IAF’s Gnat fighters. The IAF was reluctant to take an aircraft which offered only a marginal improvement upon the Hunter, but the government took a decision, in late 1962, to induct 18 pre-production aircraft and 60+ series production Mark-1s, an improved version, into service.

The plans to design an indigenous engine did not materialise and Indians looked far and wide for a better engine to replace the Bristol Orpheus 703. The Soviet Klimov K-7 was tried but couldn’t fit the existing airframe. The RD-9F axial flow engine met the same fate. India then sought an Egyptian engine, EI-300, which was being developed by Ferdinand Brandner, an Austrian repatriate from the Soviet Union. A pre-production Marut was taken to Helwan in Egypt in July 1966 for trials with the EI-300 engine. In June 1967, the Arab-Israeli war led to the stalling of the development of the EI-300 engine and the Indian test team was recalled in July 1969. The aircraft sent for trials was left in Helwan where it lay for many years, derelict and useless.

Meanwhile, a second IAF squadron, Tiger’s Head, was equipped with the Maruts in April 1969. The two squadrons participated in the 1971 war in support of the land forces in the Rajasthan sector. More than 300 combat sorties were flown by the Maruts during that fortnight of hostilities. No Maruts were shot down or damaged by the enemy aircraft throughout the war. By the time the third squadron was equipped with Maruts in December 1973, the fighter had reached 70 per cent indigenisation.

But the problems with the engine continued. Pushpindar Singh, author of Spirits of the Wind: The HAL HF-24 Marut says that “the Marut was unbeatable at low-level flying but it was underpowered for manoeuvrability. It also had problems of maintainability and that caused problems during operations.”

By 1982, the Air Headquarters was proposing phasing out of the HF-24 fleet on the grounds that it was “no longer operationally viable”. Late Air Commodore Jasjit Singh, who was with the Operations Branch of Air Headquarters then, argued that Maruts had done well in the 1971 war and that their flight safety record was far superior to other fighters such as the Ajeet and Gnat. With brand new aircraft just delivered from HAL production lines — over a score of them had less than 100 hours of recorded flight — the Maruts could be employed for other roles.

“The HF-24 Marut was ahead of its times and had the government persisted with that programme, India would have been a generation ahead in design and development of aircraft today. We lost 25 years in the bargain,” argues Pushpindar Singh.

The F-24 Marut lives on at two places. One aeroplane is parked at the HAL Heritage Complex in Bangalore, but more interestingly, another shining aircraft stands in a corner of the Deutsches Museum in Munich. The Germans consider the Marut as part of their technological achievements. But it is often forgotten in India.
Consistent investment and perseverance in govt policy is required to build leading edge technologies.
India hardly has any long term view about its policies. only success was building dams using 5 year plans.

Tejas is not India’s first indegenous fighter, that would be the HF-24 Marut
"The HF-24 Marut was ahead of its times and had the government persisted with that programme, India would have been a generation ahead in design and development of aircraft today."

HF-24 Marut is India’s first indigenous fighter.
For the HAL and the IAF, July 1, 2016 is a throwback to April 1, 1967. On April 1, 1967, HAL had handed over India’s indigenously designed fighter, HF-24 Marut to the Dagger squadron of the IAF. It was a culmination of a dream dreamt in independent India by Jawaharlal Nehru, to attain self-reliance in the design and production of aircraft. The IAF was asked to provide the requirement for an indigenous fighter in the mid-1950s and the HAL was tasked for the project.

In August 1956, Kurt Tank, a German aerospace scientist, accompanied by his deputy, Herr Mittelhuper arrived in Bengaluru in response to Indian government’s invitation to establish and head the design team of HF-24. There were only three senior Indian designers and the entire infrastructure had to be built from the grassroots by the German duo. By April 1959, they had produced the first prototype of the wooden glider, a style preferred by German fighter designers. The two-seater glider had 78 successful flights till March 24, 1960.

The construction of the first prototype started soon thereafter and the first official flight of the prototype took place on June 24, 1961, in the presence of the then defence minister, VK Krishna Menon. But the aircraft had a problem with the Bristol Orpheus 703 engine, which was already being used in the Gnat fighters. The IAF was reluctant to take an aircraft which offered only a marginal improvement upon the Hunter, but the government took a decision, in late 1962, to induct 18 pre-production aircraft and 60+ series production Mark-1s into service.

Indians looked far and wide for a better engine. The Soviet Klimov K-7 was tried but couldn’t fit the existing airframe. The RD-9F axial flow engine met the same fate. India then sought an Egyptian engine, EI-300, which was being developed by Ferdinand Brandner, an Austrian repatriate from the Soviet Union. In July 1966, a pre-production Marut was taken to Helwan in Egypt for trials with the EI-300 engine. In June 1967, the Arab-Israeli war led to the stalling of the development of the EI-300 engine and the Indian test team was recalled in July 1969. The aircraft sent for trials was left in Helwan where it lay for many years, derelict and useless.

Meanwhile, a second Tiger’s head squadron was equipped with the Maruts in April 1969. The two squadrons participated in the 1971 war in support of the land forces in the Rajasthan sector. More than 300 combat sorties were flown by the Maruts during that fortnight of hostilities. No Maruts were shot down or damaged by the enemy aircraft throughout the war. By the time the third squadron was equipped with Maruts in December 1973, the fighter had reached 70% indigenization.


But the problems with the engine continued. Pushpindar Singh, author of “Spirits of the Wind: The HAL HF-24 Marut”, says that “the Marut was unbeatable at low level flying but it was underpowered for maneuverability. It also had problems of maintainability and that caused problems during operations.”

By 1982, the Air Headquarters was proposing phasing out of the HF-24 fleet on the grounds that it was “no longer operationally viable”. Late Air Commodore Jasjit Singh was with the Operations Branch of Air Headquarters and argued that Maruts had done well in 1971, and their flight safety record was far superior to other fighters such as the Ajeet and Gnat. With brand new aircraft just delivered from HAL production lines –- over a score of them had less than 100 hours of recorded flight — the Maruts could be employed for other roles.

“The HF-24 Marut was ahead of its times and had the government persisted with that programme, India would have been a generation ahead in design and development of aircraft today. We lost 25 years in the bargain,” argues Pushpindar Singh.

The F-24 Marut still lives at two places. One aeroplane is parked at the HAL Heritage Complex in Bangalore, but more interestingly, another shining aircraft stands in a corner of the Deutsches Museum in Munich. The Germans consider the Marut as part of their technological achievements. But it is often forgotten in India. On the day Tejas is inducted into the IAF, it is a good time to remember the Marut, India’s first indigenous fighter.
Making an engine is relatively easy but making a good engine is extremely difficult.

India needs to focus on improving quality through metallurgy, manufacturing processes and machine tools.

I am talking about back then though. India simply found the british offer too expensive....and waited and waited and waited...and nothing better materialised. So Marut was left underpowered and unable to achieve its potential.

Basically it was doomed through the political indecision in acquiring a suitable engine for it.

You are right that today India needs to improve on the final 10 - 20% optimization to reach the level of the leaders in the field. The level of this RnD is almost 10 times as intensive (per% of development) as the bulk 80% - 90% that India as a relatively mature technological nation has achieved thus far.
I am talking about back then though. India simply found the british offer too expensive....and waited and waited and waited...and nothing better materialised. So Marut was left underpowered and unable to achieve its potential.

Basically it was doomed through the political indecision in acquiring a suitable engine for it.

You are right that today India needs to improve on the final 10 - 20% optimization to reach the level of the leaders in the field. The level of this RnD is almost 10 times as intensive (per% of development) as the bulk 80% - 90% that India as a relatively mature technological nation has achieved thus far.

Absolutely. Since you are in the industry you would know how hard it is to move 3-sigma to 6-sigma. What I am alluding to is that not only India should focus on getting the performance but also in ensuring that product delivered is maintenance free & friendly.
Absolutely. Since you are in the industry you would know how hard it is to move 3-sigma to 6-sigma. What I am alluding to is that not only India should focus on getting the performance but also in ensuring that product delivered is maintenance free & friendly.
In addition - There should be decisive and accountability ! We should say YES or NO to having the ability to build/produce any weapon or critical system , if yes good but delivery on time . NO please don't delay the over all project and just try the alternative
HF24 was killed politically.

How politically ??

India did try to procure engine, but UK denied us, since they consider us in the Soviet Block.

The Soviet Klimov K-7 was tried but couldn’t fit the existing airframe.

India then focus on the Egyptian engine development, even provided one Marut airframe for testing.

Whose fault was there, HAL or the Indian leadership, who took it granted that the German Engineers would design the engine too for India.

Why was the uprated version of the Orpheus 703 engine was not considered, or any effort to increase its thrust.
What was this Marut able of do any way
If think it will be master of dropping firecrackers on enemy
What was this Marut able of do any way
If think it will be master of dropping firecrackers on enemy

You don't read very comfortably, do you?

How politically ??

India did try to procure engine, but UK denied us, since they consider us in the Soviet Block.

The Soviet Klimov K-7 was tried but couldn’t fit the existing airframe.

India then focus on the Egyptian engine development, even provided one Marut airframe for testing.

Whose fault was there, HAL or the Indian leadership, who took it granted that the German Engineers would design the engine too for India.

Why was the uprated version of the Orpheus 703 engine was not considered, or any effort to increase its thrust.

Just for the record, German engineers were never tasked to design the engine. The chief designer was the legendary Kurt Tank, who also designed the FW-190C. He was not an engine man.

Fitting in an engine is not like making a kathi roll. Dimensions matter, and weigh matters. At that time, every possible engine was tried. None of them worked.
You don't read very comfortably, do you?

Just for the record, German engineers were never tasked to design the engine. The chief designer was the legendary Kurt Tank, who also designed the FW-190C. He was not an engine man.

Fitting in an engine is not like making a kathi roll. Dimensions matter, and weigh matters. At that time, every possible engine was tried. None of them worked.

Every fighter plane is designed around an engine, and not the other way around. Without chosing an engine, whether Kurt tank was An engine man or Airframe expert, he cannot design the fighter plane on the paper itself, and needs the spec. of engine, Airintake volume, thrust, wt etc.

And by the way I gave those example to @MilSpec that Indian Political govt. did tried -- whether not too convising but they did tried but the conditions at that was not in favour of us.

And it was the stage, when IAF was convinsed, that Marut will remain underpower without decent engine, they goes for Jaguar -- A plane initially designed as LIFT, but have excellent low altitude flying capability.
Marut was one reliable fighter and a great design it was political and red tape incomptence that killed it had they been able to upgrade its engines india would be flowing completely made in india 5th gen fighters by now :sad:
Every fighter plane is designed around an engine, and not the other way around. Without chosing an engine, whether Kurt tank was An engine man or Airframe expert, he cannot design the fighter plane on the paper itself, and needs the spec. of engine, Airintake volume, thrust, wt etc.

And by the way I gave those example to @MilSpec that Indian Political govt. did tried -- whether not too convising but they did tried but the conditions at that was not in favour of us.

And it was the stage, when IAF was convinsed, that Marut will remain underpower without decent engine, they goes for Jaguar -- A plane initially designed as LIFT, but have excellent low altitude flying capability.

Dr. Tank, even while designing what he did for the Luftwaffe, did not have a specific engine in mind, so there goes your theory. You need to read up on the various combinations tried, until they settled on the happy final choice for the 190. The same thing happened with the Marut. Unfortunately, unlike his earlier experience, he did not now have the full attention of engine makers; in fact, they treated him with cavalier disdain.

Nowhere does one size fit all.
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