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43% Americans feel US made mistake by sending troops to Afghan

so you are telling me that USA will have better control of Afg when the leave. Is it supposed to be a joke. They dont have much control when they are on the ground and after they have left it will be good lol. Their airforce and predator drones are still at work, so i dont see whats the difference.
Yes USA is trying to leave behind a govt. and thats what the fight is all about that how can the Taliban be nutralized so that US can leave with honor and install a pupet govt in AFG

I am just telling you what I expect to happen. I did not say it would be better or worse. This is just one battle in a war that will last for generations, the cold war with communism lasted 80 years and left a 100 million dead, this one may last longer and leave more dead. I see it as a war between Primitive religious fanatics and the modren world. Pakistan is already in this war, a good example was when recently Islamic fanatics slaughter Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan. The taliban are primitive, savage, violent, brutal, and backward culture that Americans would have watched in amusement and horror but left alone till they were involved in the cold blooded murder of 3000 american civilians one morning.
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