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43% Americans feel US made mistake by sending troops to Afghan

What we should do from now on is that if we must go to war, go all out, defeat the enemy army, invade if necessary to defeat said army, then withdraw and declare the enemy 'winner'.
If usa hadn't intervened,afghanistan would still be ruled by talibans,where girls would be prohibited from going to even elementary schools,no modern education,no industries..etc.Now atleast the coming generations can have a good future(Especially girls)

Ya sure where girls couldn't go to schools, no education, no industry... now at-least they are dying as citizens of modern state.. Doesn't that justify American invasion? Sure it does!

Humanfirst, I wish you had thought some before making above post.
What we should do from now on is that if we must go to war, go all out, defeat the enemy army, invade if necessary to defeat said army, then withdraw and declare the enemy 'winner'.

And ofcours in addition to above advantages, earn a lot of humiliation, disrespect, sunk economy, frustrated Americans, more enemies and strategic losses. Ofcours that doesn't count much as long as you are declaring the enemies as winners. It is indeed worth it. Agreed.
Ya sure where girls couldn't go to schools, no education, no industry... now at-least they are dying as citizens of modern state.. Doesn't that justify American invasion? Sure it does!

Humanfirst, I wish you had thought some before making above post.

Dont paint such a bad picture. Its not reality. Proving point is one thing but giving false information is other.

Yes no doubt you hate America, but it doesnot mean you start making false stories.
The view of some Americans, sometimes you just can only laugh. It does not matter, the United States can continue, of course, the rift between the United States and the world also will continue to expand.
Dont paint such a bad picture. Its not reality. Proving point is one thing but giving false information is other.

Yes no doubt you hate America, but it doesnot mean you start making false stories.

I welcome you to being the world the real picture. Tell the world how many satisfied Afghans are and how it has prospered under American Invasion. My stories are false? Okay what about WikiLeak Stories? They are false too? What about frustrated Americans who kill themselves amidst war, more then one soldier per day.. does that indicate success? How much Afghans are Pro India/America/West? Has their percentage increased? How many of them think Afghanistan is a better place now?What is the gain that an average Afghan has since then? Can you count the Plus and weigh that against the Minuses of all this WAT and Peace with Wars theories? Is their life one inch better or one inch worse?

Your county's stake go the other way doesn't mean you stop denying reality and pretend to see everything good. Learn to live with truth, even if it hurts.
I welcome you to being the world the real picture. Tell the world how many satisfied Afghans are and how it has prospered under American Invasion. My stories are false? Okay what about WikiLeak Stories? They are false too? What about frustrated Americans who kill themselves amidst war, more then one soldier per day.. does that indicate success? How much Afghans are Pro India/America/West? Has their percentage increased? How many of them think Afghanistan is a better place now?What is the gain that an average Afghan has since then? Can you count the Plus and weigh that against the Minuses of all this WAT and Peace with Wars theories? Is their life one inch better or one inch worse?

Your county's stake go the other way doesn't mean you stop denying reality and pretend to see everything good. Learn to live with truth, even if it hurts.

The world knows the truth except pakistanis these days. As a close neighbour of afghanistan, what have you done in stabilising it. Nothing, tomorrow future generation of Afghanistan will not like your role in their history. Just to fulfill your goals, you created taliban. Now the poor condition of people and country is because of it.

As per people sympathy against American is considered, only fanatics and people under control of fanatics are against them.

And you know well how expert fanatics are with conspiracy theories.

About wikileaks, you accept only that suits you well. Accept it completely and ISI role in it.:pop:
The view of some Americans, sometimes you just can only laugh. It does not matter, the United States can continue, of course, the rift between the United States and the world also will continue to expand.

Of course you could give in to terrorist and allow groups like the Taliban and spread their radical brand of Islam, am sure China, Russia and India will be happy with that idea. Groups like the Taliban cant exist in peace with their neighbors, its either their way or no way.
The world knows the truth except pakistanis these days. As a close neighbour of afghanistan, what have you done in stabilising it. Nothing, tomorrow future generation of Afghanistan will not like your role in their history. Just to fulfill your goals, you created taliban. Now the poor condition of people and country is because of it.

As per people sympathy against American is considered, only fanatics and people under control of fanatics are against them.

And you know well how expert fanatics are with conspiracy theories.

About wikileaks, you accept only that suits you well. Accept it completely and ISI role in it.:pop:

ISI is described 16 times in it, while American failure is written some 60 thousand times. Does that make you think some? You can cancel 16 reports of American mishandling to equalize and that would still leave thousands of reports revealing American blunders.

Is anybody who is against the invasion of Afghanistan a fanatic to you? Lets calculate how good those "good" people has been. I have asked you to give me numbers of positive things that has happened to Afghanistan as a result of American Invasion/War/WAT and you are still swinging the talk trying to make new arguments. If you are looking to "make an argument" and "just that" then you have done your job already but if you want to prove something then this is what I am still waiting from you. Backup your claims with reasons and resources. I'm waiting...

We haven't invaded Afghanistan rather accepted thousands, rather millions of refugees during the war and after that. We share with our Afghan brothers our land, our meals, our flimsy resources and anything we could offer to ourself is offered to them. That counts for the people to people support. You know what, an Afghan in Pakistan doesn't count as foreigner, rather we embrace them as we embrace our Pakhtoon Brothers and so they feel at home when here in Pakistan.

If you are desperate to prove that Pakistan hasn't done anything good to Afghanistan - for the sake of argument - I can consider it for a moment but what is the HARM we offered them? Nothing. We support Afghans and Pashtoons who comprise 55% of population and control 85% of Afghan territory. If we are supporting them, who you think we are supporting? This side of Afghans or other side of Afghsnas, nevertheless we are talking of Afghans.
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The afgan people want NATO there instead of the taliban all the surveys done show that fact.
The world knows the truth except pakistanis these days. As a close neighbour of afghanistan, what have you done in stabilising it. Nothing, tomorrow future generation of Afghanistan will not like your role in their history. Just to fulfill your goals, you created taliban. Now the poor condition of people and country is because of it.

As per people sympathy against American is considered, only fanatics and people under control of fanatics are against them.

And you know well how expert fanatics are with conspiracy theories.

About wikileaks, you accept only that suits you well. Accept it completely and ISI role in it.:pop:
I suggest you think about what the Germans. This is the ally of the different views. India simply follow the United States, sometimes not really good for the United States.
SPIEGEL ONLINE Forum - Ist der Afghanistan-Krieg noch zu gewinnen? - Seite 239
Of course you could give in to terrorist and allow groups like the Taliban and spread their radical brand of Islam, am sure China, Russia and India will be happy with that idea. Groups like the Taliban cant exist in peace with their neighbors, its either their way or no way.

What's your problem with Russia, China and India? You cannot handle your own problems and you are worried about countries (with exception of India) who you describe as enemies? Let them suffer, let the Taliban be the problem you have been trying to become for your enemies.

If Afghans are bad, let them be bad for themselves or for their neighbors. Why are you a grand-pa of every body getting your soldiers killed for the war that doesn't give you a straw in the end. :woot:

This WAT and Iraq Invasion is such a rubbish. I wonder if you still have doubts that you guys made mistake. Accept it and recoil what you have left or deny it and end up being another USSR.
Of course you could give in to terrorist and allow groups like the Taliban and spread their radical brand of Islam, am sure China, Russia and India will be happy with that idea. Groups like the Taliban cant exist in peace with their neighbors, its either their way or no way.

The United States also has support for terrorism, what is different?
I am of course against terrorism, but I also oppose the United States of terrorism. The United States on the world to interfere too much, hurt too much, not to mention the fact hidden in the back of the real purpose of the United States dominate the world for greedy, not simply against terrorism. U.S. policy is already a kind of terrorism, the world's another source of confusion.
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I expect we will leave some group in power, perhaps the present countrys goverment and back them with air power and Predator Drones, the USA has several hundred now and will have hundreds more in the next two years. The USA and the Afghanstan goverment will have hundreds of agents on the ground helping select targets. Its going to hard for the taliban to take over when they have to live underground.

so you are telling me that USA will have better control of Afg when the leave. Is it supposed to be a joke. They dont have much control when they are on the ground and after they have left it will be good lol. Their airforce and predator drones are still at work, so i dont see whats the difference.
Yes USA is trying to leave behind a govt. and thats what the fight is all about that how can the Taliban be nutralized so that US can leave with honor and install a pupet govt in AFG

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